chapter twenty

Why, Life?

Amber Liu

“This year’s will be an opportunity to visit your families for two days, here in The Academy.” Ms Jeon had said. She had looked directly into Amber’s face, with a sort of, pitiful look. It was a simple glance, just a small turn towards her, but Amber caught it, and she knew that they knew.

. Amber thought silently as everyone around her started talking. , , , .

If they win, everyone will know her secret. How else could she hide it? If people asked, what would she say?

Sulli had been so happy with the news. She kept talking about how awesome it would be to see her family again, how great and cool it would be to show them everything. It was like she’d forgotten everything Amber had told her about her not being comfortable on the issue of family. It was as if Sulli had completely, conveniently, forgotten all of the breakdowns and meltdowns she had. Sulli had been prancing her way back to the dorm happily until they reached the big field in the middle. Then, and only then, did she stop.

Amber was half glad that her best friend was still rather traumatized by that morning’s incident. She couldn’t put up with anymore of Sulli’s ‘oh my gosh, I can see my family again’ nonsense.

On one hand, she felt guilty, but on the other, relief just surged through her. Even if it were to last just for five minutes, Amber would be grateful for the silence.

She sighed deeply as she entered the dorm, her spirits down and worried. How on earth would she get out of this one?

It didn’t help when Chen got all of them to troll Ji Yong into helping Lay and D.O. cook lunch. It made her feel even guiltier that she would have to try to cause the team to lose. She loved her new family. Although it had only been a day plus long spent with them, they had been so nice to her, and well, she had found an eye-candy as well. It also didn’t help that he was one of the two pointed out by Mr Choi as the future leader of the Pirates.

It would be just so damn embarrassing if he knew… Amber had thought as she trudged into her room wearily, alone. Sulli had crashed her same-aged friends’ room with the maknae, Kai; the four had been laughing their way up happily, chatting about random things, and the prize for winning the House Games.

She plopped down flat on her bed, sighing at the ceiling, when she heard a small knock on the door.

Who could it be? Amber frowned at the door; that definitely wouldn’t be Sulli, she would just burst into the room like a crazed tornado.

“Yes?” She asked, half propping herself up on her bed, staring sullenly at the door. She really just wanted to be alone with her own thoughts. The door creaked open slightly revealing Jae Hyun’s face.

“Hey Amber, can- Can I come in?” He asked, kind of timidly. Amber nodded, as she sat up fully. Jae Hyun smiled a little as he came in, closing the door behind him, and taking a seat on the small couch in her room.

Amber crossed her legs as she looked at him curiously. “So… What’s up?” She asked warily, kind of suspicious of his random actions. Jae Hyun looked like the nonchalant type. She never expected him to go to this extent to make friends.

He gave her a half-smile.

“I kind of just want to talk, y’know? Like, I’ve had a lot of things on my mind lately, and it’s been just so ahrd to get them out. I can’t even talk to G.D. about them, I just, I don’t think he’d understand...”

Amber looked at him, feeling even more confused. Why come to her then?

As if he could read her mind, he continued, “You’re probably wondering why I came to you, like out of all of them, yeah?” Amber nodded at this point and he smirked as he went on. “It’s about my girlfriend.”

Those four words made a lot of things seem clearer. Amber finally smiled, rather knowingly, and gave a small chuckle. “I see why you’ve come to me now.”

Jae Hyun smiled at her, this time, his smile reaching his eyes. She could almost hear him think, Thank God she gets it.

She nodded in his direction, signaling him to continue, and he obliged.

“Well, ever since I’ve arrived her, I just, I don’t know, I can’t seem to stop worrying about her. She keeps sending me emails, like on after another saying how much she misses me and how scared she is for me, and I don’t know how to reply. The emails also seem to take damn long to come in and I think that The Academy is purposely doing it. She said in one of her emails that she’s been constantly sending it and whatnot, but I only received it at three this morning, and usually, she sleeping by this time. Don’t ask me why I was up at three. I was just- Not sleepy.” Amber gave him a half smile, and nodded in reply, urging him to continue.

“So, I just want to ask, what do girls want as a reply? Like what do they expect? Will a simple ‘I’m fine. All’s well here.’ do? Or do I have to go into lengthy explanations of how things are here?” He asked, so desperately, that Amber almost thought he was going to cry.

She smiled at his sweetness, guys like that were hard to come by. Would Yong Hwa be this sweet? She wondered, but pulled herself together before she could drift away into thoughts of that boy.

“Well…” Amber began. She wasn’t quite sure on how to reply. She never got those kinds of emails before. Sulli wouldn’t have either, she didn't have an experience like that in Granger before.

“Honestly, I don’t really know, ‘cause I’ve never had a boyfriend before.” Jae Hyun looked shocked when she said that. He was about to ask why, but Amber put her hand up to stop him and continued.

“I’m not a nun or anything like that, I just, didn’t have many admirers. But I can still try my best to help you, just, don’t expect too much from it, ‘kay?” Jae Hyun nodded vigorously, He just wanted as much help as he could get.

“Personally, I would be just fine with a short text. It would send me a lot of relief, just like that. But then again, considering the fact that your girl might be one of those who’d like more info, maybe you should just add things like, who’s your roommate? How’s he like? How the whole dorm is like, how you find the system in The Academy… Et cetera. Don’t be too stingy with information, but don’t provide too much either. Just don’t add this morning’s incident. We don’t want her to freak out yeah? I think something like that would be just fine.”

Jae Hyun nodded, his face serious, and Amber had to hold back a giggle. It was so adorable, the way he was freaking out over an email to his girlfriend. Things had to be perfect. He really reminded her of Victoria. Every single date she went on, she had to look perfect, smell perfect, be perfect, everything! They were so cutely similar.

“You’ll be fine. It’s just an email, no biggie, plus you haven’t done anything wrong like cheat on her or whatever yeah? I think that’s way to early if you have.” Amber asked and Jae Hyun shook his head with a ‘what the hell’ look, as if she had just committed the gravest mistake ever.

“I would never!” He indignantly replied and she laughed heartily at him.

“Just kidding dude! But seriously. The lowest any guy or girl could go, is cheating on his or her partner. So don’t, okay?” She replied, and he nodded at her, getting up.

“Thanks so much for your help! Really appreciate it.” Jae Hyun said with a kind smile written on his face. Amber simply nodded and waved as he went out and closed the door softly behind him.

Amber plopped back down on her bed again, her arms outstretched. I can help people get out of their issue, but I can’t do anything about mine. What the hell?

She kept staring at the ceiling, not noticing that she was falling asleep.

It was only when she had been shaken by Sulli, when she realized she had been fast asleep. She groggily rubbed her eyes as the younger one impatiently dragged her down with the simple excuse for her rush being, “D.O.’s food is really good!” Amber chuckled, half awake, at her before she was pushed into a random seat by Sulli. Sulli took her place opposite her and Amber yawned, stretching her arms and accidentally bumping into the person on her left. She turned over sleepily to that person and mumbled a short sorry. She blinked her eyes a couple of times and realized, thankfully, that it was Jae Hyun. Had it been Ying Hwa, things would get awkward real quickly.

Speaking of the devil, that lad had just sat himself down on the chair beside her, on her right, and Amber had to quickly turn away to avoid anyone seeing the blush creeping up onto her face. She looked down at her rice bowl, hoping lunch would soon begin so she wouldn’t have to worry about feeling uncomfortable anymore.

But Soo Hyun had to make things worse. He wanted them to hold hands as they said grace, and sadly, everyone was agreeable to it.

Amber sighed internally.

As her left hand moved out to hold Jae Hyun’s, she felt Yong Hwa grab her right quickly, and held on tight. She was shocked, but didn’t say a word. The prayer felt like it lasted an eternity. It was so awkward that she couldn’t even pray properly.

When the prayer had ended, she let go of both hands, slightly reluctant to let her right one go. Yong Hwa had let go of her hand a full second after she let go  holding his, and she could have sworn, he was rather unwilling to let her go too.

Could it be…? Amber thought, her heartbeat leaping.

Nah, it’s too early… Way to early for that.


Jung Yong Hwa

He was so confused with his own feelings. Amber had seemed, different when Ms Jeon had mentioned the prize. He himself had been a little iffy on the subject on bringing family in, since he had none, but at least he wasn’t alone on the orphan thing, as he had Min Hyuk. Min Hyuk wasn’t affected at all; he just wanted so desperately to see boss, Jung Shin and Jong Hyun again.

Yong Hwa smirked at the little guy when he had rambled on what Jung Shin would do if he were here, on the way back to the dorm. Min Hyuk was so hyped up. Although Yong Hwa didn’t exactly feel like Min Hyuk did, he would be just fine bringing boss in. He’d even suffer Patricia Mae’s clingy-ness if that meant he could see his friends, or well, brothers, once more.

What he couldn’t get off his mind were two things: one, Amber’s sudden change in mood. She had been happy with the victory in the mission at the hall, but so bummed and worried when Ms Jeon had mentioned the first prize for the House Games. Two, the fact that Ji Yong could be the leader of the Pirates. He couldn’t let Ji Yong get anyone killed, like the issue with his brother. Like last time. He couldn’t let it happen.

That was his reason for stepping up to speak in the dorm. He didn’t; he wouldn’t, let Ji Yong make another grave mistake of getting one of them killed. It wasn’t going to happen.

Yong Hwa sat on his bed as he watched Chen slowly unpack his extra things. Boy, that rich kid has so much medication… Yong Hwa had thought as he watched Chen take out pill bottles and ointments, mini oxygen tanks and tube-like things. He silently prayed for the treatment to work on him quick. Otherwise, he would have a hard time coping, and the Pirates would have to constantly be on the watch for him.

Speaking about treatment… Yong Hwa thought as he sat up straight on his bed and faced Chen. “Hey Chen, when are you going to start treatment?”

The lad turned and smiled sheepishly, “Honestly, I dunno. They haven’t even talked to me about it… I think Mr Choi, the administrative one, should tell me about it soon.” Yong Hwa nodded slowly in reply and Chen turned back to clear his things.

Yong Hwa picked up his guitar and headed for the door. “I’ll be in the front yard.” He told Chen who smiled in reply. Yong Hwa shut the door quietly behind him and was headed down when he saw Jae Hyun walking out of Amber’s room.

A twinge of jealousy hit him. How come he got to go in there?

And by the looks of it, they seemed to be having a fun time. Yong Hwa silently commented as he saw Jae Hyun with a smile playing on his lips.

The fellow walked pass him and greeted him with a nod, and Yong Hwa had to force himself to smile back and not reach out to strangle him.

As he continued down the steps and out of the house, he couldn’t help but wonder why he was having such feelings for the girl. It’s too early, for starters. He thought. And, she’s not even my type!

Yong Hwa liked girls that were sweet and cute, like those that come out from an adorable makeup commercial, full of cheesy aeygo. He liked girls who were smart, girls who knew their stuff and who could rely on him, and not be fully independent on themselves. That way he could show how ‘manly’ he could be. He liked girls like that.

But Amber was different.

She had a boyish touch, a rather tough image, and boy, was she independent! She was a girl that he couldn’t even touch; in fact he felt like she was out of his league.

Too good, too perfect. He had thought. Not my style.

He got his guitar out and sat on the bench, strumming it softly.

No matter how much he wanted to deny his feelings fro Amber, they wouldn’t seem to go away. He tried thinking of his first crush back in Fretown, Seo Hyun, that same girl who had been his first girlfriend, and his last, but nothing could stop that jealous feeling that he had, seeing Jae Hyun coming out of Amber’s room. He sighed and gave up fighting it then. Let the music do its thing Yong. Let the music do its thing.

He began to play the first song that was on his mind, Love Love Love, and he let the words seep in, consume him.

“Love, you’re so distracting, am I overreacting, for feeling this way…” He started, and by the time he reached the chorus, he knew, he couldn’t stop the feelings from flowing. “…I barely get to sleep, ‘cause you’re even in my dreams. And I thought that I was strong, but I knew that all along, this was out of my control, so I fell into your hands, and I don’t know where I’m at, I’m just going with the flow.” The song was so true to his current state. Well, not the dream part. But he really was swimming into a maze, a maze filled with thoughts of Amber and Amber alone, and he couldn’t get out of it.

He played the song till its end and sighed. Should I just let it be? 

Give in?

Caved in?

To the crazed feelings he had?

He began to play another song, and the song that came to mind made him chuckle.

I’m becoming so cheesy. He thought as he began singing Rhythm of Love.

“We may only have tonight, but till the morning sun your mine, all mine. Play the music low, and sway to the rhythm of love.” He sang, as he swayed and rocked gently side to side, feeling the slow beat.

A second voice joined him.

Chen. Yong Hwa thought, and sure enough, as the fellow opened his eyes, he was greeted with his roommate right in front of him, smiling as he harmonized along. “When the moon is low, we can dance in slow motion. And all your tears, will subside, all your tears will dry.”

Yong Hwa smiled as they continued on and ended the song with a flourish. They both heard clapping ensue from the kitchen and it was D.O., smiling at them. He waved at them and signaled them to go into the house; lunch was ready.

Yong Hwa did so, rushed up to place his guitar. He went down again and saw Jae Hyun seating beside Amber who was yawning. She accidentally hit the fellow whist stretching her arms and turned to apologize.

He’s freaking smiling at her! Yong Hwa thought, wide-eyed. He rushed and plopped himself right on Amber’s other side, but she didn’t even look at him. She just turned to look at her rice bowl and kept staring at it until Soo Hyun proposed they held hands and say grace. Yong Hwa felt a little disappointed. He’d have to work harder to gain her attention.

As they all held hands to say grace, he felt that familiar jealous twitch when Jae Hyun and Amber smiled as they held hands. Slightly frustrated, he grabbed her right and bowed silently as Soo Hyun began to pray.

I’m holding her hand! He thought and his heartbeat went erratic. His stomach did a little flip-flop and he was worried his palms would become sweaty next. Sure, Min Hyuk on his right wouldn’t care, but he didn’t want to gross Amber out.

The prayer ended quickly though, his hands didn’t have enough time to get sweaty. She let go both his and Je Hyun’s hands at the same time but he couldn’t. He just had to hold it, a second longer. He did, and quiet reluctantly, let her go.

She never once glanced at him through the rest of lunch.

Perhaps she really doesn’t like me… Yong Hwa thought, but before he could sink into a mini self-pity session, Chanyeol spoke up.

“Since classes start tomorrow, I can give you guys a heads up on what to expect.” He said, cheerily, as he took the plate of fried eggs and shoved one onto his own plate. The rest nodded silently, their mouths to full to reply.

“So,” he continued. “Our first class is History. Trust me, our first year teacher is the best. He’s Mr Yoo Jae Suk, and he’s crazy awesome. Among students, he’s known as Mr Grasshopper because of his facial features, but he doesn’t even mind us calling him that during class. It’s hilarious! He’s real dope. Our second class, Physical Education is tough like . Our coach is not Mr Choi, it’s Mr Kim Jong Kook. He nags way more than Mr Choi does and he’s more mean and cruel. His only weakness; girls. So Sulli and Amber are totally safe. The rest of us are screwed.” At that point the two girls, who sat opposite each other cheered and high fived the other. The guys all glared at them playfully and Chanyeol went on. “Our third class is martial arts; that one’s cool. Our teacher has got to be one of the dopest in The Academy. She’s Ms Song Ji Hyo, and I heard she and Mr Choi, the discipline one, are dating! It’s a rumor, but then again, there’s other rumors she’s dating one of our next teachers, who’s in charge of rap; Mr Kang Gary! Our CCAs are after weaponry class, so yeah; we have Mr Kang Gary for rap, he be super cool, Mr Tony Testa for dance, and Ms Beyoncé Knowles for singing. Since some of us are taking double, singing class starts first, so those who aren’t taking singing at all can go chill. Then, rap class, and then dance. So... Yeap. Um, seems like we have Language 101 as our final class. Ms Jeon takes that one.”

Chayeol grinned when he ended and the rest nodded their heads in acknowledgement.

Yong Hwa kept stuffing his mouth with food, his mind half focused on Chanyeol. He had his mind on Amber.

I should talk to Amber. Yong Hwa thought. Find out if I really have legitimate feelings for her. But what should I say?

Maybe, talk about why she was so uncomfortable with the prize for the House Games? After all, she did ask him something very touchy on the first day. And he could be the eventual leader of the Pirates, so he ought to know.

It was a legit excuse.

He smirked.

I’m gonna settle these feelings once and for all.






Love Love Love by Hope ft. Jason Mraz:

Rhythm of Love by Plain White Tees:

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ciel_san #1
Chapter 33: welcome back author!!
what a nice update here. never thought that you could write a fluffy chapter as usually yiu made the angsty one.
anyway, you can choose any OTP names. both names is good but amhwa seems cuter^^
Ambertastic_baby #2
ciel_san #3
Chapter 32: so the focus in this chapter is amber and yonghwa.. good to know that they are finally express their feeling..
so now pirates have a couple.. curious on what will pirates do when they meet donghae..
now i'm waiting for the angsty moment when their holiday ended..
Ambertastic_baby #4
Chapter 31: OTL fricking Donghae. I love him, I really do, but did he REALLY have to do that? Really? You couldn't just let the girl go and live her own happy life? And Amber. Really? Girl, you should have pushed him off OTL. Welp, this is going to be hella interesting since this reminded him of Seohyun and she still has a strong hold on him. V interesting. Looking forward to the next chapters!
Loly21 #5
Chapter 31: I don't know.. I felt pity for both Donghae & Younghwa!! Amber will choose Younghwa right... You need to listen Amber explaination first!! but Amber let Donghae kiss her because she felt guilty towards Donghae right?? or because she enjoy it?? Poor Amber..she might be in big dilema right know!! Great update!! I'm freaking love this story!! fighting!!
ciel_san #6
Chapter 31: I do anticipate for the next update, author-ssi!
Academy has already quite harsh, yet a love life which actually could relieve their stressful life, in fact just make it worse. Feel sorry to both Yonghwa and Amber. That kissing incident could affect their hard daily life, moreover for Yonghwa who is the team leader.
Update more author! Fighting!
Loly21 #7
Chapter 30: Taemin will be the secret weapon?? Sound interesting;) I wonder what happend between Younghwa, Amber & Donghaee!! fighting!!
ciel_san #8
Chapter 29: the romance between the harsh training is quite nice to read..
don't tell me donghae still love amber and ask her to start over their long lost relationship.. wish that yonghwa won't see their together moment or else he would be jealous..
yonghwa has kissed amber in previous chapter, right? amber still hasn't give any answer to him..
Loly21 #9
Chapter 29: OMG.. Update:) Thankz it's really make my day:) Even it short but as usually it's never been disappointed update!! I'm glad that you're still update even you being really busy with your assignments:) Wish you luck for your assignments:) fighting!! I love Amber part here & what gonna happened next chapter really get me curious!! What kind of conversation Amber & Donghae gonna have!! Youngha seems too attached to Amber & I love it:) I'm looking forward for the next chapter!! fighting!!