Need some Help?

Once I was Real



Tomorrow did not turn out to be tomorrow at all.

The red head did not leave his room since slowly vanishing. A week has already passed, but you and the rest of the boys could still hear noises which meant that he was still very much alive. You felt really uneasy though, because you still have not found out how something like that could be happening without your permission. As much as the N stayed in his room the more you stayed in your office going through literally any paper you have ever written. But still there was nothing.

This made you pretty cranky which the other boys especially Ken did not like, because normally you or N would play with him when nobody else wants to. But now that you two were gone he had no one.

“Raviiiiii~. Come play with me, please”, you could hear coming from the room right next to yours. A loud sigh and a reply from the blue-haired boy could barely be heard. Following to that there were loud thumps down the hall. Ravi probably told the older to find somebody else to play.

Everyone was extremely tense and even Leo seemed worried as he almost never left the living room. The boy never admitted it, but he did miss the bothering of the oldest and was now waiting for the red head to finally come out of his hole.

Running your hands through the stashes of paper did comfort you a little. The way you always liked it. Just you, alone, and no one else who could bother you. But now – you did not seem to be able to enjoy your 'alone time'. It was not because you could not, but because you did not want to be alone anymore.

You finally had people who cared about you a lot. And you cared about them too. You would not do all of this searching without really wanting to help the older boy. You grew close as a family and you thought that it should stay this way.

There were a few knocks on your office door, but you did not answer being to indulged in your searches. Then a loud screeching noise followed a few minutes later. “You okay in here?” You looked up from the pile of papers your hands were attached to. Ravi was standing in the middle of your office with a box in his hands. You were curious about the box: “What's in the box?” He shrugged and put the box on the floor to kick it over to you with his foot. “Look inside”, he answered starting to avert his eyes from you to anywhere but you.

You opened the small box. Sleeping pills. “Sleeping pills? Seriously?” “You haven't slept for days and trust me the actual human body cannot go too many days without sleeping”, he told you in an almost scolding tone. “Bring it back”, you grumbled as you put the pills back in the box and kicked it back in front of the boy.

The blue haired boy held his hands up in mock defense: “I wasn't the one who bought these. Only the messenger. Can't bring it back. Sorry, dear.” He took a step back kicking the box over to your desk. “As if you were actually sorry”, you mumbled walking over to your desk to put the box on it letting out a sigh of frustration. “They're only worried.”

You knew that, but you did not have time to lose. Every second could be important. “What are you doing anyways?”, Ravi asked as he was looking over your shoulder. You did not notice when he got so close to you and nudged him in the sides to make him move. “Ouch”,he let out rubbing the spot you just touched. “Not important”, you answered his question going through some papers on your desk that you had not gone through before.

“This room looked nicer as it was clean. What happened? Finally realized that you should renovate?”, the boy questioned, but it all sounded like an annoying blur to you. “Shut it. You're not help. You just stumbled over the pile next to the door. Now I have to go through it again.”

“Sorry”, the blue haired boy replied, “Need some help?” You did not want to admit it, but you were actually lost in your own chaos too, but you just did not have the time. Another breath and a few minutes have passed until you decided to nod.

The older boy immediately took in on himself to clean a little. “Are those piles in the back important?” You shook your head, but as he got a big garbage can you stopped him: “Wait!” His movements stalled and he looked at you quizzically. “What's wrong?” “Those papers are less important than the others, but they're still important enough to keep”, you retorted to his disorientated look.

“But this is literally a script of a book you have finished... like three years ago. Why would you still keep it? The characters are anyway gone.”

“That doesn't mean that they were never important to me. I cherish those old papers, because they remind me of old time with other people. I at least respect them enough to not just get rid of them after they were gone.”

“Characters. They don't exist anymore. Just a forgotten memory, never to be seen again”, the blue haired boy said with an emotionless tone in his voice. This is a side you have not had the pleasure of meeting during the last month. This Ravi seemed less enthusiastic and positive about everything. It was almost weird, but you did not know enough about the boy to be able to judge him.

Then you got an idea. This Ravi looked vulnerable and maybe he knew more than you did. You thought that you might be able to get some valuable information out of the boy.

“And you are the same? Just a character, right?”, you questioned innocently, moving closer to him. You saw him tense and crouched down next to him. He avoided your gaze piling the papers over each other carefully.

Then you dared to move so that you lips were almost touching his ear as you whispered: “What do you know that I don't? Tell me.” He flinched back at your voice averting his gaze to his right looking at nothing in particular. You moved to sit down on the floor eying him as you could not fully understand his actions.

If he knew something why did he not tell you. Especially if it could help you. “You know that it isn't nice to keep things from your friends.” He looked at you with a raised eyebrow and retorted humorlessly: “You mean the way you don't answer any of my questions. I have during the past five days or so asked you how you are and if I could help you, but the best answer I got from you was a 'No, thank you'. That just doesn't seem fair, don't you think. I have to answer everything you ask while you don't answer any of mine. Avoiding me won't help you with anything.”

“Okay maybe I didn't always reply -” “Not always? You never reply” “Okay I never reply. But I don't mean it in a bad way. I'm just trying to get this mess sorted out.”

The blue haired boy crossed his arms in front of his chest: “Doesn't seem like it's working.” You let out a puff of air and gruffly replied: “Don't tell me what I already know.” The older held back a laugh and ruffled your hair softly: “It's all going to be okay sooner or later.”

You looked up at his now smiling face: “How can you be sure. N is literally and may I mention again LITERALLY disappearing in front of our eyes.”

He moved backwards and took the hand that just ruffled your hair to rub the back of his neck. “I think I forgot to mention: N is fine.” You looked at him baffled: “What do you mean N is fine?” He shrugged: “ a few hours ago he came out of his room and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. He smiled at me and then went back to his room.”

“And how is that any better than before?”, you asked him in confusion. The blue haired boy stood up to his full height and looked down at you. He opened his mouth: “You don't seem to understand what I'm trying to tell you. He was in the kitchen with 'full printed color'.”

“Gosh, then how about not beating around the bush and actually getting straight to the important stuff”, you retorted irritated by all those words you could not understand.

He lowered himself again to be almost at your eye level: “Dear, the red haired boy is now again one-hundred percent okay. He is literally a solid body again.”

“Oh”, you spoke as you did not know what to say. You were relieved, but still confused. “How did he get back to normal?” The boy standing in front of you shrugged: “Don't know, but thanks anyway.”

Why was he thanking you? He is like hot and could. Just a few minutes he seemed mad, then fully pessimistic and then he want back to normal. But in all that time you did not give him a reason to be thankful so why did he say that.

The older started walking to the door as you asked: “You're going to leave?” “Doesn't seem like I could be of any help to you”, he replied opening the door taking one step outside. You loudly inquired: “Why did you thank me?”

He turned around on last time and said: “For believing in them.” And after that he left you with even more unanswered questions.

Author Note: Hahahahahaha. I wanted to upload on tuesday but I forgot. Today is Friday, so I can't even say I tried. Sorry

Only one more week until christmas break. I hope everyone will have a great time.

Thank you so much for subscribing. See you around.


Ohaiyo out :P

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*le me* "I don't care" *also le me* "You haven't written in ages" *first le me* "I'm a horrible person, i hate this, i hate me. Shame on me"


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Chapter 2: Wow! Only just found this. WHAT A GEM!
fluffybunny70 #2
Chapter 31: Finally! This is one of my favorites!
Idk why but I'm getting emo just imagining it's ending ;#;
I've following this for so long....aaah!
But I can't wait for the end.
Excited for the next chapters! *w*
nadhirah #3
Chapter 31: Welcome back! Life is like a rollercoaster. So dont feel bad and come back when u feel better. Hwaiting!
bipssince2012 #4
Chapter 9: it's scary how the story write himself, and the writer will be clueless many times.. its a bad thing as well.. i hope the self writing story won't affect the boys relationship.
bipssince2012 #5
Chapter 8: i didnt know that this will be hard to read if you obsessed with one pairing from vixx
bipssince2012 #6
Chapter 7: yeah n its not fair. very not fair.leo how xone you just eat that toast
bipssince2012 #7
Chapter 6: i wish everyone can go out next
bipssince2012 #8
Chapter 3: Ok I understand now why the writer doesn't want the characters die... They are her company, her friend. I was only thought about messy house and the damages.. I bet Ravi won't die.. he's superior after all
bipssince2012 #9
Chapter 2: It's still creepy.. who is wonshik... why is he different...