{ 29._;;

Please Don't Go


“Mrs. Park is it okay if we move you to the general room?”

“General room?”

“Yes, where the recovering patients are staying at.”

I nodded as she helped me get up and on the wheelchair pushing me along the hallway, I watched as sick children ran around as well as other older patients talking to each other. The nurse help me onto my bed and bid farewell until later, I laid my head down on the pillow and closed my eyes but soon got distrubed.  

“Noona~” I felt someone pull my arm, I turn to look a little boy smiling at me.

“Ye,” I asked.

“Would you like a cookie? I just got some from hyung! He said I should share some with people.”

I smiled, “It’s okay, I’m good. Thanks though.”

“Are you sure noona?”

“I’m sure.”

He smiled one last big smile and turned around and ran towards the other side of the room to an older black haired boy. Who waved and smiled at me, I nodded and smiled, turning back to look at the ceiling, slowly falling asleep.

Waking up I could hear a deep voice reading a story, turning my head towards the voice I chuckled to see the same dark haired boy in a bunny costume jumping around with a kid’s book in his hand. The kids and older adults laughed as they watched him amusingly. When the story was over he took off the costume and put it away in the closet, then walking around he bid farewell to everyone. When he go to my bed he extended his hand, “Hello my name is Eli, it’s nice to meet you.”

“..Hi, my name is Nara, nice to meet you.”

“You’re new aren’t you?”

I nodded, “Yeah, I’ll be only staying here for two days.”

“Ah...” I watch him look down a little and then back up, “Lucky.”


“I have to stay here for another week.”

“Eh? Why? You don’t look sick.”

“I don’t right!” I watched him grin.


“But I am, sadly.”


“Yeah, I have a diease.”

“...I’m so sorry.”

“It’s alright,” I watched as he smiled a smiley smile, “I’m not at the stage were I’d die just yet.”

“...” He was so optimistic... Like Kikwang...

“You look sad, are you okay?” he asked staring in my eyes, his eyes brown and soft.

“Aren’t you going to be leaving?” I asked looking away. 

“Ah, yeah! I have a doctor’s appointment now!”

“...You better get going then...”

“Nara shi, I’ll be back in an hour talk to you then?”


“I’ll wheel you outside!”

“B-but it’s getting dark!” I yelled pointing at the red sky.

“See ya!” He ran out towards the hall, staring at the door dazed I chuckled a small chuckle... did he just arrange a small date with me?


An hour later I see Eli walking tiredly into the room, but when he saw me look he instantly smiled, “Hey! You stayed up to meet me!”

“Actually since I slept for so long, I couldn’t fall back to sleep,” I stated.

“Ah...Well anyways let’s get you onto the wheelchair and let’s go outside!” He picked me up in a bridal style way and effortlessly moved me to the wheelchair.

“HEY!” I yelled as I sat down, “You didn’t have to do that!”

He put his finger over his mouth whispering through them, “Nara shi you’re loud look around, the elderly and children are all sleeping...”

“But I could’ve just gotten to and on the wheelchair myself,” I whispered loudly.

“Let’s go,” he smiled ignoring me, slowly the wheelchair started to move and we navigated down the cold and dark hallway. We stopped in front of the elevator I looked at my hand and at the couple ring that was on my finger. Sighing, I took the ring off and put it in my pocket.

“Why are you putting your couple ring away?” Eli asked, pushing me into the elevator.

“How’d you know it is a couple ring?” I asked.

“Well, I don’t know... Just guessed... why are you putting it away?”  

“Just don’t want to wear it right now.”



“Fought with him?”

“No...” Silence, “Aren’t you going to guess again?”

“No, I have no more ideas on why you are putting your ring away.”

“Should I tell you?”

“I don’t know...... i mean,  if you want to tell your new friend your secrets then go on right ahead,” he said.

New friend eh? I smiled, “Okay, I’ll tell you.”

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Chapter 48: it was so good i thought i was watching a movie
Chapter 7: love it it was awesome
ellemoo #3
Chapter 48: LOVED IT!!
Ooohh my god i love this fanfic is was so good~~! ^^v
OMIGOD! Seriously this is really a GOOD STORY!
I loooove this!!! In the beginning Kikwang is so uncomfortable and it's cute in a way!!! ^^
jenjeneee #7
I thought she died in the last chapter, I was like WHAT NOOOOOO SHE CAN'T DIEEEEE!<br />
But OMG, I LOVE YOU GUARDIAN ANGEL! I'm so happy everything's back to normal between them<3<br />
Amazing story, thanks for an amazing fic ^^
What a spectacular story!~ i loved it so much! made me cry at the end just knowing that things ended well. :'D
I love it!
Must keep reading! :D