Chapter 15

I Fell For My Bestfriend

[No One’s P.O.V] 

It was a warm and sunny day . Aaron and Wang Zi stared at each other with flames on their eyes . Gui Gui and Rainie could feel the heat and tension building up between them . They tried to keep them away from each other as far as possible . 

Gui Gui: -looks at Aaron & Wang Zi- Uh, I think we should go to the beach house now . 

Rainie: Yeah . C’mon babe . -pulls Aaron along with her- 

Gui Gui: Pst, what’s up with you and Aaron ? -to Wang Zi-

  Wang Zi: I HATE him . Do you see how he looks at me ? He looks at me as if I looked like a disgusting person . -getting mad-

Gui Gui: Calm down . Don’t be like that or else our plan won’t work . 

Wang Zi: Oh yeah, our plan to make him jealous ? -smiles- 

Gui Gui: Yup ! 

After a few minutes we finally arrive at Wang Zi’s beach house . 

Gui Gui: Wow, it’s so pretty here . 

Rainie: Yeah and look at the water . It’s as clear as the sky . 

Wang Zi: Thanks .

Rainie: What do you think Aaron ? -looks at him- 

Aaron: its okay . -cold tone- 

Wang Zi glared at him and Aaron glared back . 

Gui Gui: He-hey Guys . I think we should take a walk . -grabs Wang Zi- 

Wang Zi: Let’s go babe . -slips his arms around Gui Gui’s waist and looked back at Aaron smirking- 

[Aaron’s P.O.V] 

Oh my god ! I want to kill him ! I hate this dude .What the ?! Why’d he put his arms around Gui Gui ?! 

Aaron: Uh, I don’t think it’s a good idea . 

Gui Gui: Why not ? 

Aaron: Be-because -trying to look for an excuse- because today’s Friday the 13th . 

Gui Gui: and ? 

Aaron: You never know, bad things might happen . 

Wang Zi: Yeah right . Let’s go Gui . 

Gui Gui: No, he’s right . 

Wang Zi: What ? You believe the dumb thing he said ? 

Gui Gui: It is not dumb ! Remember my dad died on Friday the 13th . 

Wang Zi: -don’t remember anything about her dad but decides to play along- Oh yeah, I forgot . Sorry Gui . 

Gui Gui: It’s okay . His death was all my fault anyway . -tears slowly come down her face- If I didn’t ask him to come home for my birthday . He would’ve been here with me right now . 

I looked at Gui Gui . My heart aches to see her crying . 

Aaron: Gui, don’t say that . It wasn’t your fault . Don’t blame yourself for your dad’s death . -hugs her- 

I didn’t care if Wang Zi or Rainie was there . All that matters is that Gui Gui need comfort . I hate to see her crying like this . I know I’ve always been the cause of her tears . But now I want to comfort her .  I pulled out from the hug . I wiped Gui Gui’s tears that were flowing . Then I turned and saw Rainie crying . 

Aaron: Rainie …. 

I called for her name but she ran away . Why was she crying ?Was she crying because she saw me and Gui Gui hug ?What’s wrong with her ?She knew what happened .I just comforted Gui Gui .  I ran to where Rainie ran to .I saw her sitting on the sand .I sat next to her and turned to face her . 

Aaron: Rainie .. 

Rainie: Aaron, lets break up . -as tears slowly drop from her eyes- 

I couldn’t believe my ears . 

Aaron: Why Rainie ? But I-I 

I tried to say I love her .But I couldn’t .Those words wont come out of my mouth . 

Rainie: what ? Can’t say it ? 

I just stared at her and nodded my head . 

Rainie: I knew it . All of your actions had change . I knew you didn’t love me anymore . I can see by the way you look at Gui Gui and its different from the way you look at me . 

Aaron: What do you mean by different ? 

Rainie: I can see by the way how you look at Gui Gui and when she just cried earlier . You were so worried and hurt when you saw her crying . You immediately hugged her . You didn’t even care if her boyfriend or I was watching . You just wanted to comfort her . I can see how much you love her . 

I was shocked by Rainie’s answer . I didn’t know she knew me this well . That my actions were all so obvious . 

Rainie: I think you should go after her . 

Aaron: I thought you love me ? But why are you setting me free ? 

Rainie: That’s the reason, I love you . I want to see you happy . -force a smile- 

Aaron: Thanks Rainie . -hugs her- 

Rainie: -cries- Goodbye Aaron . I’m setting you free . -smiles- 

Little did they know that Gui Gui was watching them . She cried and believed what she only saw .

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Chapter 52: Wow...great story...
@CupcakesPrincess: AWW, thanks sooo much. I love reading ur comments bcos its always long and it makes me smile :) and u need to update ur storyy! <br />
<br />
@21BlackjackVIP: Hehee thankss and yuup I loveeeee Big bang :D ur also a VIP right? I can tell by ur name. hahaa<br />
<br />
@fussyzombie: Hehehee Yess i am ^^<br />
<br />
@arratan: Reaally?? Thanks! r u also a VIP?<br />
<br />
@Bubble: I KNOWW RIGHTT? I wanted to write a few more chapters but if i did i wouldn't know how to end it, so i ended it there. and I'm thinking about writing another fanfic, but i dont wat kind of story it should <br />
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
You finally ended this story XD <br />
MAN!! HOW I wish you will have more extra chapters :P<br />
LOl! yeah! BigBang is a VIP XP aww!! I just love it so much ... haha ... I am a fan of BigBang too hehe .... especially Taeyang follow by GD and TOP Lolz <br />
It's so cute when Aaron got jealous over BigBang Hahaha <br />
Hey!! will you write a new guilun fanfic soon?? @_@
arratan #4
omay god yo're vip wah....<br />
you know you get me falling in love with your story kekekee...<br />
yeah.. let's go to ygfam concert kekeke with guilun ofcourse kekkee....
fussyzombie #5
21BlackjackVip #6
Oh shoot I loved da ending so much!!!!! I ddnt know u Lyke big bang too!!! U should make a new story!!!!
OH.MY.ING.GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.O<br />
The ending is TOTALY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~why wouldn't it be?????????? Aaron being so JEALOUS over Big Bang! *LOL*<br />
He was like "Oh now she did not!" and "Y and AARON" should be in one sentence. I was about to burst into laughters and tears but I decided not to because parents are behind me and they'll think they've born a crazy miniact! lol<br />
this story is so AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!<br />
ok, enough of me babbling my mouth! <br />
Ciao! XD<br />
P.S: i'll be waiting for your next story! :D
WHAT????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
O.O" F*** <br />
Seriously?? <br />
Ao Quan and Wei Yu are getting married o.o <br />
Boy!! still can't believe it *breath in ... breath out* <br />
S*** I never thought you would write something like that hahaha <br />
Eyyyy!! gosh .. just imagine *goosebumps* XP <br />
Update soon^^
O.O *jaw wide open*<br />
OH.MY.GOODNESS. you call this chapter boring? HELL NO!<br />
THIS CHAP. IS ING HILARIUS!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL<br />
To tell you the true! I never expect this to happen before!<br />
Ao Quan and Wei Yu? Gay? LOL................<br />
don't worry Gui, you're not the only one who's shocked and can't get over the fact! <br />
Mabel07 #10
You Better Update! -.-