The Last Holiday.

   Jongin just finish playing with Sehun at the pool and now he is thirsty. He goes to the kitchen and drink a glass of  orange juice. he walks to the living room and his heart feel really uneasy. He then realize that Kyungsoo is nowhere to be seen.


Jongin search for Kyungsoo all over the place but he can’t find him anywhere. He ask all of the member but their answer are the same. “I’m sorry, Jongin. I don’t know where Kyungsoo is. Sorry.” He then give up. Maybe Kyungsoo is wondering around the villa or going out somewhere,Jongin thinks.


He walks to his shared room with Kyungsoo and look out the window. He let out a heavy sigh. ‘where could he be at the time like this?’ Jongin thought. He walks to his bed and sit on it. He fishes out and dialed Kyungsoo’s number. He waited.


Beep. Beep. Beep. The number you had called is not answering. Please try again later.


Jongin tried for a few more times but he failed to call him. “Why is Hyung not answering? Where could he be?” he think and think for the possible places that Kyungsoo could be but he already checked them. He think some more. Harder. But only to be disturb on the knock on the door.



“Urmm..Jonginnie,have you seen Junmyeonnie anywhere? I couldn’t find him. I’ve been searching for him for hours now.” Tao ask while rubbing his neck. “No. I haven’t. sorry.” Jongin answer simply,smiling to the latter. Tao just smile back and turning his back to go somewhere else. But Jongin stop him first.


“Hey,hyung. I haven’t seen Kyungie everyday too. Do you think that the both of them going out together. Like on a date or something.” Jongin ask.


Tao look at him with a surprise but angry face. “Nah..If they do I will wushu the crap out of them. I promise you.” The both of them laugh. But the laughter turns into silent.


“I don’t know. Maybe? I guess. But why would they?” Tao looks at Jongin with a sad face. “Don’t know.” Jongin answer.


They stay silent for a few minutes then Tao excuse himself to go back to his room. Jongin just nodded at him.


When Tao is out of sight,Jongin walks to the bathroom and wash his face. He suddenly feel really tired. he takes a towel and wipes his face and he feel a little bit weird for a while.


‘Jongin,Jongin! Help me! Jongin!’


Jongin looks everywhere but the owner of the voice is nowhere to be found. He tought it was Kyungsoo’s but he’s not there. Maybe it’s his imagination or something. Jongin feels goosebumps all over his body. But then he just shrugged it off.


But when he walks out the bathroom he heard it again.


‘Jongin,don’t leave me! Please! I’m so scared’


This time he’s sure that it’s Kyungsoo’s voice. He search everywhere but still its nowhere to be found. “Hyung! Hyung! Answer me! Where are you?” Jongin shout. But it doesn’t reply his question.


Jongin was about to give up when he heard the voice again calling him to go in the bathroom. He walks in there but no one appears. He waits for a few minutes but nothing.


When wants to walk out again he feel someone tugging on his left arm. He looks at the owner and he know whose hand it is. It’s Kyungsoo’s.


He looks at the latter face. Its so pale. It looks like Kyungsoo is terrified and crying for hours now.


“Hyung,what happened? Why are you like this?” Kyungsoo hugs Jongin. “I’m scared. Don’t leave me.” Crying. “I’m not,I’m not.”Jongin reassure him.


But the, Jongin feel weak. He feel like he can’t stand properly and all of his strength is gone. “Hyung,why am I feeling like this?” he ask. “I feel like-Argh!” he can’t finish his sentence cause of Kyungsoo.


“Hyung! why are you scratch my back with a knife. Its freeking bleeding.!” Jongin shouts. He looks at Kyungsoo and the boy looks like he is being control. His eyes is feel with tears ready to drop. “Jonginnie,sorry. Run!” Kyungsoo push Jongin out of the bathroom and ‘BAM!’ the door shuts.


Jongin try to open it but it’s no use. “Hyung,hyung! open it! Hyung! Do Kyungsoo!” he knocks on the door and crying. He then heard Kyungsoo sniffle. He is crying.


“Hyung!” the door clicks open suddenly and revealing Kyungsoo,who is trying to stab Jongin. Kyungsoo is crying and trying to fight the one who’s controlling his body.


“Drop the knife hyung. drop it!” Jongin say. Jongin never see Kyungsoo like this. Kyungsoo usually a bright and happy person. But now he is terrified,so fragile. He can’t stand seeing Kyungsoo like this.


“Run,please!!” Kyungsoo said while getting closer to Jongin. Jongin really tried to run but he feet can’t move. He is paralyzed.


Now Kyungsoo is a few inches away from him. Kyungsoo lifted his hand and..

“Hyung,no!” Jongin scream in his head. Kyungsoo murmers something and a drop of tear run slowly on Kyungsoo’s cheeks.


The moment Jongin realize,he wasn’t stab by Kyungsoo but where is the blood on the floor from?


“Kyungsoo! No! not you too!” Kyungsoo stomach is stab by a knife. And he is smilling although it hurts a lot.


Kyungsoo wipes the tears on Jongin’s face and smile.


“Don’t leave me hyung! I don’t have anyone else who can take care of like you do. Hyung please stay alive. Don’t leave me. Please.. Don’t.” Jongin hugs Kyungsoo tightly.


“Jonginnie,don’t be like that. The other members can take care of you. Don’t worry!” Kyungsoo smile at him.


“But-but..Hyung.. I don’t want to loose you,I don’t wa-“


“Jongin, I love you.. Always..! Goodbye, my love!” Kyungsoo kiss Jongin’s lips and suddenly he stop and he wasn’t breathing.


Jongin shakes Kyungsoo a few times but the latter isn’t waking up. “Hyung,no!” Jongin scream.


He shakes a severel more time hoping Kyungsoo just playing a trick on him but he isn’t. Jongin cry and scream. He couldn’t believe the love of his life is dead.


The other members  who was playing in the pool heard Jongin’s hysterical scream and rush over him. When they arrive, they saw Jongin is crying and Kyungsoo already gone. They are all really sad about had happen.


“Poor Jongin. He doesn’t have anyone else that he can depend on.  He lost contact of his father and sisters since he was 5 years old and his mother died a few months ago in a car accident to save him. And now this. Kyungsoo is dead infront of him. What did he do to get this kind of punishment.” Chanyeol whisper to Kris who is watching at Jongin’s break down.


Baekhyun try to soothe him but Jongin is still not calm. Everyone already tried their best to make Jongin feel better but the latter is too shock of had happen to him.




Here you go... the next chapter... *clapping

this is such a poorly written chapter... i know  i am really a bad author...*sobbing

sorry for the nth time... *crying my eyes out

i'm so sorry for not updating for sooooo loongg... *bowing

i have a ton of homework my teacher gives.. and i have to do some work at home..

so,i'm not active for the past few weeks..

i promise you to update faster and better..

thanks for those who subscribe,upvote and comment...

love you guys forever.. *giving flying kisses for you...

okey,i'm exagerating righ now..

keep on reading this not so good story...

thanks guys... exo fighting!!

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T-araFans #1
Please update this story...
T-araFans #2
Chapter 10: They must be sad...
NIce update...
Please update soon...
iminlovewithluhan #3
Chapter 3: Wow Jinjah your really good im freaking out so much please keep on going
DinojiRyeo #4
Chapter 10: update soon jebal :)
T-araFans #5
I've been waiting for you to update this story...
Please update soon... :)
T-araFans #6
Chapter 9: Why the Ghost want to kill everyone...
Please update soon...
T-araFans #7
Chapter 8: SO sad for what happened at Kyungsoo...
When i saw an update for this story...
I feel very happy for the update...
Please update soon...
T-araFans #8
Chapter 7: When will you update this story....
Please update soon...
T-araFans #9
Chapter 7: Wow!!! This Story is going more interesting....
Please update soon....
Can't wait for the next update...
T-araFans #10
Chapter 5: I can't see what will happen in the next chapter....
Please Update Soon...