Take-Off: Isabella Edition

Mile High Love

   Isabella wasn’t as heavy of a sleeper as Danica was. Once a loud group of passengers began to find their seats in first class, her eyes opened. She checked her phone, letting out a slight groan when she realized she had only been asleep for 7 minutes.

   Maybe Danica is still awake? She wondered, slipping back into the aisle seat since it was still empty. She tilted her head so she could see Danica’s seat.

   That’s when she saw them. All of them. She gasped, not able to believe her eyes. First was Kai, who took the window seat a few rows up from Danica. Next was Baekhyun who took the aisle seat a couple of rows in front of her own on the opposite side. Third was Suho, who actually made eye contact with her and waved before taking aisle seat in the row right in front of her. Fourth was D.O. who took the seat next to Kai without any hesitation. Someone she didn’t recognize sat next to Suho and gave her a strange look.

   I’m being really creepy, aren’t I. She thought. But she figured the rest of Exo K had to be there. She continued to watch, a bit more subtly now.

   Chanyeol’s interaction with Danica’s sleeping body was adorable from Isabella’s point of view. He stopped and looked around at the other members who were already sitting, pointing at Danica with a look of confusion. After a moment, he chuckled and squatted down so he was eye level with her. He smiled at  her face and then stood again. Looking at Suho, Chanyeol said “It’s okay, It’s okay!” in Korean before slipping by her and sitting in his seat. Thank God Isabella had become relatively fluent in Korean in the past few months. It wasn’t until just then that she realized how helpful it really would be.

   That series of events prompted her to hop back to her seat and whip out her phone. She was furiously texting Danica, trying to hardest to wake her up. She didn’t think about the fact that Chanyeol was sitting right next to her and he could probably get a good look at her phone.

   She didn’t notice her seat mate take his place. She was too engulfed in her phone.

   “Hyung?” she heard the person beside her whisper to Suho. “Hyung I think there may be a problem.”

   Hyung? Who would call Suho hy-… “Oh my God.” Isabella mumbled. “Oh. My. God.” She said, a bit louder this time, her head turning to face the whisperer. “OH MY GOD.” This time it was practically a squeal. Sehun flinched, not afraid to say “Hyung, really, I think—“ without whispering this time.

   “I’m going to die. I’m literally going to die.” Isabella kept repeating, feeling her forehead; she was burning up. She felt her heart; it was beating out of control. She was anything but smooth right now. Sehun didn’t understand any of it. His English was pretty . Anything he did know he had forgotten in the months prior to the comeback. He didn’t like to practice.

   When she realized that he was getting uncomfortable. She stopped. She froze, actually. Which was just as awkward for him. “Are you okay?” He asked, in Korean, not really expecting her to understand.

  “I’m… I’m fine, sorry.” She responded in his native tongue, surprising him at least. He could tell she wasn’t Korean, so he figured she was from America. It was impressive that she could speak it with such a good accent. He didn’t speak to her again, looking down at his phone to text the other members about his misfortune.

   I just blew it. She mentally sobbed. She didn’t want to cry in front of him, make him think she was even weirder than he already did. She just sat there, staring at her phone, at all the texts she had sent Danica and gotten no reply.

   Her mind rushed to the words she had promised herself she’d say if she ever got a chance to meet Sehun. She turned  to face him, only to frown when she saw the stranger from earlier standing in the aisle, staring at her. She assumed It must be the SM representative escorting them from America. “Excuse me, ma’am.” He asked. Did she really look that old to be called ma’am?! “But I’m going to have to ask that you trade seats with someone. Perhaps the girl sitting next to Chanyeol up there would be a good person to sit with. It would make us more comfortable if the members sat together.”

   Sehun didn’t make any eye contact with her.

   Isabella nodded in response to the stranger’s words, but then asked “Would it be alright if I just said one thing to Sehun?” She said it in such perfect Korean that the man looked a bit shocked. He looked at Sehun and asked him to just hear her out and so they could get everyone settled. The maknae sighed and turned to look at her.

   Sehun looked at her directly. When their eyes met, he was locked in too. There was a sincerity in her eyes. Something that he had never seen before from a crazed fan. He nodded at her to say what she wanted. He knew she could speak Korean fairly well, so at least he could understand what she said.

   Isabella took a deep breath.

   “I just wanted to thank you for being you. Things aren’t always easy for me, but you always managed to cheer me up. The best part is, you didn’t even know you were cheering me up. You did it effortlessly. I would smile whenever I saw a picture of your smiling face. I would laugh whenever you did or said something silly on a variety show or on stage. You just make me so happy and I’m so thankful for that. It was never about you being famous; you would make me happy even if you weren’t famous. I’m just drawn to you because you’re you. So thank you, and don’t ever change.”

   She stood up right away, not wanting to hear a half-assed response. She slipped past him, the stranger moving to the side to give her room. Sehun’s eyes followed her as she left, almost out of reach.

   But not quite.

   He grabbed her hand.

   “What’s your name?” he asked.

   She looked back at him. “It’s… Isabella.”

   He nodded and then looked to the stranger. “She can stay.”

   Her heart jumped. He let go of her hand and nodded at the seat beside him. She hesitantly slid back to her seat and watched as the stranger finally fell out of view back into his seat.

   Sehun didn’t say anything more. He shut his phone, but she noticed it was still buzzing uncontrollably. He turned off the vibration so it would stop being annoying. It was obviously the other members questioning him about his decision.

   “Why did you let me stay?” She asked after she clicked her seatbelt into place a little while later. He waited until the plane was speeding up the runway, preparing to ascend, to answer her.

   “There’s something I don’t understand, something a friend tried to explain to me but I refused to listen.” He admitted. His grip tightened on the armrest as they ascended, and Isabella didn’t know if he was afraid of flying or if he was afraid of understanding. “Maybe, with you, I can figure it out.


(Author's Note:

Sorry this update took so long but I was super busy the whole week and I had a lot planned for this chapter ((that's why it is so long)) I hope you guys enjoy it! The Sebella ship will make a few more appearances. But don't worry, danichan shippers, the next chapter will be full of danichan feels! Thanks for reading.)

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KrispyBaekyeol #1
Chapter 11: ooo i loved this fanfic from beginning to end. :D the ending was so touching!
MissPepperoni17 #2
Chapter 11: Awwww so sweet!
Kreaseben #3
Love this!xD
KrispyBaekyeol #4
Chapter 7: this is an amazing fanfic. I LURVE IT.
Chapter 7: bless :') i love it heh