Blah Blah Blah

There's Another Kwangmin?!

Dear Diary,

                Kwangmin and Hyun RI are always together: in the morning, during lunch, and in dismissal. But something is missing, something is just not right. I noticed that every time they are together, I can only see him smile not often, but whenever both of them are apart, he is always smiling. Maybe he is really serious on Hyun Ri. Aughh, it hurts.

                Aigoo, I should probably think about Minwoo right now. It is going to be almost a month since we have been going out. I wonder what we will do.  What do I do? The longer I’m with Minwoo, the more I think about Kwangmin. Aughh! Here I am again, thinking about Kwangmin. Minwoo-ah, I’m sorry if I hurt you. Eottokhe?

                I will just ignore him, pretend that he is not there. I’ll try my best, I should forget my feelings about Kwangmin. Yes, I’ll do it, for Minwoo. Aish! Why do I love the person who does not love me and hurt the people who love me, like Minwoo and Hyun Ri.

                Oh right, Hyun Ri, if she will know about my feelings for Kwangmin, I am quite sure that she will get hurt. I have made my decision, I will not be attracted to Kwangmin, I will definitely stop liking and noticing him. I WILL TOTALLY FORGET ABOUT MY FEELINGS FOR HIM.

                Aigoo, Mr. Diary, I hope this will work [yawns]. I’m sleepy, anyeong! Good Night! MUAH <3

-Hae Ra-

After I wrote to my diary I slept already. The next morning, Minwoo and I went to school together. While we were walking, he asked me…

“Hae Ra, valentines is coming, are you going to give me chocolates?” he asked and his eyes grew bigger and his mouth was almost torn smiling.

“Eh? HAHA, you’re cute! Of course I will.” I replied.

“I want homemade!” he commanded.

“Aniyo! I don’t know how to make one” I said and stuck my tongue out.

“Mmmm, you should, for me” he showed puppy eyes. I can’t resist him.

“Arasso! Stop doing that! I can’t resist your cuteness.” I pinched his cheek.

“Oww, but you are cuter” he teased me, his emotions turned serious yet still smiling. He kept on teasing me and his face is coming closer. My face flushed red.

“HAHA, see? You look cute when you turn tomato red.” He teased me again.

“Yah! Stop it.” I said.

“Arasso, we are here. I’ll see you later at lunch.” He said.

“Anyeong!” I replied.

I was very happy today, and even my English teacher noticed.

“Ms. Jung, you seemed very happy.” My teacher stopped in front of me and handed me my test paper.

“Neh, I am.” I said.

“Well, I guess I will be the one to break those smiles today.” My teacher said and pointed my score, which was low, as usual. I knocked my head on my desk. I leaned there facing down, and then I slowly lifted my hand and turned my test paper upside down.

“Please go to detention after class” he said. I just nodded.

“Mr Jo! You were about to debut yet you haven’t learned English well, even the basics! Go with Ms Kim at detention later” My English teacher also scolded Kwangmin.

“Neh” Kwangmin replied.

After class, I immediately went to the detention class so that I can finish early.

“Yah! Hae Ra, what was your score in the test?” Kwangmin approached from my back.

“You wouldn’t want to know” I said.

“Is it really that bad?” he said.

“I just want to forget about it. How about you?” I said.

“I don’t want to talk about it too” he said and gave me a smile. Aigoo, Kwangmin don’t give me a smile. I have to forget you, okay?

“Both of you, AGAIN?!” Mr.________ said. He is the teacher in the detention class.

“N-neh” I said.

“Before, you have no materials, no assignments, and now, low scores?” he scolded.

I was speechless and Kwangmin did not answer because he wasn’t listening attentively.

“Now, sit down and write ‘I will study for exams’. Fill 5 papers for the both of you. You better start now to finish before dark” he said.

“Arasso!” I said. I was worried, maybe Minwoo is waiting for me.

“Yah! Kwangmin, why don’t you start already? This is a by-partner work. You should help me for atleast 2 papers only.” I asked for his cooperation.

“Okay okay” he said and started writing.

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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 23: aww poor hyun ri! but what can she do ? love cant be force anw i loooovvvveeee ur story !!! you n ur story are amazinggg :D update soon
sandarapark1090 #2
Chapter 23: please update soon!
love your story
and where is youngmin...?
Chapter 23: UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 22: YAH! update soon. xD
Aigoo.. :/
Speechless :(
Update soon!
Hi author. new reader here. I saw your fic on the latest updates. i'm still in chapter 7. Nice story so far :]]
nice chappie. it made me tear up a little T.T
update soon.
Aigooo. What will happen next? I feel bad for Hyun Ri sooo much. She must be hurting a lot too. UPDAAAAAAATEEEE! :DD