One Here, One There

Once I was Real



You never liked going outside. Never wanted to ever again go outside on your own. The reason why you were now walking down the streets while it was snowing was because you did not want to risk any chance that could cause any kind of danger to the boys sitting at home in your apartment.

Another incident like the one with N will never be able to happen. Even though they complained to you quite a lot about 'stealing their rights'. You in return told them that they literally had no rights since they are not counted as a proper citizen. This could at least shut them up for a few hours until they would start to continue complaining. But you were having none of it by making sure to lock all the doors connected to the outside world; front door and the one to the entrance hall just to be a little bit more on the safe side.

The only one that had not complained even once was N being more on your side probably because he knew that you only meant it for their own good. So in this case some time during November and some time during late November soon became the start of December. You felt guilty for taking away some of their privileges that you gave them merely a few months before, but you could not help it. You were too scared to lose any of them.

You came back to reality when you accidentally bumped into a street lamp. Maybe daydreaming while walking especially int the evening when it was already getting dark and foggy was not one of your best ideas. Rubbing the sore spot on your forehead you could hear someone laugh. Being annoyed by the sound you swiftly turned to the person making the noise, barely being able to see: “What's so funny about someone walking into a lamp?” The figure shrugged: “Nothing really. Happens a lot actually, but does not make it any less funny.” You scoffed: “Great. Thanks. My pain is your gain or what?” “Indeed.”

You got a little bit closer squinting your eyes to make out some features, but after a few more steps the figure started moving back. From the build and the voice you could tell that it was a guy, but what was strange is that you normally do not converse with anyone outside of your apartment. Did you know him? After some time in silence you thought about the guy. He was very suspicious. He would not let you come close neither would he talk too much.

“Well it was nice talking to you but I really have to go home now. It's getting late and I don't want anybody to worry about me. See you some other time”, he said giving you a small wave goodbye and turning around to leave. When he was walking directly walking under a lamp his whole body got illuminated and under his beanie you saw light blue hair slightly peaking out. It looked really familiar, but it took you some time to actually realize. Was it Ravi? No, you made sure to lock all the doors and nobody would be stupid enough to jump out the window on the eleventh floor.

You ran after him, but it seemed too late as the figure was already gone and new snow had made it already impossible to see any traces of footsteps.

A few minutes of mindlessly standing in the middle of the streets you had decided that it would be better to use the sidewalk as one car had almost bumped into you and honks of other cars were starting to get annoying. Slow steps were carrying you home until you had reached your front door. You put the key in the lock and listened carefully if it made any odd sounds, but everything seemed to be fine; no sound of kind of violent intrusion could be heard.

The entrance hall was as dark as always as you put your shoes away and took of your coat while turning on the light. With another key you opened another door which led you to another hall.

“Welcome back!”, an enthusiastic blond shouted running towards you prying your hands open to take all the grocery bags you were carrying. “Did you get everything?”, a worried looking N asked. “Took you pretty long to get back.” “Yeah, sorry about that. Did not get any rice, but I'll try again tomorrow”, you replied following them to the kitchen. “Want one of us to go for you?”, a cheeky voice from the tallest but youngest boy sounded through the rooms to which the red head only rolled his eyes. “Don't you ever try or by the love of god I will make sure to drag you back and make sure that leaving the apartment would not be your only problem! You hear me!” “Sorry.” “Good.”

Hongbin was already cleaning some dishes as he whispered “Hi” and continued to scrub the plates. You and the other two started putting away everything as a blank faced Leo joined. Not soon after Hyuk also joined his eyes darting to everyone but then settling on the chair opposite from Leo on which he sat down.

“Hey! Where did everyone go?”, a familiar voice shouted which could only belong to the last boy who was still missing. “Int the kitchen”, the red head standing next to you yelled back. Way to make someone go deaf. The blue haired boy peaked inside and then took a few steps towards the kitchen table. “What are you all doing in here?” A sarcastic “What does it look like?” came from the second youngest boy while a whisper of “I'm hungry.” could be heard from the second oldest.

But you zomed out of their conversation as you thought back to the stranger and his blue hair that was so similar to Ravi's color that it just could not only be a coincidence. Same length. Same color. Same everything. “What did you guys do while I was gone?”, you tried to ask discretely. “I played some video games with Hongbin until he decided to do some cleaning”, the youngest replied. Leo's answer was as always held short and simple: “Sleep.” And then one of the answers you were waiting for came from Ken. “I watched a horror movie with N and Ravi, but I mainly had my eyes closed. But the movie wasn't actually that scary.”

So Ravi really was at home all this time. Maybe your imagination played a trick on you and the strangers hair was not actually blue. You shrugged it off not wanting to ponder on it for toolong.

“Hey you have to admit that it was at least a teensy bit scary”, N exclaimed as he was now having a heated discussion with the blue haired boy. “How can you even tell that it was scary? You barely watched it.” “I did watch it.” “You did not open your eyes every again after the twenty-fifth minute. Okay, well maybe when the credits rolled.”

This ended with N flicking Ravi's arm so that the skin contact sounded very painful even to the listeners. “Ouch. Sorry. Forgot that someone gets over sensitive when you point out the truth”, the taller of the two said rubbing his arm while bowing his head down a little. “Hmpf. I'm not sensitive”, the other retorted, but then Ken interfered: “You just flicked him. This pretty much shows that you are sensitive. If not you would not have done that.”

The red head glared at the blond making unrecognizable noises, which you could not decide if they were meant to be an insult of if he was just trying to let out some steam. He took out some vegetables and started cutting them, but had to stop when Ravi decided to give him a surprise hug. “Sorry”, the taller mumbled. “It's okay”, the other answered a smile crawling to his face. The red head continued to cut the vegetable after he was let go but in a more gentle way.

“You already preparing something?”, you asked N watching him slice the tomatoes over his shoulder tiptoeing so that yo would be able to see. He started laughing and rubbing his neck: “Actually I don't even know why I started. As if I was compelled to do so. Kinda weird.” “Ah. I didn't do anything though”, you tried to defend yourself, but he already interrupted: “I know. Would be stupid thing to do. I mean you would not have to force me as I would easily do it voluntary. Maybe it was just a weird feeling, but I'll anyway continue now that I have started.”

You nodded shortly. The youngest piped up: “Need any help?” N smiled and made some room for the other boy to join as the two started preparing together. You turned around to the kitchen table see a Leo with his head on the table most likely asleep and Ken who is playing with the formers hair looking back at you with a smile.

Ravi seemed to have left already, even though you had not noticed when. “Do you guys know where Ravi went?”, you asked all of them, but they all shrugged except for Leo who did not move an inch. Even though you were curious you decided to stay and enjoy the homey feeling of being with all the boys – well almost all of them. You continued to cook with them until you were almost done.

“I'll go get Ravi”, you told them. As you were out the door you heard N yell: “Go look in your room! He likes to write stuff there when he's bored.” “Okay”, you murmured being put off a little. Can't that boy just use his own room.

“Dinner is ready”, you told the blue haired boy who was laying on your bed. “I'll be right there”, he replied groggily. You were confused, because half an hour ago he seemed to be fine. “Something wrong?” He looked up at you and smiled: “Naaah, I'm fine.”

As he stood up he was literally standing in front of you only an inch parting the both of you. At first he looked you in the eyes but then closed them and leaned forward giving you a small kiss on the forehead. He leaned back and whispered something, that you could not understand. “What?”, you asked him but he shook his head. After that he took a strand of your hair and put it behind your ear. “Nothing. Let's go the others are waiting for us.”

He took your hand and dragged you after him. His hand felt very warm.

Author Note: Haha! I wanted to upload yesterday but laziness~~

Sorry. I'll hope you will like it. Please enjoy :)

Thanks for all the new subscribers and also the older ones for not abandoning me.

Ohaiyo out! See you later!

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*le me* "I don't care" *also le me* "You haven't written in ages" *first le me* "I'm a horrible person, i hate this, i hate me. Shame on me"


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Chapter 2: Wow! Only just found this. WHAT A GEM!
fluffybunny70 #2
Chapter 31: Finally! This is one of my favorites!
Idk why but I'm getting emo just imagining it's ending ;#;
I've following this for so long....aaah!
But I can't wait for the end.
Excited for the next chapters! *w*
nadhirah #3
Chapter 31: Welcome back! Life is like a rollercoaster. So dont feel bad and come back when u feel better. Hwaiting!
bipssince2012 #4
Chapter 9: it's scary how the story write himself, and the writer will be clueless many times.. its a bad thing as well.. i hope the self writing story won't affect the boys relationship.
bipssince2012 #5
Chapter 8: i didnt know that this will be hard to read if you obsessed with one pairing from vixx
bipssince2012 #6
Chapter 7: yeah n its not fair. very not fair.leo how xone you just eat that toast
bipssince2012 #7
Chapter 6: i wish everyone can go out next
bipssince2012 #8
Chapter 3: Ok I understand now why the writer doesn't want the characters die... They are her company, her friend. I was only thought about messy house and the damages.. I bet Ravi won't die.. he's superior after all
bipssince2012 #9
Chapter 2: It's still creepy.. who is wonshik... why is he different...