Unless She's Cute

Mile High Love

      Her heart had stopped. Her eyes were wide. A millions thoughts rushed through her head. One being “Damn, I am so glad I caved and let Isabella do my make up before the trip in case we met cute Korean boys.” Another being “I probably look like because I just woke up from probably the grossest nap of my life because that’s just my luck.”

     “Are you okay?” Chanyeol asked, actually for the third time but Danica just hadn’t heard. His English was surprisingly good. His pronunciation was great, almost as good as kyungsoo’s. Danica had heard little snippets of it here and there, but Exo had only started their new promotion after a 9 month hiatus. And, unfortunately, Danica and Isabella hadn’t had the time to follow their activities since they were so busy with the end of their senior year.

      Chanyeol was starting to get concerned. His eyebrows furrowed and he lifted his hand. He reached out as if he was about to touch her cheek. Her eyes travelled from his handsome face, down his long arm to the palm heading her way. She felt almost disappointed when the hand lifted a bit more and he just snapped in front of her face to get her out of her frozen state.

     “A-Annye-yeonghasey-yo.” She stuttered. Mentally cursing herself. She prided herself in how well she was able to learn basic Korean in the few months prior to this moment and she had just embarrassed herself.

    “Ah! A voice! So you’re not a doll.” He joked. She giggled just a bit. “That was really good.” He continued. “You were a bit shaky but you sounded Korean. Not bad for an American.”

      She sat up, looking around. Was this a dream? She looked down the aisle to see other exo members sitting in the first class seats that were empty when she fell asleep. When she saw the seat that was next to Isabella’s, she gasped at the sight of Sehun. He was chatting away in Korean to who, she hoped, was her best friend. Isabella was almost completely fluent in Korean by now. She deserved this.

      Danica turned and looked at chanyeol, “Wait, how do you know I am American?” Most people on this flight were returning to Korea, not going on vacation. So why would he assume she was American?

     “I know a lot about you, actually.” He tapped a finger on his head. Then caught himself, putting his hands in front of him in defense. “I’m not a creepy stalker, I promise!” Pointing at her phone that was on her lap, he explained “Your friend texted you a bunch of times and they were on the screen. I guess you fell asleep before the plane took off. She was saying things like:” he began mocking an typical American girl’s accent “OMG Exo is here, Danica” completely butchering her name by saying “Day-nee-kah”. 

     She felt her face flush. 

    “It was really funny.” He took out his own phone. “I texted baekhyun about it. He’s kind of worried that you guys are stalking us. Especially when I told him I am the picture on your lock screen.” She mentally punched herself. He laughed again, not noticing the embarassed look she had “He said to try and get you removed from this seat for my safety.” Her heart sank until he mocked Baekhyun's voice, reciting a text “Unless she’s cute.”

    Danica, as if on reflex, said “So am I getting kicked out?”

    He looked at her in confusion, not understanding the saying. She said, more clearly, “Am I getting removed?”

    “Are you still in the seat?” He asked, in all seriousness. She looked down, her seat belt still fastened, her back still against the plush chair, and then her eyes returned to Chanyeol. This time, when she looked at him, he looked different. Less like a fantasy and more like a reality. The dreamy glow had subsided, replaced by the natural one he always had. She nodded in response to his question. “Then that should be your answer.”

    Chanyeol smiled that grin she'd seen so many times before but never like this, and her heart skipped a beat. Chanyeol thought she was cute.

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KrispyBaekyeol #1
Chapter 11: ooo i loved this fanfic from beginning to end. :D the ending was so touching!
MissPepperoni17 #2
Chapter 11: Awwww so sweet!
Kreaseben #3
Love this!xD
KrispyBaekyeol #4
Chapter 7: this is an amazing fanfic. I LURVE IT.
Chapter 7: bless :') i love it heh