My Boyfriend

There's Another Kwangmin?!

" It's almost 7:30, let's go Kwangmin." i said.

" Yah! Don't command me, i should. Let's go Hae Ra." he said.

" Aughh, whatever. Nevermind." i said.

" Annyeong Hyun Ri!" i greeted. Then Kwangmin covered me and greeted Hyun Ri too. Hyun Ri greeted us back.

" You don't seem to be very energetic today, why?" Kwangmin asked.

" Oh, nothing. So, you've been coming to school school with Hae Ra lately" she said.

" Neh, we always get to the same train, i wonder why. Are you a stalker Hae Ra? HAHA" Kwangmin said.

" Yah! maybe YOU're the stalker. HAHA." i said.

" Ah, okay." Hyun Rin replied.

" Hyun Ri, are you okay?" i asked.

" Neh." she replied and looked back from me. The day went on and on, until dismissal, the most awaited time of all the students. boys and girls. I went at the gym together with Hyun Ri and the others.

" WHOO! Go Minwoo!" girls cheered.

" Go!Go!Go!Kwangmin! You're the best!" The other side cheered.

" Hae Ra!" Kwangmin's eyes caught mine. He waved at me.

" Look Hyun Ri, wave back at him." i told Hyun Ri.

" Kwangmin!" we both shouted. Hyun Ri waved and my hands are crossed. Then Minwoo cameand talked to Kwangmin. Time passed. Both of them danced so well.

" Kwangmin-ah!!" i shouted. My reflex action took place as i saw Kwangmin made a mistake and fell down. Eottokhe?!

" You can do it." his eyes looked through my lips and read what i said. He was staring to me. People around were staring at me, trying to figure out what we were doing.

Because of his mistake, it's clear that Minwoo will win.

" Our winner, NO MINWOO!" the announcer said.

" KYAAA!" the girls shouted.

" You okay?" i asked Kwangmin and patted his back.

" Neh, i was just distracted. Guess i wasn't lucky today." he said.

" Minwoo -ah congratulations. You've always been 1st and i'm always 2nd, it never changes. Good job bro" Kwangmin's hand stretched and shook hands with Minwoo. " Oh, since both of you are here, i have something to tell you" he added.

" Eh?" Minwoo and I said.

" Bro,you know, Hae Ra wrote your name in her eraser because of the new jinx. He likes you man." he said.

" Yah! Why did you say that?! You said you will keep it as a secret." my eyes turned red and watery, cheeks blushing.

" Hae Ra, Minwoo said that his neighbor has been very cute lately that he was too shy to talk to. He also like you Hae Ra, that's why he's avoiding you." he added. Minwoo punched his back. I ran outside and Minwoo followed me and grabbed my hand.

" Hae Ra, is it true?" he asked.

I wiped my tears and nodded.

" Sshh, will you be my girlfriend?" he danced in front of me and asked me out.

" Neh" i answered, tears fell down uncontrollably. I don't know what to do. There are 2 men in my heart.

" Don't cry anymore, There's Hyun Ri. go with her for a while. I need to go back to the gym. I love you" his arms wrapped around me and whispered then hurriedly went back at the gym.

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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 23: aww poor hyun ri! but what can she do ? love cant be force anw i loooovvvveeee ur story !!! you n ur story are amazinggg :D update soon
sandarapark1090 #2
Chapter 23: please update soon!
love your story
and where is youngmin...?
Chapter 23: UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 22: YAH! update soon. xD
Aigoo.. :/
Speechless :(
Update soon!
Hi author. new reader here. I saw your fic on the latest updates. i'm still in chapter 7. Nice story so far :]]
nice chappie. it made me tear up a little T.T
update soon.
Aigooo. What will happen next? I feel bad for Hyun Ri sooo much. She must be hurting a lot too. UPDAAAAAAATEEEE! :DD