{ 3o_;;

Please Don't Go


I stared at the dark sky, the stars were bright today... my wheelchair came to a stop and Eli turned me towards the bench.  Sitting down he smiled at me, “So... What’s the story?” I hesitated a bit but in the end I spilled the beans and told him about what had leaded me to being here, and about Kikwang and Jiyoung. When I finished I heard him sigh.

“That is something Nara shi...”

“Isn’t it? It’s so complicated now... I don’t know what to do, how to tell him...”

“If he loves you, like he told you,” Eli started off, “Then he’d accept the baby...”

“But it’s not his,” I said looking away...

“If I was him, who I am not, I would stick to the one I loved,” I turned to see him look up in the sky. Don’t tell me he had a similar story as me?

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well I loved this girl,” he said chuckling, “She loved my best friend, they slept together and she got pregnant, my best friend player that he is, left her. She... she committed suicide.”


“Like a drama, eh?” He smiled, why was he still smiling?

“Would you stick to her if she didn’t die? Even though she had the child?”

“Of course, I love her!”


“Do you think Kikwang shi will stick with you?” He asked.

“I don’t know, that’s why I’m scared.”

“You know him don’t you? You know how he is, think about it.”

“... I don’t know...”

“You know him he loves you and you love him, think...”

“Eli shi, I-- honestly I’m afraid to even think, what if he leaves me? I don’t know what I’d do without him.” I looked into Eli’s eyes, reflecting back from was an image of me... I looked like a scared child. Facing away from him I felt a warm hand over mine, looking down I could see Eli’s big hands covering mine.

“Nara shi it’s okay. I’m sorry for pushing you,” I heard him sigh “It’s just that either way he’s going to know right? So why don’t you tell him before someone else tells him?”

“...”  I nodded.

“And if that Jiyoung girl finds out before Kikwang shi then, well you know what’s going to happen.”

I nodded sighing yet again I changed the subject, “Now let’s not talk about me only, let’s talk about you.”


“Mir hurry up it’s almost time to go pick Nara up!” I said as I got my shoes on, Mir quickly ran from the kitchen then towards the living room and back, when he was finally in front of me, his hands were full.

“Hyung help me out,” Mir said, piling pillows and bags of food in my arms.

“What is this for?”

“It’s for Nara’s health,” he said.


“Gah, hyung that is dropping!”

“What’s wrong with Nara if you’re so worried?!”

“...She’ll tell you when we pick her up...” I watched as he quickly got out towards Seungho’s car.


I woke up to see Eli smiling at me, “Yo.”

I rubbed my eyes getting up, “Why are you here?”

“It’s almost 12, I’m usually playing with the kids at 10, but since they are eating I stayed behind to wait for you to wake up.”

I swung my feet towards the side, “I’m going to go to the washroom and wash up.”

“Do you need me to get the nurse?”


The nurse from yesterday came with a warm smile on her face, Eli helped me onto the wheelchair and the nurse slowly pushed me towards the washroom.  When I was done the nurse wheeled me out to Eli, who took over and pushed me towards the hospital’s cafeteria.

“What do you want to eat?” Eli asked as we moved towards the line.

“I don’t know... I’m not all that hungry...”

“The baby needs food.”

“...I know...”

“What about just toast and some scrambled eggs?”

“Sounds fine.”

“Alright,” Eli picked up food from the counter and placed it on the tray, paying for the food he wheeled me and held the tray towards an empty table. He put the tray down handing me a fork, “Eat.”

I nodded, picking up a piece of the egg and placing it in my mouth, slowly I chewed and swallowed, “Mhmmm....”


“Mhm, it tastes good for hospital food...”

“Right?” He smiled and began to eat.


When we arrived at the hospital we talked to the front desk, heading towards the new room that Nara had been moved to I took a breath. Slowly opening the door I walked in, there was no one besides an older looking man.

“Ahjusshi, do you know a young pretty girl that just came yesterday?” Seungho asked.


“Ne, Nara.”

“She went out with Eli, I think they are at the cafeteria,” he smiled, “Eli is a good boy, he made her smile!”

“Who is Eli?” I asked Mir, he shrugged his shoulders.

“Let’s go find out, hyung!” Mir happily skipped out of the room and towards the cafeteria.  I followed behind with Seungho who bowed to the elder and walked out.

“Is this Eli, a big kid or a small kid,” Mir wondered as he looked around, “I’m so curious on who asked her to lunch!”

I stared at him and pouted, “Please, Nara doesn’t look at anyone but me!”

“HAHAHA,” Seungho laughed, I looked at him and he covered his mouth with his hand.

“Is there something funny hyung?”

“Nothing Kikwang, nothing... !”

We walked in and the first thing that caught my attention was Nara’s smiling face, she was laughing happily... with an OLDER boy.

“Wow,” Mir said, “They seem to be having fun...”

I frowned as I walked towards them, I could feel something stirring inside me. Jealousy?

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Chapter 48: it was so good i thought i was watching a movie
Chapter 7: love it it was awesome
ellemoo #3
Chapter 48: LOVED IT!!
Ooohh my god i love this fanfic is was so good~~! ^^v
OMIGOD! Seriously this is really a GOOD STORY!
I loooove this!!! In the beginning Kikwang is so uncomfortable and it's cute in a way!!! ^^
jenjeneee #7
I thought she died in the last chapter, I was like WHAT NOOOOOO SHE CAN'T DIEEEEE!<br />
But OMG, I LOVE YOU GUARDIAN ANGEL! I'm so happy everything's back to normal between them<3<br />
Amazing story, thanks for an amazing fic ^^
What a spectacular story!~ i loved it so much! made me cry at the end just knowing that things ended well. :'D
I love it!
Must keep reading! :D