What Do We Do

You Hate That You Got Caught

“What do we do” Yuri groaned as she ran her fingers through her hair. Jessica held the phone in her hands staring at the album of sleeping Tiffany. She shook her head not knowing how to react to this.

                “Well I have to tell Tiffany” Jessica said as she stood up with the phone to take to Tiffany. Yuri yanked the phone from Jessica, giving a slightly angry look to her.

                “Stop, you can’t do that we should talk to Taeyeon.”

                “Why should we talk to her? That’s not normal Yuri, she’s not normal. I’m not going to allow my best friend to be in a situation that could possibly harm her”

                “Taeyeon wouldn’t do anything”

                “She wouldn’t do anything Yuri!? Look at the photos” Jessica raised her voice still trying to keep her volume low enough so no one else over heard. Yuri looked at her girlfriend shocked by the tone she had just used.

                “Jessica, Taeyeon is my best friend.” Yuri tried to reason with the girl. Jessica took the phone from Yuri clearly having enough with this conversation.

                “And I’m your girlfriend.” She glared at the dark haired girl feeling disgusted that Yuri would even think of allowing this kind of activity to continue happening.


Jessica entered Tiffany’s room clearly still upset from the previous conversation. She grabbed Tiffany’s hand pulling her up, so she was sitting. Tiffany looked confused as she best friend sat beside her; she could tell something was wrong just by the way Jessica’s eyes looked. Jessica sighed she knew how much Tiffany wanted Taeyeon to feel like she was one of them; this wasn’t going to be an easy thing to tell her.

                “There’s something you should know” Jessica paused thinking over what she should say next, she had to word this very carefully.

                “What is it Jessie, you’re worrying me” Tiffany ask as she interlocked her fingers feeling her anxiety rise.

                “Today Yuri found Taeyeons phone, and I felt it was best to tell you before anything drastic was to happen” Jessica looked away from Tiffany, not wanting to see the look on Tiffany’s face as she showed her the photos.  Tiffany looked down noticing her face in the photos; she took the phone from Jessica’s hand and began to look more into the photos. Noticing they all were of her, they also had another, similarity they were all of her sleeping. She dropped the phone on her lap wondering what this was, how could this be happening to her. This seemed like something that would only happen in an overly dramatic movie, she swallowed shaking her head.

                “This isn’t really right? Taeyeon isn’t like this” Tiffany closed her eyes fighting the tears off. Jessica shook her head, and Tiffany felt her heart sink a little. How could the girl that owned the cutest pair of eyes be capable of something that seemed so dirty? How could the girl with the dorkiest of grins do something so erse? Tiffany felt a tear escape her eye, as it rolled down her cheek she had already made the decision to remove Taeyeon from this environment.


Hey another update, doing good with the updates i'd say. Haha hope you all like~ Maybe i'll update again tonight, depends ;o


Should i update;o

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Chapter 11: Your story is great Authorssi! I like how it falls... hehe ^^ Taeny never fails to be sweet and cute! Thanks Authorssi though it ends soon I still enjoy reading it :))
Chapter 11: Wow, it's over. But that was a pleasant end to events. I like the way Tiffany came to her decision normally in stories (not all of them of course) she's just like "OMG, I've liked you the whole time! Kiss me you fool!" And essentially that's kind of what happened here but she gave background on her feelings which made it a tad more nice. ALSO Taeyeon was so cute not knowing how to accept Tiffany's revelations all of a sudden I like that. This was a short but nice story.
Chapter 9: Oh Taeyeon. Oh Tiffany. Oh TaeNy. FIX YOURSELVES. Also i wonder what happens now? Taeyeon's not gonna be moving back is she? I feel like Jessica might feel guilty cause Taeyeon ended up in the hospital or she might still doubt Taeyeon's sanity.
Chapter 9: the song choices...wow..really does reflect taeyeon's feelings in here O.o
i agree that the 2nd and 3rd song will make it most awkward
but personally i like the first one the best ;)
Chapter 8: doubt that they found out about taeyeon having depression...
they probably thought that it was just an overdose, which was true
but...sigh...taeyeon ah~ they should have given you a chance to explain everything
instead of taking everything away from you, and bring you back to those "loving" parents of yours ><
Chapter 8: New reader here.
Plz. Update soon. A longer one plz.
chrised7902 #7
Chapter 8: can't wait for da nxt chap~!!! :)
CullenCrest1000 #8
Chapter 8: I hope she will be fine. Taengoo's really..... :(
Chapter 8: Noooo..I hope Taengoo will be fine :(
chrised7902 #10
Chapter 7: lookin forward to ya nxt chap :)