Being a Slave

There's Another Kwangmin?!

"Yah Giant girl! Lend me your eraser please, i need to borrow" he said.

" Oh okay, wait, i'll cut this part for you" i said trying to hide Minwoo's name that i wrote because of the jinx.

" You don't have to, it'll just be a waste of time." he insisted and took the eraser. He then saw Minwoo's name.

" Eh? Minwoo-ah?!" he exclaimed. Luckily, it's only the two of us inside the classroom.

" Yah! Shhh, please don't tell anybody especially,Minwoo." i pleased.

"Hm.. in one condition" he said.

" What is it?" i asked.

" Do everything i want, deal?" he said.

" Fine, i have no choice." i agreed. I have no choice, just to keep my little secret.

At lunch time, Kwangmin told me to buy him his lunch, so i did. I followed him immediately.

That next day, he keeps on commanding me. I never thought 1 condition would last for a long time. During dismissal, he called me again.

" Hae Ra, come here" he said.

" What again?" i said.

" Tomorrow, meet me at the vacant building at the corner beside the school campus. Come early." he commended.

" Arasso!" i said and waved my hand then went home already. 

" Sorry to keep you waiting Hyun Ri." i said.

" It's fine. I see you're close with Kwangmin already." she said and smiled.

" Neh, don't worry, we're just friends." i expplained.

" Aniyo, it's fine for me, you don't have to explain." she replied.

The next day...

"What took you so long?!" mr. Kwangmin scolded.

" Sorry, it's 6am, what time did you go here? It's still early you know. What time do you usually come here?" i said.

" I come here 5:30 every morning, let's go." he said then walked inside the building.

" Where is this place?" i asked. It was an underground room, surrounded by mirrors.

" This is where i practice everyday before going to school. You can come here every morning but be sure to bring food, okay?" he said ad then laughed.

" Then i won't come here tomorrow, you brought me here just to feed you? I'm not your mother :P " i said.

" BTW, don't tell anyone that i practice here. it would be so uncool" he said

" Yah! You still think about you being cool, eww!" i said.

" Shut up, don't forget, i know your little secret" he said. His stared at  me, he looks so scary.

" Arasso! " i agreed immediately. I watched him dance, he looks so handsome and cool. As we were always together every morning, i got to know him better about his good sides.

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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 23: aww poor hyun ri! but what can she do ? love cant be force anw i loooovvvveeee ur story !!! you n ur story are amazinggg :D update soon
sandarapark1090 #2
Chapter 23: please update soon!
love your story
and where is youngmin...?
Chapter 23: UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 22: YAH! update soon. xD
Aigoo.. :/
Speechless :(
Update soon!
Hi author. new reader here. I saw your fic on the latest updates. i'm still in chapter 7. Nice story so far :]]
nice chappie. it made me tear up a little T.T
update soon.
Aigooo. What will happen next? I feel bad for Hyun Ri sooo much. She must be hurting a lot too. UPDAAAAAAATEEEE! :DD