chapter five

Why, Life?

Lee Taemin

“Taemin ah!” Mrs Lee voice rang out across their small house. She was washing the dishes in the kitchen outside and was reminded of something she was given earlier that day.

He came bumbling over as quick as his feet could carry him, with his classic smile, ready to help his dear ‘Umma’ with anything she wanted. Instead she told him to get an envelope from her bag. Taemin went over to his mother’s handbag that was resting on the chair nearby and found it easily. But it wasn’t the ordinary white envelope that they usually got to inform them how much they have to pay for the bills. It was a creamy vanilla envelope, its texture as smooth as a fresh new piece of paper. There was a slight scent of vanilla essence and it was held close by a wax seal. This is new, Taemin thought to himself.

“What’s this?” Taemin felt confused and placed it close to his nose to inhale the sweet scent, that was rarely found in the midst of a polluted city like Fretown.

His mother looked up from her chores and whilst wiping her brow, she explained, “I don’t know exactly. A guy in a suit came up to me and told me to pass this to you. Open it!”

Taemin frowned. A random guy in a suit? It sounded rather surreal and susupicious to him. He shrugged and went into the dining/living room to open it. As he pulled out a chair to sit, Shin Ra came into the room and plopped herself down on another chair, seemingly curious about what her brother had in his hand. She had heard the commotion earlier on and was interested in what was going on. Taemin looked at her and smiled. He loved his little sister dearly.

He scooted over to a chair nearer to her and began to open the envelope carefully.

A folded letter was inside and as he unfolded the letter, he caught sight of a prestigious crest on the top of the paper. It was the sign that belonged to The Academy.

Taemin began to perspire. The freaking Academy! What the hell did I do wrong? Taemin wondered as his mouth began to open in shock.

“So what’s it about?” Mrs Lee asked as she wiped her hands dry on her apron.

Taemin, hands trembling, pointed to the crest on the letter and Mrs Lee began to feel numb.

It’s beginning. She thought. It’s beginning. And Taemin… Oh god, he’s part of it?

The Academy was a military school in Retret. Only those carefully chosen and selected could attend. It was prestigious, that was for sure, but it also meant that if Morten has to ever go to war with another country, they would be the first in line to fight. Most citizens would rather live mediocre lives than participate in what the government called an “honorable” task, for it meant a sure death out there fighting. The Lees were some of them. Growing up, they were taught to live their lives to the fullest and try not to get in the eyes of the government. That meant no taekwondo or boxing lessons, no fighting whatsoever.

Taemin read on. The letter mentioned random things like how it was really honorable for him to be part of the program for that year and it described what he would need and the benefits it would grant him. He read it once. Twice. Thrice.

No mention of him being able to back out of it.

No mention of cost, so he couldn’t use it as leverage.

No mention of him ever coming back.

The letter dropped from his hands and he held his head in terror.

Mrs Lee could only look helplessly at him as he began to sob and cry. What could she do? Disallow him from going? She had heard previous stories of families trying all they could to hold on to their children but they were killed and classified as “nuisances to the work of the government”.

Both Mr Lee and Taesun soon emerged after hearing Taemin’s loud sobs and questioned what was going on. Mrs Lee explained it slowly, stuttering and trembling. The two men listened intently until Mrs Lee was finished.

Mr Lee then stumbled forward as he tried to make his way to his younger son. Taesun grabbed him and held him steady. Mr Lee looked at his elder son and patted Taesun’s cold and clammy hands that were on his arms helping him, and told him that he was fine. The two men made their way over to Taemin who was being hugged tightly by Shin Ra, who, too, was sniffling. She didn’t fully understand what was going on but she just somehow knew, that Taemin was not in a good situation and she might never see her beloved oppa ever again.

The whole family engulfed Taemin in a tight hug and they stayed that way until Taemin stopped shaking. He wasn’t one to fight. He wasn’t tough enough.

So why the heck would the government choose him?


Kim Jong Dae

It was one of those days again. Jong Dae's father had various officials over for dinner to discuss the future of ElecKim and he had to be dressed up primly and sit through long hours of endless statistics and factual jargon, even though they all knew he wasn't going to inherit it. He was probably going to die before he could even try leading it. His father knew it, his father's officials knew it, and yet they insisted him to be present at all meetings.

Jong Dae sighed. At least the food would be Japanese, his favourite.

He straightened his tie and glanced at his reflection. His hair was slowly falling. His eye bags had become more heavy. Still, he could imagine his mother saying, 'Perfect, in every way.'

He sighed once more and readjusted his nasal prongs and tucked his mini oxygen tank into his dress pants pocket. "It's okay, Jong Dae. You can get through this." He silently assured himself and stepped out of his room, where his bodyguards lead him to the dining room.

As he slowly made his way to the dining room with the help of one of his bodygurads for the day, he spotted Jung Hae dressed in formal wear, making her way to the dining room too. Is father making her go now? He wondered.

“Hua!” He called out. Ever since that night when she fed him, she seemed just a little more attached to him. Something he never experienced from her in all the fifteen years she had been in his life. He had pledged to be the best brother he could be until he was gone and right then, he was going to prevent his sister from sitting through as many boring meetings as he could.

She turned around and spotted him. He waved his hand dismissively, “Go back to your room. Go out and play. Just don’t go into that room. It’s not the right time.”

Jung Hae knew what her brother was implying, but she knew that this time, she couldn’t do as he said.

“Ani.” She replied shortly and Jong Dae groaned. Before he could launch into a full-fledged debate with her, the large double doors of the dining room opened and revealed their father not with his officals, but with—Government officials?

Mr Kim motioned for Jong Dae and Jung Hae to sit down. The two bowed in respect to the various elders in the room and sat themselves at the opposite end of the long dinner table.

“Sirs, these are my two oldest children, Jong Dae and Jung Hae.” Mr Kim introduced and pointed them out respectively. They bowed again in respect and the four officials there introduced themselves as Mr Alfonzo, Mr Tae, Mr Oh and Mr Radford. The children bowed once more in acknowledgement to each of the four and Mr Radford spoke up.

“You must be wondering why we are here today. We’ve explained things to your father whilst waiting for your arrivals. But before we go on, here. These are for you.” Mr Radford signaled his assistants nearby, who handed the two envelopes.

Glancing at his father, who had a worried expression on his face, Jong Dae asked politely, “Do we open them now?”

Mr Tae nodded in reply and the siblings opened the envelopes with care.

A letter from the government? This can’t be good… Jong Dae thought as he saw the crest at the top of the paper.

And sure enough, it wasn’t.

“What? The Academy?!” Jong Dae cried out in astonishment. “But I- I-“

“We have a proposition. That is why we’re here.” Mr Oh cut in and signaled for Mr Alfonzo to begin.

“We have created a formula that cures cancer. It has already been tested and tried by a hundred participants and they have all not only survived, but developed advanced senses as a ‘side effect’. We are willing to use that same formula to cure you, but here’s the catch. You have to join The Academy.” He passed Jong Dae a file containing the names and various testimonies of the participants. Some he didn’t recognize. Others were agents that were well known for their contribution to Morten. And he came across a face he didn’t expect to see.

“Chanyeol had cancer?” He looked at them with widely opened eyes. Mr Oh didn’t respond to his question, but handed him a tablet with various videos showing the ‘side effects’ of the cure. Amongst the videos, he chose his friend’s and watched as Chanyeol swiftly knocked over various obstacles and jumped from one spot to another with agility.

All eleven of them, ten other friends and himself, only knew that he had been selected to go to The Academy. But they never imagined that their Happy Virus would have been infected with cancer.

He glanced over to his sister who looked at him weirdly. “Did you—“ He began but was cut off and answered by Mr Tae.

“No. She will not be joining you at The Academy. Instead, hers is an invitation to Princeton, as stated by the Prime Minister himself. He has read her proposal for her scholarship and has decided to send her to Princeton, all fares included. But-”

“I have to go to The Academy.” Jong Dae answered for him and Mr Tae nodded.

He glanced at his family who stared back with concerned eyes. He could imagine what his father and his sister would say if the officials weren’t there. Protests of him going. It was a death wish, no matter how prestigious it was. But did he have a choice? His family could die if they interfered or if he said no. Might as well make the best of it.

He would have a chance of living.

He would get to see Chanyeol again.

Jong Dae looked up at the officials with determination.

“When do I begin?”

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ciel_san #1
Chapter 33: welcome back author!!
what a nice update here. never thought that you could write a fluffy chapter as usually yiu made the angsty one.
anyway, you can choose any OTP names. both names is good but amhwa seems cuter^^
Ambertastic_baby #2
ciel_san #3
Chapter 32: so the focus in this chapter is amber and yonghwa.. good to know that they are finally express their feeling..
so now pirates have a couple.. curious on what will pirates do when they meet donghae..
now i'm waiting for the angsty moment when their holiday ended..
Ambertastic_baby #4
Chapter 31: OTL fricking Donghae. I love him, I really do, but did he REALLY have to do that? Really? You couldn't just let the girl go and live her own happy life? And Amber. Really? Girl, you should have pushed him off OTL. Welp, this is going to be hella interesting since this reminded him of Seohyun and she still has a strong hold on him. V interesting. Looking forward to the next chapters!
Loly21 #5
Chapter 31: I don't know.. I felt pity for both Donghae & Younghwa!! Amber will choose Younghwa right... You need to listen Amber explaination first!! but Amber let Donghae kiss her because she felt guilty towards Donghae right?? or because she enjoy it?? Poor Amber..she might be in big dilema right know!! Great update!! I'm freaking love this story!! fighting!!
ciel_san #6
Chapter 31: I do anticipate for the next update, author-ssi!
Academy has already quite harsh, yet a love life which actually could relieve their stressful life, in fact just make it worse. Feel sorry to both Yonghwa and Amber. That kissing incident could affect their hard daily life, moreover for Yonghwa who is the team leader.
Update more author! Fighting!
Loly21 #7
Chapter 30: Taemin will be the secret weapon?? Sound interesting;) I wonder what happend between Younghwa, Amber & Donghaee!! fighting!!
ciel_san #8
Chapter 29: the romance between the harsh training is quite nice to read..
don't tell me donghae still love amber and ask her to start over their long lost relationship.. wish that yonghwa won't see their together moment or else he would be jealous..
yonghwa has kissed amber in previous chapter, right? amber still hasn't give any answer to him..
Loly21 #9
Chapter 29: OMG.. Update:) Thankz it's really make my day:) Even it short but as usually it's never been disappointed update!! I'm glad that you're still update even you being really busy with your assignments:) Wish you luck for your assignments:) fighting!! I love Amber part here & what gonna happened next chapter really get me curious!! What kind of conversation Amber & Donghae gonna have!! Youngha seems too attached to Amber & I love it:) I'm looking forward for the next chapter!! fighting!!