Hyung, I'm Married!


"Oh Sehun"
Because today...
"Do you take Jung Soojung"
Is Sehun's...
"To be your wife?"





Sehun watched the snow fall slowly.People passed by him. The glowing lights of Christmas, children were playing 
with each other, and couples everywhere. He sighed slowly causing a white gush of air to escape from his mouth.
Everyone seems happy, except him. He's kind of... lonely.

"Hey Sehun." Sehun looked at the direction of the voice.A very familiar one - Jongin. With his little boyfriend - 
Yixing. Sehun and Jongin are housemates, including Joonmyeon and Kyungsoo.

"Yo." Sehun said while doing the 'salute' pose.Yixing giggled at this.

"What're you doing here? I thought you don't want to go outside and just lock yourself in your room thinking of how
miserable your lovelife is?" Jongin said while teasingly raising his right eyebrow.

"I can ask you the same thing. What are you doing here? I thought you and Kyungsoo are going to skate today?
Is he with the two of you?" Sehun asked. Jongin immediately looked like thunder strike him. Yixing look at Jongin, 

"Holy Sh*t! I totally forgot about him. I'm doomed!" Sehun really can't understand him. Sehun knew everything. 
He knows that Kyungsoo likes (loves) Jongin. But Jongin is too busy with his "boyfriend". It's not that Sehun doesn't
like Yixing or anything. It's just that, he thought /he knows/ that Kyungsoo is better for Jongin. I mean, they'll 
make a cute couple, right? To make it simple, Sehun ships them. (Sorry Yixing).

"Yixing, I'm sorry! I really am! But I made plans with Kyungsoo hyung first. I promise I'm going to make it up to 
you." With that, Jongin run to God-knows-where. Probably where Kyungsoo is.

After that bastard Jongin left, there's an awkward silence between Sehun and Yixing. Sehun looking literally bored,
and Yixing looking confused and amused at the same time.

"Ow wow. So, yeah. Now that that uh, happen, I think I'm going first? Yeah, so, uh, bye Sehun" Yixing said and got
away to window shop or something. Sehun doesn't care. The only thing that comes to his mind right at the moment is 
that..he's once again, alone.

"Now, what?" He asked himself as he walk. He bought a chocolate flavored ice-cream. People are looking at him amusely
because, who wouldn't? Why would you eat ice-cream on winter? But why would the ice-cream vendor sell ice-cream 
on winter? 

He walked and walked until he got tired and decided to go home. It's already 11:30 anyway. In another 30 minutes, 
it'll be Christmas. 'I'm so excited'. Sehun rolled his eyes.

Everything seems normal. Almost as if it's not Christmas. Everything that happened today always happen on
Sehun's 'daily life'. Almost. Because he knows, and he feels that, nothing will go normal again. NOTHING. It's not
going to be the same. And that's saying something.



"Who the hell are you?!"


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Chapter 9: Why?! Why u do dis?! T-T They are so dumb and freaking blind!!!!
I still love this story though<3
fullsunana #2
Chapter 9: Damni was hoping for a hunhan ending
Chapter 7: They made no efforts. They don't really love each other.
Chapter 9: you literally pulled my heart out authornim!!!
please update soooonn
and I was sorry to here about you're crush.....…
it happened to me too, trust me, I know how it feels
but now I'm happily committed to Kris WU ^-^
daisydee #5
Chapter 9: In the end not everyone deserves a happy ending...huhuhu.. If sehun n luhan are not totally an idiot, they would be together by now n have a happy ending... Great story author-nim..
Hunhan520 #6
Chapter 8: In the need of sequel!!
Chapter 8: Ohhh yayyy im excited ; u ; is there also gonna be hunhan in the sequel? XD and aww you are so cute with your crush lol just kick him out of earth ; u;
Chapter 7: ! This hurts. /ugly sobbing/
Chapter 7: WHAT..!!! Sequel please..
I am hurting so bad along with hunhan.