A Sleepover at Tiffany's: Day 1

My Best Friend is A Cross-Dresser?

[Sungjong's POV]

"So she's rich just like Hoya," I said. 

Yun and I are right in front of Tiffany's mansion. She invited us to a two-night sleepover alongside Hoya, L, and Sungyeol. 

We entered the mansion to be welcomed by Tiffany and Hoya. "Hey guys!" 

"Hey," we said. 

"Where's L and Sungyeol?" asked Yun. 

"They're not here yet but wherever they are, they better not be carrying another large paper that will make us have no choice but to do some game like 'Seven Minutes of Heaven' again," said Hoya. 

"Agreed!" Everyone said except for Tiffany who wasn't present at the time. Right, Yun and Hoya and Sungyeol and I had some moments there. I wouldn't want Yun to stay inside a closet with another guy—it'll just disturb me and I might be forced to do weird things like, per se, abruptly interrogating their seven-minute session thus, giving my feelings away. Yeah, I wouldn't want to do that.

Tiffany couldn't relate. "What? You did 'Seven Minutes in Heaven'?" 

"I'll tell you some other time," Hoya said.

Tiffany just nodded.

"I wonder if they'll give another overexaggerated entrance," I said.

Suddenly, the door slammed open dramatically. 

"Let me answer that question for you!" said Sungyeol with a mighty tone as he hyperactively began to throw confetti all over the place. L who wore a pink feather boa and oversized shades then entered playing a trumpet but ended up coughing midway. The trumpet seems to be bought from a cheep toy store; the fact that L was blowing so hard just for it to make a crappy, choppy sound explains everything. 

Out of breath and obviously failing in executing their "grand" entrance, L and Sungyeol stood side by side and did their last pose, their jazz hands shaking overenthusiastically. "We're... here!"


Everyone was just dumbfounded. 

"Hello," the four of us said simply.

Effort wasted.

Thus, ends yet another over the top, low-budgeted, cheap, grand entrance by L and Sungyeol.


After the two have cleaned all the confetti and gotten rid of their props, we all gathered in a circle in the living room to decide on what game we should do. Thank goodness that that twit Sungyeol didn't bring something like that stupid paper from last time. This time, I actually have a say.

"Let's play Blaire Witch Hide and Seek!" Shouted everyone minus Yun and I. 

So I didn't actually have a say. I'm outnumbered so majority wins.

"So, who's the it?" asked Yun.

"Sungjong," said the four. "Sungjong's the it."

"Why me?!" I exclaimed. 

"Just because!" The four retorted forcibly. "Just do it and be the it!"

I raised both of my hands in surrender. "Fine, fine! I'll do it!" 


Blaire Witch Hide and Seek is not your usual Hide and Seek where you basically... hide and seek. In Blaire Witch, the lights are off and "it" A.K.A. me, hides with a cell phone and calls the house phone to give some hints about his or her whereabouts. 

Here I am, hiding inside a closet somewhere in the second floor. The signal had already been given around a minute ago and I'm just waiting for someone to find me. 

Y'know, there's something really fishy about this game. Why would the four of them agree to play this game and agree to make me "it"? I doubt that it's a coincidence but I'm pretty much in self-debate right now. Anyhoo, it's time to send out my first hint.

I dialed the number in my phone and pressed it against my ear.

I heard someone pick the phone up. "Sungjong?"

"Hey Yun," I said. "Anyone else there?"

"Nuh-uh. I'm alone."

"But aren't they supposed to want to know more info about where I am?"

"Beats me."

"Aren't you sensing something weird about this?"

"Not really so shut up and give me a clue."

I sighed. "Fine. The clue is that I'm in a place that's really dark."

"Wow, how helpful. The lights are off and the curtains are shut." I could sense her rolling her eyes in irritation. "Tell me another clue."

"I'm inside something."

"Thanks," she said and after that, she immediately hung up.


I'm getting really bored. I've already sent out clues every minute for the past five minutes and yet, no one has been able to find me; It was only Yun who picked the phone up every time while the rest just seemed to have forgotten that a telephone existed in the house. And is it just me or is Yun so clueless? She should've been able to find me by now given that I gave her so many clues already. Seriously Yun, you're clueless about my hiding spot as you are clueless about my feelings for you.

I started hearing some footsteps. One person. Fast pace—running. 

The closet door abruptly creaks open.


"WHAT THE!?" Yun slapped my shoulder. "Sungjong!"

 "Sorry, you startled me." I placed my open palm against my chest as I panted. "Where are the others?"

"I haven't bumped into them," she said.

"They haven't been answering my calls either. I'm smelling something really fishy here."

"Me too."

"Smell no more!" yelled the four who just appeared out of nowhere. 

"Operation impromptu Seven Minutes in Heaven Commence!" shouted Sungyeol as he kicked Yun inside the closet and locked it up immediately. 

"Sungyeol, you moron!" Yun continuously fisted the closet doors. "Let us out of here!"

"Just shut up and do the game," replied Sungyeol. "And seven minutes starts... now!" 

Great, we're now trapped here for seven minutes. I can't see her; It's darker than dark and there's probably barely any room for us to have our own personal space. She didn't seem to be moving though and I could barely hear her breathe. Maybe she got traumatized to move since she kinda ended up being a bit intimate with Hoya last time. Come to think of it, this is a critical situation especially with Sungyeol and L outside.

"Yun, where are you?" I searched my fingers through the darkness and finally felt her hair. "Oh, there."

"Hey Sungjong, are you going to do anything?"

"That's an awkward question," I replied. "Do you think that I'm going to do anything?"

"Well, no."

"Then that's your answer."

"Hey, I don't hear any action in there," Sungyeol said and soon after, the cabinet was rocked back and forth intensely. I fell on something really soft—somewhat like a pillow. 

Oh, please don't tell me—

"Sungjong, you're..." 

"I know Yun, I know..." 

My cheek was against hers, our chests were slightly touching, and our hands were laced together. She was shaking and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't get off cause I'm stuck; there wasn't enough space either. If I did try to get up, the cabinet would just fall over and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen.

She squeezed my hand. "P-please get off me."

"Yun, I can't. I'm stuck so please bear with me for the next few minutes," I said. "I'm gonna kill Sungyeol when we get outta here."

She faintly nodded then squeezed my hand tighter "Hey, I have another question."

I gulped. "What is it?"

"About the other day," she paused for a moment. "Who did you really want to get a kiss from?"

No! The dreaded question.


Will I tell her?


Really now?

"Time's up!" declared Sungyeol.


The door was opened by L and the four had nasty looks on their faces. For a moment, I totally forgot that I we were in an awkwardly intimate position. Now, we're being given a wrong image. "It's not what you think it is," I said.

Hoya had both of his thumbs up and wore a box-shaped smile. "I think it is what we think it is."

Yun smacked both of her palms against my chest, pushing me away. It hurt like hell. "Stupid impromptu trap," Yun groaned while getting out of the closet.

I, too, got up with a beat up chest, ready to beat Sungyeol up. I clenched my fists and tackled the twit who did this in the first place down to the floor and bit his hand. 

"Yeol!" L yelled from a safe distance, deeming him a sissy again.

"Dude, chill!" Sungyeol struggled to get away. "Guys, help me! He's biting my hand off!"

"Sungjong, it was the four of us who co-planned it. It's not only Sungyeol who is to blame." Hoya calmly stepped up, separated the two of us and explained everything. "We purposely planned this game thoroughly. The four of us were watching you guys in the security room where we could see the screens that showed what the surveillance cameras were seeing. Actually, we were just going to leave you guys alone to do whatever but since you hid in a closet, we thought of an improvised plan to lock you guys in it. Hence, the Impromptu Seven Minutes in Heaven plan."

"You guys ," I pouted. "Let's just get to bed, Papa Hoya."

"Papa Hoya!" rejoiced Sungyeol and L who turned into children and cuddled Hoya's legs lovingly. 

Tiffany giggled. "Papa Hoya?" 

Hoya kicked the two puppies that looked like they were almost humping his legs away. "It's getting late. Let's sleep."

The three of us nodded. "Yes, Papa Hoya!" 

And so, we all left following behind Hoya, leaving the girls to bond alone.


We're done washing up and getting ready so now, we're just chilling in our room. 

"So I see that you still have that teddy bear with you," said Sungyeol. 

I hugged my teddy bear. "Yeah, got a problem with that?"

"Not really," he replied. "By the way, what happened in the closet with Yun?"

After hearing that, Hoya and L went over to me in a flash. "Yes, what happened?" The two asked.

"I'm not telling."

"Aw, c'mon!" The three shouted. "Tell us!"

"No way."

"If you don't, I'll do something horrible," threatened Sungyeol.

I smirked. "Try me."

He suddenly pointed to the door. "Look! It's Yun!"

I jerked my head. "Where?!"

"HA!" Damn it! He caught me off guard and got my teddy bear. He then went to a nearby table, snagged a pair of scissors and held it against the bear's neck. "This teddy bear is now my hostage! Tell us or he'll die!"

"Alright, I'll tell! Just give it back!" 

Sungyeol threw it back to me and I explained what happened. "Nothing much happened aside from what you saw."

"What!?" The three were disappointed with my lack of detail. "Nothing much?!"

"You guys wanted an answer, you got it."

Sungyeol wasn't satisfied. He wanted to squeeze juices of information out of me—almost literally; he strangled my neck with his two hands. "I don't believe you! Tell us more!"

"F-Fine," I said. He withdrew his hands and hugged his pillow. 

I took a deep breath. "She asked me who I really wanted to kiss if ever I did win the event."

The three crept closer to me, each hugging their own pillow tightly. "And what did you say?"

"I didn't really have to say anything," I replied. "The door opened before I gave her an answer."

"Bull!" The three said as they flung their pillows away and did facepalms.

I just shrugged.

"When are you ever gonna tell her?" asked L. "You do know that you might be late or make her think otherwise if you don't step it up."

I sighed. "I have no freakin' idea but I wouldn't want to rush things just yet 'cause she just recovered from someone's wrongdoing over there." I pointed to someone. "Papa Hoya."

"What?! She already forgave me," said Hoya defensively.

I patted his back. "Yeah, yeah. No hard feelings. Let's just sleep."

And sleep we did—almost. It took a while before we actually fell asleep. L and Sungyeol were hugging each other perhaps too intimately for comfort. Hoya and I were just disturbed. "Get used to it then! We're close anyway," they argued and due to sleepiness, their agrued stayed valid. 

As for Hoya and I, shortly after the dispute between the intimate duo, we had some rap music problems again. Hoya just loves his rap music too much but I wanted it off; it was pissing me off so I want it off! I want to sleep already. But no, I still hear the loud music booming so I kicked his manlihood. He shouldn't mess with me when I want to sleep. If I want to sleep, I want to sleep.


[Yun's POV]

"And so, that's what happened," I said, finishing my story about how I landed on Sungjong and about the unanswered question. I had to say it; she wouldn't stop asking me. 

Soon, the topic transitioned to how Sungjong and I started living together but when the time came for me to talk about our parents—my parents to be specific, I just broke down into tears. I haven't really thought of them for quite sometime so now, I'm missing them more than ever.

Tiffany pulled me into her arms and rubbed my back. "There there."

I welcomed her embrace and covered my face. "I'm such a crybaby."

"Should I get Sungjong?" she asked.

I shook my head. "No." Sniff. "I owe him too much already. Plus, isn't this like a bonding moment for us or something?"

She chuckled slightly. "You still can crack up some jokes even if you're like this."

I grinned. "Yeah, but that's going to be probably the first and last joke of this conversation." 

And the tears flowed down with Tiffany there to comfort me. She would once in a while say some encouraging words like how a good friend would do. I never expected her to be this mature really; I always thought that she'd be some fair-weathered friend who'd leave me in times like this but I was wrong. Perhaps, Tiffany isn't so bad after all.

It's been a while but here's an update *claps*! @w@;

Source of the site that I got the idea of the Blaire Witch Hide and Seek game from: Here

Thank you for reading and I hope that you guys enjoyed it~! :D

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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 47: Great fanfic! best Sungjong fanfic ever!
great job!
xyper_crash21 #3
Chapter 47: I love this! Please make a sequel author-nim!!!
Chapter 47: sungjong is just amazing!
Chapter 47: sequel please? authornim. kkkk
infinitexo19 #6
Chapter 47: This was one of the best sungjong fanfics i've ever read! Thank u soo much for this great fanfic!
infinitexo19 #7
Chapter 7: Hi author-nim new reader here! I like the story as far as i am right now! Thank u fir this great fanfic!
Chapter 47: such a cute story....though I don't know why anyone would ever run away from Sungjong.... :)
5herL00kAtMe #9
OMO!! This story is great!! The idea is really unique. I'd never had thought of writing a crossdressing fic!! :) Sungjong became really manly at the last part! Love this story!! Hwaiting!! :)
Chapter 47: its doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee