
You Hate That You Got Caught

“I called for you, but I guess you were busy or something. But I order a pizza I thought maybe you would like some?” Taeyeon smiled awkwardly clearly not sure as to why she was saying this. Tiffany smiled and nodded following Taeyeon into the living room. Taeyeon placed the box on the coffee table, opening it releasing the delicious scent. Tiffany laughed as she noticed Taeyeon had sauce on her face, she threw a napkin for the slob. Taeyeon smiled as she does when she feels embarrassed, she carefully wiped the mess from her face. She leaned against the couch, since they were sitting on the floor. Taeyeon threw her crust into the pizza box, patting her stomach in defeat. Tiffany smiled picking up the crust Taeyeon had thrown away.

                “We don’t waste in this household” Tiffany giggled biting the end of the crust. Taeyeon smiled even though her mind was full of thoughts of how that was an indirect kiss. Taeyeon tried to stop her thoughts there because she knows if she allowed kiss to get too far into her head, she will think of kissing Tiffany which was a definite problem.

                “Taeyeon why weren’t you in class today” Yuri yelled as she entered the living room.

                “Glad your home too” Taeyeon sighed standing up on her slightly asleep legs. “Pizza is there if you want it, I’m going to go rest” Taeyeon dismissed herself from the others; she really just wanted to sleep. Tiffany shrugged to Yuri who was now left dumbfounded, she pointed to the half empty pizza box offering some to Yuri.

Tiffany lay in bed as Jessica was ranting about how her class was full of idiots who couldn’t even get a step that even an elementary student could do. Tiffany just nodded to look like she was listening to every word the girl was saying. Jessica glared at Tiffany sensing that she was being ignored.

                “You could at least act like my best friend” Jessica said as she stuck out her tongue, she walked out of the room trying to find Yuri she knew her girlfriend would listen to her. She walked into the living room; she looked around trying to find any sign of the dark haired girl. She groaned getting frustrated in her search.

                “Jessica” Yuri said as she walked out form the kitchen. Jessica looked at Yuri with a smile which quickly faded as she saw Yuri’s emotionless stare.

                “What’s the matter babe” Jessica asked running towards Yuri, now worried. Jessica studied Yuri’s actions; she has never seen Yuri like this something must have really affected her.

                “It’s Taeyeon” She said slowly trying to sort out her thoughts before she told her girlfriend.

                “What about Taeyeon” Jessica asked raising an eyebrow clearly confused by why her girlfriend best friend would be the problem.

                “She left her phone on the table, I’ve been a little worried about her so I decided to snoop. I know that it is wrong and all but I just thought Taeyeon never tells me anything maybe I should find it on my own.”

                “Yuri shut up and tell me what did you find” Jessica interrupted the clearly disturbed girl. Yuri showed Jessica the phone; Jessica widened her eyes as she now saw why Yuri was worried. 


I hope this went well, i read over it last night. But i really haven't slept so pardon me if there is silly mistakes. This wasn't meant to be a long story and i suppose you as readers come in right at the moment in the characters life~ Should be a few more chapters hope you still enjoy. 


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Chapter 11: Your story is great Authorssi! I like how it falls... hehe ^^ Taeny never fails to be sweet and cute! Thanks Authorssi though it ends soon I still enjoy reading it :))
Chapter 11: Wow, it's over. But that was a pleasant end to events. I like the way Tiffany came to her decision normally in stories (not all of them of course) she's just like "OMG, I've liked you the whole time! Kiss me you fool!" And essentially that's kind of what happened here but she gave background on her feelings which made it a tad more nice. ALSO Taeyeon was so cute not knowing how to accept Tiffany's revelations all of a sudden I like that. This was a short but nice story.
Chapter 9: Oh Taeyeon. Oh Tiffany. Oh TaeNy. FIX YOURSELVES. Also i wonder what happens now? Taeyeon's not gonna be moving back is she? I feel like Jessica might feel guilty cause Taeyeon ended up in the hospital or she might still doubt Taeyeon's sanity.
Chapter 9: the song does reflect taeyeon's feelings in here O.o
i agree that the 2nd and 3rd song will make it most awkward
but personally i like the first one the best ;)
Chapter 8: doubt that they found out about taeyeon having depression...
they probably thought that it was just an overdose, which was true
but...sigh...taeyeon ah~ they should have given you a chance to explain everything
instead of taking everything away from you, and bring you back to those "loving" parents of yours ><
Chapter 8: New reader here.
Plz. Update soon. A longer one plz.
chrised7902 #7
Chapter 8: can't wait for da nxt chap~!!! :)
CullenCrest1000 #8
Chapter 8: I hope she will be fine. Taengoo's really..... :(
Chapter 8: Noooo..I hope Taengoo will be fine :(
chrised7902 #10
Chapter 7: lookin forward to ya nxt chap :)