New Day. New Start

Once I was Real


A couple of days have passed and you must admit that it wasn't even that bad that the boys were kind of free now. They could do grocery shopping, while you still had to work. Of course they would always buy a little bit for themselves too. You thought as long as they did not go on a shopping spree and empty your account, everything is fine. You had more time to enjoy your days and not be bothered with going outside, which you did not like anyway.

“We're Back!!”, you heard N shouting from the front door. You stood up from the living room couch and made your way over to help them carry the groceries inside.

“We brought sweets”, Hongbin said happily showing the plastic bag with lots of candy inside. N swatted Hongbin on back of his head to which the other immediately stopped smiling and rubbed the spot he got hit soothingly. “Yah, you did not have to hurt me. A short you weren't supposed to tell would have been enough”, the boy told the red head groggily walking past you towards the kitchen. The scene was almost comical.

“What's wrong with him? Normally he isn't this sensitive?”, you ask the remaining boy, who did not look at you because his eyes were squeezed tight as if he was trying to remember something really badly. “I think it's something about what you wrote yesterday. I'm not too sure because I don't take part in that scene, but that should be it”, the red head responded giving you a grim smile. “Oh”, you let out, because you didn't want him to know that you had no idea what is going on with Hongbin, because you actually did not write anything. On your to-do-list today is to read the chapter, in which Hongbin got frustrated and try to fix it.

Insert a blond boy with a way too cheerful, but concerned expression on his face: “What happened to Binnie?” “I guess he's just in a bad mood today”, N answered, “Hasn't really been talking much when we were shopping.” The blond boy jumped over to N grabbing some of the bags and minutes after searching through the bag he let out a sad breath. “You didn't bring what I asked you for”, Ken said a pout evident on his lips. The self claimed leader shook his head poking the blond on the forehead with his index finger: “You are way too greedy. You do know that we live off of someone elses money.” The latter scoffed looked at you and then while puffing his cheeks he left the entrance hall. “You could have at least taken a bag with you!”, the red head yelled after him. “He is still frustrated that it has already been a while and he still can't do the same things we do. Poor Kennie.” You took one of the bags off the floor and asked: “What did he want anyway?” N shook his head smiling brightly: “Ken is still a little kid at heart. He wanted another toy and some candy, even though he still has some. I think he also hides a lot of the candy we buy as it always disappears after only one day.” You nodded and walked towards the kitchen where Hongbin was already busy putting away stuff while Ken kept on bothering him.

“Come watch a movie with me~”, the blond whined. “I don't have time”, the other answered uninterested. “Please, Binnie~. Please, please, please.” “You do see that I'm busy, right?” “I don't care”, the blond said truthfully to which Hongbin started smiling. “Okay, I'll be on my way”, he said while ruffling the others hair,” Call Ravi and Hyuk and ask them if they want to watch too. I think Leo is still sleeping.” “Okay”, Ken replied giving him a thumbs up and then sprinted out of the kitchen. It was still a mystery how Ken could anyone to smile in the next moment, even if they were 100% upset. He was probably after Ravi the most 'magical' of all of them.

“I think Ravi wanted to talk to this girl here though”, N suddenly said next to you, scaring you so much that you almost dropped the groceries. “Sorry”, he whispered shortly after. “No problem”, you replied. Hongbin looked up and shrugged: “Oh well. Ken will find him anyway. Can you bring those over here so that I can put them in the storage room?”

The younger boy seemed to have calmed down and you were grateful that there was no tense feeling in the air anymore. N moved forward to place the groceries next to Hongbin, who smiled in return and kept on putting everything in the cupboard. After a few minutes N started helping him, no longer being awkward with the young boy who was mad at him only some time ago. Hongbin does forgive easily. But you felt kind of out of place and would rather search for the problem of the boys behavior.

“If you don't need me I'll leave. I still got things to do, okay”, you called out to them and you think you heard a slight mumble of “Sure” and another of “Putting stuff away isn't that hard”. You took that as the opportunity to leave, immediately making your way to your office. But surprisingly you were not alone. A blue haired boy was sitting at your desk on your chair.

“What are you doing here?”, in a way it sounded harsh, even though you did not want to be mean. The problem was that the boy was going through your stuff as if it belonged to him. He could find all the pages of the new chapters, which you never wrote and question you things you would not be able to answer. This scared you to the core and you did not want anything else, but him to leave.

“Calm down, sunshine. I was anyway taking my leave”, the boy retorted as he stood up and strutted towards you. As he was in arms length he grabbed your cheek with one hand and tilted your head upwards. The motion surprised you and you really did not have time to react as soft lips were already pressing themselves against yours. It was sweet and short with him leaving as quick as he could. Probably thought you would punch him, which you maybe would have.

You did not let your thoughts wander for too long as you sat down in your chair turning on your laptop. Of course something was already written. At least you are able to check it before anybody else sees when you work on your laptop. You preferred it that way. If you write on paper there could be a chance of the text modifying itself.

It was a rather boring day for their crew. Sun shining and the wind howling. Perfect weather to relax and do nothing, but not for them. They still had to find Hongbin, who got kidnapped because of a small mistake made by N. The boys went searching for the other almost everywhere. Ravi as their new navigator gave speculations on where they may have dragged the poor boy. “Binnie shouldn't be left alone with N anymore. Because both of them barely pay attention to their surroundings, making them a bad combination to be put together in a team”, Ken spoke frustrated that one of his men was so easily lost by another member of his crew. “I already said I was sorry. I cannot turn back time”, the read head huffed crossing his arms in front of his chest. The youngest put one hand on each of their shoulders: “Calm down you two. Past is past. We'll get him back. I mean you both do remember that we are the most famous bandits in the entire world.” They both nodded and let out a sigh, still thinking about Hongbin being alone and maybe even tortured.

So this was why the boy was in such a bad mood. Being left alone, probably to die was not in your intention so you quickly came up with an interesting way to find the boy, without it sounding too absurd, because you still didn't know if the part of the story you wrote and the part that wrote itself would fit together. The least you could do is try to help the boys.

What scared you was that if the story now writes itself completely then maybe it might some day kill one of the boys. Shaking your head and pulling at your hair in frustration you decided to write even more happy moments so that you could be sure that nothing bad could happen any time soon even if the story continued to complete itself.

At four a.m. in the morning you thought that it was the perfect time to go to bed. What you did not expect that when you open the door there would be two boys sitting in the hallway leaning on each other while they were sleeping. They probably wanted to talk to you some time ago, but were to afraid that they might interrupt you. These two were a weird but sweet pair. You shook their bodies to wake them up, so that they won't have their bodies aching in discomfort in the morning from the weird sleeping position. Even though it was already morning.

“Hey. Ken. Leo. Time to wake up and go to your room”, you told them to which the blond only mumbled a “Mom there is still a lot of time until school starts” which was barely understandable as he snuggled himself closer to the other boy who seemed to be waking up.

“Morning”, he said shortly looking up at you. “What are you guys doing here? You are going to get cramps from sleeping on the floor.” The boy rubbed the back of his neck while stretching: “This boy-”, he replied while ruffling the others hair, “-wanted to talk to you.”

You blinked at the older motioning for him to say more, which he did not seem to understand and you let out a breathe. “What exactly did he want that could not wait at least until tomorrow?”, you asked looking at the other who was now petting the blonds hair.

“I think it was something about going outside. He was too cheerful and excited, so I could not understand everything he said. All I know is that he did not want to wait alone in the dark hallway which left me being dragged after him. He was too nervous to knock, so we have been sitting here for quite a while”, the only boy awake replied and it surprised you for how long he talked. You would have never ever thought that the boy would say anything longer than two short sentences.

You nodded understanding what he meant but retorted: “But you can't stay here. I'll go to bed anyway. Let's talk about it later when everyone is awake, yes?” The boy nodded and stood up. He took hold of Kens arms and threw them over his shoulder. He got up giving Ken a piggy-back-ride to their shared room saying “Goodnight” very softly as he left.

After this incident you could not wait to go to sleep, not even bothering that Ravi was again laying in your bed and wrapping his arms around your body. Just this once you will let it slide, because you are way too tired. You can think about important things later.


Author Note: I'm so incredibly sorry that it took this long for a new chapter.

I was busy with school and classes are getting harder to pay attention to. I hope that I did not disappoint you guys.

Thank you very much for the new subscribers and also the old ones for not leaving me :)

School is getting less so I should be able to update sooner


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*le me* "I don't care" *also le me* "You haven't written in ages" *first le me* "I'm a horrible person, i hate this, i hate me. Shame on me"


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Chapter 2: Wow! Only just found this. WHAT A GEM!
fluffybunny70 #2
Chapter 31: Finally! This is one of my favorites!
Idk why but I'm getting emo just imagining it's ending ;#;
I've following this for so long....aaah!
But I can't wait for the end.
Excited for the next chapters! *w*
nadhirah #3
Chapter 31: Welcome back! Life is like a rollercoaster. So dont feel bad and come back when u feel better. Hwaiting!
bipssince2012 #4
Chapter 9: it's scary how the story write himself, and the writer will be clueless many times.. its a bad thing as well.. i hope the self writing story won't affect the boys relationship.
bipssince2012 #5
Chapter 8: i didnt know that this will be hard to read if you obsessed with one pairing from vixx
bipssince2012 #6
Chapter 7: yeah n its not fair. very not fair.leo how xone you just eat that toast
bipssince2012 #7
Chapter 6: i wish everyone can go out next
bipssince2012 #8
Chapter 3: Ok I understand now why the writer doesn't want the characters die... They are her company, her friend. I was only thought about messy house and the damages.. I bet Ravi won't die.. he's superior after all
bipssince2012 #9
Chapter 2: It's still creepy.. who is wonshik... why is he different...