{ 15_;;

Please Don't Go


I walked into the house to find Mir and the boys sit in the living room watching a horror movie, Joon was hugging Mir as he was watching and I couldn’t help but laugh a little.

“Oppa,” I called, they looked at me and waved.

“NARA,” Mir shrieked.

“I need to talk to you,” I waved him over. He pushed Joon off and got up walking towards me.

“What is it?” he said walking with me to the kitchen.

“I met Se Yeon shi,” I said slowly, “She wants Seungho oppa to see her.”

Mir’s eyes opened wide, “Really!? That nerve of that girl! When Seungho hyung is finally over her, she wants to reel him back in!”

“Should I tell him that she wants to meet him?”

“...I would say no, but it’s Seungho hyung that has to decide...”

I nodded, “Can you go bring him then?”

“Yeah,” he walked towards the living room then stopped, he turned around, “Oh and Nara, could you make us some nachos and popcorn?”

I frowned, “Okay.”   


When Seungho walked into the kitchen I could see him smiling, “Nara, what’s up?”

“Oppa..” I looked at him, “Today I bumped into someone that wants to see you..”

“Who?” he asked curious but still... happy..

“So Yeon shii...”


“She looked like she really needed to talk to you, her face was pretty pale. She looked sick...”

He took in a deep breath, “Did she say where she wanted to meet me?”

“No... But she said that you should call her.” I look at him with concern, he seemed to be a little confused on what to do, I walked up to him and patted him on the back, “You don’t have to see her if you don’t want to...”

He nodded, “Yes, I know.”

“Yeah, so that is what I wanted to talk to you about,” I walked towards the microwave and took out the melted cheese that I had put in when Mir had gone out, when I was done, I walked with Seungho back to the living room where the boys were now all cuddly.


 I walked down the dark streets towards the nearest convenience store, as I did I spotted someone familiar.

“Oppa, get it for mee~” the voice whined with aegyo.

“Hyo Rin...?” I walked closer to the figure, she turned around and looked at me. There was an awkward tension in the air, but she broke it with her lovely smile.

“Kikwang oppa, what are you doing here?”

“I-I was getting some food,” I answered, I looked to the person beside her it was Junho the boy that she cheated me on with.

“How have you been doing lately?” she asked.

“Good good,” I smiled at her.

“Have you found someone new?”

I thought of Nara, “I could say so.”

“That’s great!” She looked at me and frowned, “I’m sorry...”

“It’s okay...” I looked at Junho was concentrating on getting the stuff animal from the toy box, “How has he been treating you?”

She looked down, “He’s treating me good... But not as good as you did...”

I chuckled, “Do you regret it?”

“...I’m not sure, I’ll get back to you later...”

I laughed, “Alright, well I’m going to go, have fun~”

She nodded as I turned away I could still feel her eyes burning through my head.


I quietly walked into my room and headed towards my window, taking a seat on the ledge, I took out my cell phone. No messages. I sighed and tried to think of something to write to Kikwang when someone knocked on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked staring at my door.
"It's me, your cousin," Mir said slowly opening the door. I watched as he came into the room and plopped on my bed.
"Whatcha want?"
"Nothing, just gonna ask if you wanted to go out with us to karaoke."
"Ehhh, with you guys only?"
"Well, Joon hyung called Doo Joon hyung... they are coming with their girlfriends, meaning your friends."
"Ok then... Let me go change."
"Be down by five."
"Five, you're kidding I need at least fifteen."
"Whatever just hurry!" I nodded as I went searching for clothes to wear... What kind of clothes does Kikwang like girls wearing..?

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Chapter 48: it was so good i thought i was watching a movie
Chapter 7: love it it was awesome
ellemoo #3
Chapter 48: LOVED IT!!
Ooohh my god i love this fanfic is was so good~~! ^^v
OMIGOD! Seriously this is really a GOOD STORY!
I loooove this!!! In the beginning Kikwang is so uncomfortable and it's cute in a way!!! ^^
jenjeneee #7
I thought she died in the last chapter, I was like WHAT NOOOOOO SHE CAN'T DIEEEEE!<br />
But OMG, I LOVE YOU GUARDIAN ANGEL! I'm so happy everything's back to normal between them<3<br />
Amazing story, thanks for an amazing fic ^^
What a spectacular story!~ i loved it so much! made me cry at the end just knowing that things ended well. :'D
I love it!
Must keep reading! :D