But We Are One, We Are...

Mile High Love

     Chanyeol shoved his hands in his pockets and let out a huge sigh. He was smiling brighter than he had in weeks. The Hollywood sign was something to marvel at. They had such a perfect view from where they were. The lights were shining so brightly at this time of night. Despite all the hustle and bustle of LA, he felt like everything was silent. He took in a deep breath, pulling his hoodie a little closer to his body. It was strangely cold on this night, but he preffered it that way.

    “Oh uh” mumbled a girl who had bumped into Chanyeol’s shoulder, knocking his dreamlike state away. She waved a bit at him. “Sorry!” But kept on her way, heels clacking until they faded into the distance. He stared at her as she walked away. Not because she was pretty, as Baekhyun and Sehun for a little later, but because she had so absentmindedly passed him by. He was just another guy on the street to her, and he didn’t have to worry about anything else.

    He was just as insignificant as a cloud or a streetlight to her.

   “Hey, Chanyeol?” Baekhyun asked, coming up next to him. The shorter idol’s eyes were fixed on the sign and Chanyeol’s soon joined his again.

   “Hm? What’s up?” The taller asked.

   “You okay? You seem kind of empty right now.” Baekhyun admitted, Sehun sitting down on the bench a few feet away from them.

     “It’s just nice getting a chance to be the same as everyone else, you know?” He tried to explain, but Baekhyun and Sehun were clueless. He shook his head, letting out a chuckle that the other two knew wasn’t real. “It’s whatever.”

    “I don’t think this is a good idea at all.” Sehun interjected as Chanyeol and Baekhyun sat on the bench as well. “We could easily get spotted and then our Manager will have our heads. It’s great pretending and all, but you know we’re not the same as everyone else.”

     Chanyeol stayed quiet, watching the regular people walk by on the sidewalk.

    “We worked hard and trained for a really long time. We deserve to be stars and idols. That’s what we’ve been striving for all these years. I don’t like being a regular person again.” Sehun continued.

      Baekhyun eyed the tallest idol with a concerned expression. It was odd of him to be so quiet.

      Sehun stood. “Let’s just go back to our rooms. Walking around like we haven’t worked our asses off for nearly half of our lives isn’t my idea of a good time.”

                “Shut up.”

                Baekhyun and Sehun flinched and looked to Chanyeol. His voice was so menacing.

                “What?” Sehun couldn’t believe what he had heard.

                “I said ‘Shut. Up.’” Chanyeol repeated, his eyes now glowing with irritation.

                “What’s with you?!” Sehun hissed.

       Chanyeol stood up and grabbed the younger idol by the fabric of his jacket. “You don’t have the right to disrespect what you don’t understand. Maybe I like feeling like I belong with the rest of these people. Maybe being just another person walking on the street makes me feel safe and calm.” A growl through gritted teeth.

       Sehun pulled away and angrily spat back. “Don’t throw away everything that we’ve worked for. We’re not them anymore! Pictures of us, 8 feet tall, are hanging on high buildings in Korea. We don’t get to be normal anymore. We are one! We are-“

     EXO!” Chanyeol shouted back clenching his fists. “I know! Okay?!”

     Suddenly a girl across the street screamed. “Oh my god, Exo!?

     Chanyeol and Sehun continued to stare at each other until they heard Baekhyun scream “What are you guys doing? Take a picture, it will last longer. We’ve gotta run!




Chanyeol's words kept echoing through Sehun's head. He had been thinking about their fight ever since that night. They hadn't spoken to each other since then, and three days without a smile from him was brutal. He tried to understand what Chanyeol meant, but Sehun couldn't imagine letting all of his fame go so that he could be just another citizen again. He had worked so hard. What could be worth throwing that all away?

He looked over at Isabella who was staring out the window. Her hair was so curled at the start of the flight, but they had fallen by now, like waves. He could see the smle on her face from here as the light of the sunset shined on her skin, making her glow.  She was just another citizen, and yet there was a warmness he felt whenever he looked her way.

Chanyeol... is this sort of what you were talking about? Does she see me as Exo, or simply as Sehun? He just didn't know what to think.





(Author's Note:)

Teehee, a bit of a Sebella teaser there. AND I also revealed the fight that occured between our two leading men! How will this fight get resolved? Will Chanyeol and Sehun truly realize what it is they want? Hm, just gonna have to keep reading. 

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KrispyBaekyeol #1
Chapter 11: ooo i loved this fanfic from beginning to end. :D the ending was so touching!
MissPepperoni17 #2
Chapter 11: Awwww so sweet!
Kreaseben #3
Love this!xD
KrispyBaekyeol #4
Chapter 7: this is an amazing fanfic. I LURVE IT.
Chapter 7: bless :') i love it heh