
What would I do without your love?

Mianhe everyone for not updating this story so much TT TT 

I just got a new concept for a new story so I might just leave this one alone for a couple of weeks. Please forgive me and my writer's block!

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jjongiebbyluv #1
:P Update soon!!
Kekekeke this is such a cute story!!! Umma it's so good plz update soon!!!!
Kekeke! You updated! :D<br />
Love it:3 so sweet >;D <3
jjongiebbyluv #4
D'awhh. So cutee<3 update soon!
MsKitten #5
Update super soon this story is addicting
mar1adyve5sa #6
this so sweet..but what gonna happen next will not make me sad...-.-<br />
update soon..
krinkle_shawol #7
chapter 6 really made me cry!!~~~ but it was worth it!
Oohh I like it! Jongkey ftw please let key slap the hell out of Jessica. Update soon :)
your writing style is good...<br />
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We will see what happens next... cat fight with Jessica over Jonghyun?