Mornings, Mornings

My Best Friend is A Cross-Dresser?

[Sungjong's POV]

I wake up in the morning to see Yun still sleeping on my lap. Great, how will I get up now? Whatever, I just shoved her away. 

"Hey..." She groaned, slapped my shoulder and went back to sleep. That weirdo.

Breakfast time.~ I'm so hungry since I didn't eat at all last night which reminds me of the dinner that Yun cooked for us. Man, I still feel guilty for not eating it. I opened the fridge and heated the food for me to eat and after a few minutes of waiting, it's finally ready. 

As I was about to take my first bite, Yun rushed over at full speed and grasped my hand. "Don't eat that!" 

I shook her hand off. "And why can't I?" 

"Cause it ."

"How would you know that it when you haven't even tasted it yet?" 

"Just don't eat it, please."

I ignored her and immediately took a bite before she could stop me. "Too late.~" 

"Screw you." She said.

"Surprisingly, it's delicious." I said with contentment and took another bite.

"Why surprisingly?!" She complained.

"Oh, come on! In cooking class, whenever I would tell you to cook the meat, you give it back to me burnt and black as hell." It's true, really true. That's why she's always the one washing the fruits and vegetables.

"Hmph! I've lost my appetite, I'm just gonna wash up." When she was about to leave, I grabbed her wrist tightly. "Don't make this a habit, eat something." 

She tried to release herself from me but she just couldn't. I wouldn't let her get away so easily. " Just try and escape. I'll just be tightening the grip." 

"Fine, I'll eat some breakfast. Sheesh." I let her go and she grabbed a seat.

I'm pretty much relieved that she's back to her usual self. Seeing her walk with a tired expression on her face all the time just made me feel very concerned for her. 

After we ate breakfast, we got ready for school and left the house. I just can't wait to beat the crap outta Sungyeol for what he did to us yesterday, that douchebag's goin' down.

When we got to the classroom, Hoya was already there and he greeted us. 

"G'morning!" He said with a bright smile and waved at us.

"Morning~!" Yun and I said as we placed our things on our desks.

"Hey Hoya, I'm sorry for squeezing your hand painfully yesterday..." Yun apologized bashfully.

Hoya ruffled her head. "It's okay. But seriously though, even today, your hair is a mess! Here, let me fix it for you."

He asked me to get my comb again but I refused and brushed Yun's hair instead. "Dude, you just did that yesterday! Let me do it this time." I semi-glared at him and brushed Yun's hair protectively. "And besides, your fangirls will kill us."

Suddenly, Sungyeol makes his loud and eye-catching appearance. "Yo! Wassup, everyone!". He entered the classroom and interrupted L's usual pre-homeroom mini photoshoot with his fangirls by blocking L's face with his herp derp face. 

"Sungyeol, you photobomb!" The L fangirls were irritated by Sungyeol's mischievous action.

"Sungyeol." Hoya and I hissed. At that moment, we looked at each other and nodded and we instantly formed an alliance to beat Sungyeol up.

Hoya grabbed his collar while I gave him my intimidating death glare. "You... It's payback time." I was about to punch his gut until Yun blocked my blow and released Hoya's hand from Sungyeol's collar.

"Stop it. No one will benefit if we use violence to settle things."

"Wow, you're talking like the teacher next door." I teased.

"Sunha, she's got a point." Hoya said and he offered to shake Sungyeol's hand and signaled me and Sungyeol to do the same. "Fine, I'm sorry." 

"I'm sorry, too." And with that, we resolved our problem.

"Isn't that simpler? And it's zero percent bloodshed." 

"Zero percent bloodshed indeed, Yun. But I've got another important announcement to make that might cause bloodshed." Jokwon seonsaeng, who entered the classroom unnoticed, said in a very intriguing tone.

Everyone in the class took their seats and anticipated Jokwon seonsaeng's announcement. This has to be good since he's all hyped up and peppy about it.

"Next week, we'll be having a Special Marathon Event!" After hearing that, the class was at a total uproar. 

"This isn't just a normal running marathon, it's also filled with obstacles and trials that require wit, knowledge and physical fitness. Plus, there are prizes at steak!"

"What kinda prizes?" Sungyeol was very interested.

"Only the first place winner will get a prize and that is a 300,000 won shopping spree as well as immunity from getting cleaning duty for the entire school year but there's a catch..."

"What's the catch, Seonsaeng?" Hoya asked.

"Only ten students are allowed to compete." Jokwon seonsaeng replied with a smirk and all of the students began to whine. "Stop complaining and sign-up for auditions in this sheet here."

When he posted the sign-up sheet on the blackboard and everyone including me, Yun and Hoya signed up. I mean, there's a lot at steak here. A shopping spree and immunity from bothersome cleaning duties. 

Auditions, here I come!

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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 47: Great fanfic! best Sungjong fanfic ever!
great job!
xyper_crash21 #3
Chapter 47: I love this! Please make a sequel author-nim!!!
Chapter 47: sungjong is just amazing!
Chapter 47: sequel please? authornim. kkkk
infinitexo19 #6
Chapter 47: This was one of the best sungjong fanfics i've ever read! Thank u soo much for this great fanfic!
infinitexo19 #7
Chapter 7: Hi author-nim new reader here! I like the story as far as i am right now! Thank u fir this great fanfic!
Chapter 47: such a cute story....though I don't know why anyone would ever run away from Sungjong.... :)
5herL00kAtMe #9
OMO!! This story is great!! The idea is really unique. I'd never had thought of writing a crossdressing fic!! :) Sungjong became really manly at the last part! Love this story!! Hwaiting!! :)
Chapter 47: its doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee