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A day already passed since the torturing encounter at the Pasta House, and since I miss Jiyong already even though I said that I’ll have a time out and it’s just been a day of not seeing him, I’ll go see him at his office again. And this visit is a surprise again. By this time, Kiko should have learned her lesson. She really should! She should nail it in her mind that Jiyong is only mine. He was hers but she messed up her chance. Now, he’s mine.


I arrived by 2pm at Jiyong’s office at the YG Building. By this time, he’s probably spending his time writing songs or recording. My man is a hard working individual. No wonder their family business is at its peak.


I strutted towards his office when suddenly, this random woman blocked my way. Who is she?


My left brow automatically raised.


“Uhm, excuse me, Ma’am but, do you have an appointment with Mr. Kwon?”


“Are you seriously asking me that?” I scoffed at her face. I’m not really rude, I really am not but there comes a time when I just hate everything. I hate my dad, I hate Kiko, I hate everything! The only thing that keeps me sane? My goal to chase Jiyong until he gives in.


I was busy giving this woman a piece of mind when suddenly, I heard laughters emerging from Jiyong’s studio. I kept my cool but really, my blood’s starting to reach its boiling point. I mentally massaged my temple and tried to calm myself.


I swear I saw fear cross Jiyong’s staff the moment she looked at me. I tried to keep my face straight and I pushed her out of my way.


And the scene before my eyes made my heart cringe for the nth time. For countless of times already, Jiyong let me down. He always does but my heart just won’t let go, won’t give up. But of course, I’ll never show that kind of emotion in front of them and I’ll wear my famous intimidating façade. They can hurt me but I will never give them the satisfaction of knowing. No. Never.


They looked so happy together while laughing and they’re too close for my liking. Too close, just too damn close!


But soon, I’ll wipe that smirk away from little Kiks, the pathetic girl’s face.


“Oh, lookie. Who do we have here? Hmm. Oh! It’s the little pathetic again! Why didn’t that seem to surprise me anymore?” I said, sarcasm at its best.


They both looked at me at the same time.


And the smile on Jiyong’s face automatically vanished after seeing me.




I thought I could get used to the idea of Jiyong constantly putting me down but why is that, that everytime he does, the pain I feel does not subside? It just kept on hurting, huting worse everytime.


“Uhh.. Ji, I guess I’ll get going. Bye.”


Oh no. Not so fast, girl.


I grabbed her arm before she can get out of the door and I whispered in her ear, “Stay away from my man, Kiko. Don’t make me.”


She didn’t respond and just walked off.


“What did you tell her, Taeyeon?” said Jiyong with a threat laced in his voice.


“Relax Ji. I just wished her a safe trip on her way to wherever hell she’d go,” I said then sat comfortably on his mini sofa and crossed my legs.


“You’re so frustrating. Could you please stop being a pain in the and leave Kiko alone? Please?” he said while massaging his temples.


“You’re calling me a pain in the ?! Who’s more pain in the between me and her?! She follows you everywhere likea dog and she’s a big hindrance to our relationship! And you call me the pain in the one?! Huh!”


I finally erupted.


I know people probably think that I am cruel. Well, I really am. I am human and I am incapable of every emotion possible but is it my fault that among all these freaking emotion, anger is what emerged? I need something to keep me alive. And if being angry to Kiko is what will make me, then what the hell.


“Maybe you should go back some other time when you have your sense with you, Taeyeon.”




I stormed out and slammed his office door, hard.


You can never get rid of me, Kwon Jiyong. Never.




I went straight to a coffee shop to relieve my raging nerves.


“Tif, meet me at the Tim’s Café, as soon as possible. Contact Sunny too. Can’t get a hold of her. Bye.”


I hanged up immediately cause I ain’t in the mood for Tiffany’s rant why she should be the one to contact Sunny.


For sure, she’ll complain.


After thirty minutes of waiting, they finally arrived.


“So lazy,” I scoffed. I rolled my eyes at them and took a sip on my frappe. Until now, my head is aching because of Kiko. That damn woman! She looks like a sheep but she’s a freaking tigress!


“Can you please cool down, Boo?”


“Tss. Let’s go! Accompany me. Let’s do shopping so my condo could have new things and to take the stress away.”


“Why did you decided to runaway from home? Your house is so big, who wouln’t be comfortable with that living? Unlike from the condo of your mom. And you always eat takeouts because you’re clueless about house chores,” she bickered. If only my head doesn’t ache, I will surely take this Tiffany down! So noisy!


“I just got tired of Dad and Taehee, you know.. ugh. Never mind. Let’s not talk about them anymore, Sunny.”


I started to arrange my thing and checked my phone. No messages. Damn him. Doesn’t he even cared for me if I’ll try to commit suicide?


“Whatever, Taeyeon.”


“Let’s just enjoy ourselves here, Boo! Let’s go!” Tiffany said enthusiastically and tugged me by my arm.




“Shopping is forever therapy for our stressed body!” said Sunny. We already bought a lot of things already. Good thing is, my Dad didn’t cut my credit cards. Swear, I’ll go insane! How dare he if he’ll cut my inheritance. It’s all from my Mom. They don’t have any single right to touch it. My Dad’s just a freaking layman when she met my Mom. Everything he h

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bellagrabel #1
This is a damn good story!! Thankyou authornim
Chapter 24: Great story
its kind of interesting im gonna read it!
toto12 #4
gonna read it nowwwww
JacqJi #5
Chapter 25: Why the ending r so sad
Chapter 24: My heart :'(
Chapter 24: Chapter 23: Now I'm crying like heck! Huhu! I've never expected the ending! My eyes looks horrible after reading while playing "if you". Heck how am i able to get over this. Thank you so much author. <3 <3 </3
Chapter 25: I would be very happy if she'll end up with baek. I never like baekyeon in my life before but in this story i prefer him. I'm glad taeyeon got some senses and took care of herself . the feelings she suffered was beyond., and I guess ji got married.
Chapter 24: For me it's a happy ending!!! You end the story pretty well. Great plot authornim~ ^.^
Jennifer546 #10
Chapter 24: Thanks,author-nim !! I seriously would have thought this story was a waste if she went to him. Not everything should be happily ever after, what do we have reality for right ?