Rest Your Hand

Mile High Love

         “Chanyeol… don’t you think Baekhyun is gonna get mad?” Danica asked, analyzing the entire situation. Baekhyun had made the mistake of falling asleep while it was still sunny out. The majority of the trip would be sunny, of course, but it was still a mistake. Chanyeol had poured a bit of whip cream on his fellow band member’s hand. Danica had thought it strange that Chanyeol had whip cream in his carry on, but she assumed he had it on him for this very occasion.

           “What’s he going to do if he gets mad?” the tall Korean replied, laughing as he asked the rhetorical question. Chanyeol was way bigger than Baekhyun; he had no chance.

“Go ahead then.” She gestured for him to continue with this little prank.

           Chanyeol suddenly looked concerned. “Agh!” he groaned, frustrated, “I don’t have something to tickle him with.” It was true. There was no feather to be found. This whole whip cream deal was starting to fall apart. Suddenly, Danica felt a tugging at her hair. Chanyeol was caressing a few strands, feeling them in between his large fingers. He nodded as he felt her locks and finally gave her a big nod. “This will work.”

           She was then tugged close to Baekhyun. She wished she had let her hair grow longer because being so close to Baekhyun’s face was kind of awkward. She watched as Chanyeol tickled the other’s nose. It wrinkled and he tossed and turned a bit before reaching up and doing exactly what the two had anticipated.

           Danica and Chanyeol couldn’t help but laugh. There was a big pile of whip cream on Baekhyun’s cheek and he grumbled as his eyes open and he noticed what had just went on. Trying to fix the situation, the shorter idol shook his hand to try and get rid of the remaining cream. The white sugary treat flung to Danica’s cheek. Before she could even reach to get it off, CHanyeol’s thumb was placed gently on her skin. He smoothed the cream away and smiled at her. “Sorry.” He mouthed, before pulling the whip cream into his mouth and returning his attention to Baekhyun, leaving a blushing Danica.

           The idols conversed in Korean. The American girl had no idea what they were saying, but she could tell they were having a “fight”. It wasn’t much of an argument since half the time Chanyeol was laughing. She honestly paid it no mind until she saw the shorter idol point at her. The mood of their conversation seemed to shift. Both of their sentences ended with the kind of inflection that would make you think it was a question. She blinked at the two of them, wondering what they could possibly be talking about.


           Once or twice, she heard her name. The first few times it was Baekhyun trying to say it and Chanyeol correcting his pronunciation, although he didn't get it right his first time either. Her thoughts were along the lines of How does Baekhyun know my name without Chanyeol telling him? Did Isabella tell them all? Has Chanyeol been texting him about me? She glanced back at Isabella and saw her still chatting to Sehun, not even glancing up to see what craziness was going on a few rows up. No use in ing right now.

      She wanted to open and say something to the boys, request English like she had so many times before with Chanyeol. However, when she glanced down the aisle, the saw a flight attendant giving them a dirty look. They were probably causing a disruption to all of the other passengers.

           Without thinking, Danica grabbed Chanyeol’s hand. It stopped him mid-sentence. Their fingers were intertwined and his eyes locked on where they were touching. Baekhyun stopped speaking too, realizing that Chanyeol wasn’t paying attention at all. She pulled him to their seats, not realizing what she had just done until their fingers were slipping apart as he slipped into the window seat.

            Danica sat without looking at him, reaching over to set her arm on the arm rest closest to him, but then faltering when she realized the arm rest wasn’t there. She gasped as her arm fell and she was forced to look his way. “I pulled it up.” He explained, knowing why she was confused. “It’s kind of cramped.”

           She nodded and began to pull her hand towards her lap, but he stopped her. “No…” he took her hand and intertwined their fingers just as she did before, but with a different purpose. “You can rest your hand here.” He gave her a light squeeze.

           She didn’t squeeze back. Too scared too, actually. But she smiled and fiddled with the same lock of her hair from before with her free hand. Chanyeol was smiling too, looking out the window but obviously daydreaming about something else. His thumb would occasionally graze over the skin on the back of her hand and she’d feel so warm. She was glad he wasn’t looking, because he’d see her blushing again.

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KrispyBaekyeol #1
Chapter 11: ooo i loved this fanfic from beginning to end. :D the ending was so touching!
MissPepperoni17 #2
Chapter 11: Awwww so sweet!
Kreaseben #3
Love this!xD
KrispyBaekyeol #4
Chapter 7: this is an amazing fanfic. I LURVE IT.
Chapter 7: bless :') i love it heh