Too Much Drama

Once I was Real


What?! No. No. No. No. No. Not happening. Never. The worst scenarios were running through your mind. An even worse feeling filling you stomach. You checked both of their faces to see if they were joking or not. Hyuk was still after a long silence in panic mode. Hongbin would not take his eyes of the red head as if the other would completely disappear as soon as his eyes left the older boy.

N on the other side looked pretty composed, but that could also be a facade. Ravi moved to the red head grabbing the sitting boys arm making the older look up at him. “Seems as if we are running out of ink”, the younger tried to make a joke, which was met by silence with all but one. The almost transparent boy was laughing. “Isn't it?”, the red head replied a playful smile adorning his face.

Nobody was actually expecting the boy to be like this. It was a scary situation, but he did not seem to really care. Hyuk on the other hand was furious because of the blue haired boys words: “How can you just say things like that!” After that he pointed an accusing finger at N: “And how can you just let him do that!? I thought you were – are the leader. You should not accept something like that. This is not a joking matter!” The boy was on the verge of tears and Hongbin soothingly rubbed his back to calm him down a little.

N stood up and put a hand on the youngest boys shoulder: “But you see my dear Hyukkie... I'm not yet gone. I can still touch. Maybe it does have something to do with us just being characters out of books. Maybe we were not supposed to leave the house.” The red head looked at his hands shaking his head. “Let's find the other two and go home.”

“I agree”, you said quickly, “I'll go and get them.” “Okay. Hyuk you go with her”, the leader told the boy pushing him towards you. “But why?”, he whined rather cutely trying to hold onto the oldest arm. “Because I say so. You don't want a girl walking through a park on her own, do you?”

A muffled “Not fair” could be heard, but the boy did seem to agree with the words of the other already leaving without you. You looked at N, who gave you a wink and made little shooing motions. So the red head had a plan. The youngest seemed the most devastated by the event, so he should probably not be confronted by it at the moment. Making him go away was a good idea.

You gave the three boys staying a nod and then ran after the younger who was pretty fast with his long legs. “Hey! Would you slow down at least a little?” “No.” “But you don't even know where you have to go.” With the last sentence making its way through the boys brain processing the information he stopped. He rubbed the back of his neck smiling at you sweetly.

“Yeah. Right. Sorry”, he said with a strained voice. There was a tear slowly sliding down his face. “Don't worry”, you said to reassure him, “Everything is going to turn out right as soon as we are back home. I'll make sure of that.” The mood of the taller brightened quickly: “Of course. You can fix everything! You are the writer. You can save him!” Realization of those words hit you rather fast as the boy engulfed you in a hug.

Finally you remembered that they were your characters and they could not leave just like that. You have kept them with you for years. It is not going to change that easily. You will make sure that the sometimes annoying red head will stay with the rest of you no matter what. You just need paper and a pencil or pen.

Time passed with you searching through the whole center for candies finding Ken and Leo sharing some weird looking blue candy, which you were not to question what it was. “Come on. We're leaving”, you told them already pulling at their sleeves. They followed without or in Ken's case little protest, but he gave up shortly after.

You met the other three boys at the exit gates. N was now wearing a long trench coat and a mask to cover most of his face. He probably did not want to upset Ken as he could be very childish like. “Why are you wearing that?”, the blond asked confused. He went over to the red head trying to take of the mask, as he did not like when people covered themselves too much. The red head on the other hand slapped his hands away playfully: “Hey! Don't do that. I think I'm getting sick.” “Oh, sorry.”

It was a lie to keep the other away from him, but N knew what he was doing. “We're leaving! Everyone get in the car!”, you yelled leaving quickly as some people in the park started to stare at you. You totally forgot that you are literally a celebrity and running around with six good-looking guys at the same time isn't really the image you want to have. Now you also knew why people kept on whispering as they walked by. “A little faster please!”



Finally you were at home. Had some trouble with getting all the boys in the car without complaining where they were seated, but you did not care. Just a few minutes ago you took N to his room, prying Kens arms around him off, because he thought the older was ignoring him. You told the red head to rest, who did just that. He laid down on the bed and asked you to turn out the light. It was barely three and the boys except N and Leo were sprawled on the couch, looking almost dead.

“I'll be in my office”, you said and pointed at where you were going to go. “Okay, have fun”, Hongbin answered, who started crouching down next to the gaming system. Hyuk and Ken were too distracted by the possibility of playing some video games then to answer.

But a certain blue-haired boy stood up off the couch and started walking towards you until he was standing right in front of you. “You going to try to find out what's wrong with the leader?”, he inquired softly so that the others could not hear it. You looked him in the eyes and nodded.

In return he patted your head: “Good idea. Be careful with what you do.” You swatted his hand away retorting: “I will, but stop with the unnecessary skinship. It's irritating.” “Didn't mind it at the amusement park”, he halfway mumbled while he was already leaving.

Of course you would be careful. Of course he would not care about what you were saying. He never really showed any sign of caring and rather went for what he wanted, but the other boys did not seem to mind.

At your office you sat down on your nice comfy chair and fished for your laptop. You huffed when you put your heavy technical device on your desk. Turning on the laptop the familiar home screen appeared making you slightly relieved that there was no virus on it. Because you thought that maybe a virus was slowly erasing your files, which in fact was false.

All the documents were still where they belonged. You let out a sigh of relieve. Searching through most of your documents you noticed that there was a new folder in your newest book. You clicked on it and where surprised by what you saw. The folder contained three documents and every document had at least over one hundred thousand words.

You clicked on the newest and started reading. Almost an hour passed, but there was no clue that the text was in any way connected with the incident with N. You let out a frustrated groan, deciding to continue reading as you were not even half way done with completely reading the whole text.

After two more hours you found something suspicious:


As the unknown boy talked to the slightly hurt guy one the floor he mentioned some really weird things. “You do know that you are not real. You're not human. Get over it.” “Stop saying that!” “What? It's the truth.” “Shut it. I don't want to hear it.” The boy stretched out his hand to help the boy who was sprawled on the floor up.

Unwillingly the latter took hold of the hand and got pulled up. He dusted of his clothes and looked at the other in a disgusted way. He spoke up: “You know that you destroyed everything, right?” The other just laughed, but it was not a sincere laugh: “You think I destroyed your already fake world? You were living in a bubble. Only seeing what you wanted to see. That just does not work in the real world. You don't belong there.” The boy looked perplexed: “Why? Because you say so?” “No, because I am actually being realistic here. You'll never be real.”


It did give a lot of hints, but there was one big problem that could not easily be solved. There was no name mentioned. No clue on who was saying any of that. What did they mean? Who destroyed their world and why? Who was living life like a dream?

It just does not make sense. Nothing of what you just read could be connected to the story in your book, or you thought so at least. You did not even know most of it yourself, so how could you say that it did not fit. Because you did not want it to. It hurt. All of it. It sounded like someone was trying to make someone else feel miserable, but in another way not really. It also sounded protective. Like that one boy knew something the other did not.

You could at least compare yourself to the one that fell. Lately everything has just happened without you being able to do much about it. Without control. Out of your control.

You made the decision that you have read enough and made your way to the kitchen to prepare dinner. As you arrived Leo was already peeling some potatoes while Ken was cutting some carrots.

“You sure it is a good idea to give Ken a knife?”, you asked teasingly to which the blond pouted, but then shook his head concentrating on really not cutting himself. The oldest in the room shrugged and returned to peel the potatoes in his hands.

It was refreshing seeing them like this. Normal daily life activities. Something every person had to do every day to get by. They seemed so real. The seemed so human.

And then it hit you. They did not only seem human. In a way they were human too. They adapted to a new life they were not used to, but anyway made it. It could be seen as something almost impossible.

“What are you doing, spacing out like that?”, a voice whispered in your ear which made you flinch. You turned around and immediately upon realizing who it was hit him square on the chest.

“Ow. Ow. Ow. I surrender!”, he exclaimed putting up his hands in mock defense. You laughed and patted his shoulder: “Sorry. I did not want to hit you that hard, but”, you hit him again, “you deserved it.”

“Still did not really answer my question, but I take what I can get”, the boy shrugged. “Ravi, not everyone can be so sure of themselves like you”, you answered mockingly, swatting one his hands that was laying on your hip, away.

He frowned, but left you alone. You suddenly became really dizzy, having to hold onto the closest surface to not collapse on the floor. You felt hands holding you up and two brown eyes were looking right back into your own eyes. “You alright there?”, the blue haired boy, who somehow appeared right back next to you when you needed him. “Tired”, you mumbled making your way to your room while clutching onto the wall.

You fell down on your bed and could already feel yourself drifting away. Why were you suddenly so tired? You did not know. But your last thoughts before being completely asleep were on the red haired boy in the room next to you. You would look at how he is doing tomorrow.

Author Note: I tried to hurry up with this one. Sorry if there are errors. Did not proofread.

Oh well, Thank you for the new subscribers and the nice comments. They do make me smile a lot.


Ohaiyo out :P

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*le me* "I don't care" *also le me* "You haven't written in ages" *first le me* "I'm a horrible person, i hate this, i hate me. Shame on me"


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Chapter 2: Wow! Only just found this. WHAT A GEM!
fluffybunny70 #2
Chapter 31: Finally! This is one of my favorites!
Idk why but I'm getting emo just imagining it's ending ;#;
I've following this for so long....aaah!
But I can't wait for the end.
Excited for the next chapters! *w*
nadhirah #3
Chapter 31: Welcome back! Life is like a rollercoaster. So dont feel bad and come back when u feel better. Hwaiting!
bipssince2012 #4
Chapter 9: it's scary how the story write himself, and the writer will be clueless many times.. its a bad thing as well.. i hope the self writing story won't affect the boys relationship.
bipssince2012 #5
Chapter 8: i didnt know that this will be hard to read if you obsessed with one pairing from vixx
bipssince2012 #6
Chapter 7: yeah n its not fair. very not fair.leo how xone you just eat that toast
bipssince2012 #7
Chapter 6: i wish everyone can go out next
bipssince2012 #8
Chapter 3: Ok I understand now why the writer doesn't want the characters die... They are her company, her friend. I was only thought about messy house and the damages.. I bet Ravi won't die.. he's superior after all
bipssince2012 #9
Chapter 2: It's still creepy.. who is wonshik... why is he different...