
There's Another Kwangmin?!

"Good morning!" i greeted Hyun Ri.

"Good morning!" she replied.

" You look so confident today, Wae?" i asked.

:" neh! I will confess my love to Kwangmin today" she said. I was so shocked that all i can say is " EH? Are you sure?!"

I don't want it, not her. Why her? It hurts me.

"Aren't you gonna cheer me up? You're my BFF, you should cheer me up." she said.

"Ah, neh. Good luck." i fake-laughed.

Lunch time came. Hyun Ri came to talk to Kwangmin already. It's been almost 15 minutes and yet, they're not yet done talking. Eottokhe? I guess, they're really gonna go out. Then i saw Hyun Ri crying, walking towards me. *Was she dumped?* i thought.

"Hyun Ri!" i ran towards her and she hugged me tight.

"Why are you crying? What happened?" i asked. *Please don't tell me you're going out.*

"Eottokhe?!" she said " he wants to go out with me. He said he wants me to be his girlfriend. I'm so happy, eottokhe?!" she said and she hugged me tighter.

*Badump,Badump,Badump* I can feel my heart beating, so loud. I covered my mouth as i sob. Tears fell continuously. I can't stop it, it hurts me that she's going out with Kwangmin. Hyun Ri, my best friend, is going out with the person i love. I don't know what to do, it's like the whole world fell to me, with my bear hands. My heart is killing me.

"G-g-good for you. I'm so h-h-happy for you." i said. I know i lied, but i don't want to hurt my BFF too. But, it really hurts alot that i'm hugging her now.

"He LOVES me. Why am i crying. Let's stop crying okay? Let's go!" she said.

"N-neh" i replied.

'Ah! I know! Let's go on a double date tomorrow. It's weekend so both of us can come home late. We will also havve a late celebration of your birthday and for Minwoo's debut." she said.

"N-neh." i remembered, Minwoo is already my boyfriend.

Dismissal time came. I saw Minwoo standing outside our classroom, waiting patiently. He looks so beautiful with those eyes focused on his book. I came to realize that i already have Minwoo, which is better than Kwangmin.

" Annyeong" i said.

"Annyeong, let me bring your bag. " he said.

" Gomawo." i said,.

"Hae Ra! We want to walk with you.Let's go home together." Hyun Ri ran towards us. When i turned around, the first person i saw was Kwangmin, together with Hyun Ri.

"Sure!" Minwoo said.


"Kwangmin, you're so quiet. Talk with your girlfriend at least." Minwoo said.

"Ahm, can you bring Hyun Ri home? I need to go somewhere." Kwangmin said and walked at the opposite way. As Kwangmin slowly disappeared from my sight, i looked at Hyun Ri. She looked so down and sad.

"Hyun Ri, what's with him?" I asked.


"Hyun Ri?" Minwoo asked again to get Hyun Ri's attention.

"Ahh, mianhe. You can go now. I'm fine to go home alone." Hyun Ri faked a smile.

" Oh, okay. Be safe and take care of yourself." Minwoo said and both of us headed home.

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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 23: aww poor hyun ri! but what can she do ? love cant be force anw i loooovvvveeee ur story !!! you n ur story are amazinggg :D update soon
sandarapark1090 #2
Chapter 23: please update soon!
love your story
and where is youngmin...?
Chapter 23: UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 22: YAH! update soon. xD
Aigoo.. :/
Speechless :(
Update soon!
Hi author. new reader here. I saw your fic on the latest updates. i'm still in chapter 7. Nice story so far :]]
nice chappie. it made me tear up a little T.T
update soon.
Aigooo. What will happen next? I feel bad for Hyun Ri sooo much. She must be hurting a lot too. UPDAAAAAAATEEEE! :DD