Chapter 17

I Fell For My Bestfriend

[Gui Gui’s P.O.V] 

Gui Gui: Wo de Wang Zi can you put me down ? 

Wang Zi: No . -smiles- 

Gui Gui: Do you know a store nearby ? 

Wang Zi: Yeah, why ? 

Gui Gui: I forgot my toothbrush . Can you give me the directions ? 

Wang Zi: sure . 

Wang Zi drew the directions . 

Wang Zi: here . -hands piece of paper- do you want me to come with you ? 

Gui Gui: Nah, its okay . 

Wang Zi: You sure ? 

Gui Gui: yup, don’t worry . I’ll see you later then . 

Wang Zi: okay . Take care . -hug- 

I left the house and I went across the street like it was drawn on the paper . There I saw a little store . I took a toothbrush on the shelf and headed the cashier but before I could get there, I bumped into a guy . 

Gui Gui: sorry . -bows- 

Guy: its ok- -pauses- Gui Gui ?! 

Gui Gui: -lifts up head- huh ?! You again !? Are you stalking me ?! 

Guy: Do you seriously not remember me ? 

Gui Gui: I do . You’re the erted guy I met at the cab . 

Guy: Gui Gui ! I’m Wei Yu !! Remember me ? 

Wei Yu? Hm, I don’t remember anyone named Wei Yu . Wait, don’t tell me ?! 

Gui Gui: Wei Yu . I think I remember that name ..? 

Wei Yu: I’m out of patience . I’m your best friend and also your Ex-boyfriend . 

Gui Gui: Ooh, so its you . I didn’t recognize you . You’ve change . 

Wei Yu: Yeah, you too . You look more cuter . But I still recognized you because you have that stitch key chain hanging from your purse . 

Gui Gui: I really missed you ! -hugs- 

Wei Yu: I missed you too ! 

Gui Gui: Yup, so where do you live ? 

Wei Yu: Well I found a house and its next to yours . 

Gui Gui: Tell me the address . 

Wei Yu: XXXXX address . 

Gui Gui: Woah, you really are a stalker . How’d you know where I live ? 

Wei Yu: I saw Aaron yesterday . He told me you live with your boyfriend . So I decided to be neighbors with you and prevent him from touching you ! 

Gui Gui: Geez, you’re so overprotective . 

Wei Yu: Haha . If you live at Hazelnut City . Then what are you doing here ?

Gui Gui: Oh, Aaron, Rainie, and I are just taking a 2 day vacation at Wang Zi’s beach house . 

Wei Yu: Oh so Wang Zi’s your boyfriend’s name ? 

Gui Gui: Yup . 

Wei Yu: and you guys are staying there ? -points at where the beach house’s located- 

Gui Gui: Uh-huh . You wanna come ? 

Wei Yu: Sure . I’ve got no where to go anyways . 

Gui Gui: okay, hold on . I’ll pay for this first then we can go . 

I went to the counter and paid for the toothbrush and went back to where Wei Yu was at . 

Gui Gui: let’s go ! 

I hold his hand while we were walking .We always do this in the past . I got used to holding his hands since then . 

Gui Gui: here we are ! 

Wei Yu: Your boyfriend’s beach house is so cool ! 

Gui Gui: hehe, come on, everyone’s inside . 

We came inside and everyone’s eyes were set on us .I noticed all of them looking down at our hands . But I ignored it . 

Gui Gui: Hey guys, this is Wei Yu . My best friend and also my ex boyfriend . 

Rainie: Hi, nice to meet you . -shake hands- 

Aaron: Sup Wei Yu ! Long time no see . 

Wei Yu: We just saw each other yesterday . -laughs- 

Aaron: Oh yeah . 

Wang Zi: hey I’m Wang Zi . Gui Gui’s boyfriend . -smiles politely- 

Wei Yu: Oh so you’re the unfortunate guy . 

Gui Gui: Wei Yu !! -glares- 

Wei Yu: haha . Sorry, just kidding . -pats Gui Gui’s head- 

[Wang Zi’s P.O.V] 

Ugh, I guess there’s another rival . Why does he keep touching my Gui Gui ?! Why were they holding hands when they entered ?! Why do they keep laughing and smiling to each other ?! Ugh, I’m going crazy .

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Chapter 52: Wow...great story...
@CupcakesPrincess: AWW, thanks sooo much. I love reading ur comments bcos its always long and it makes me smile :) and u need to update ur storyy! <br />
<br />
@21BlackjackVIP: Hehee thankss and yuup I loveeeee Big bang :D ur also a VIP right? I can tell by ur name. hahaa<br />
<br />
@fussyzombie: Hehehee Yess i am ^^<br />
<br />
@arratan: Reaally?? Thanks! r u also a VIP?<br />
<br />
@Bubble: I KNOWW RIGHTT? I wanted to write a few more chapters but if i did i wouldn't know how to end it, so i ended it there. and I'm thinking about writing another fanfic, but i dont wat kind of story it should <br />
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
You finally ended this story XD <br />
MAN!! HOW I wish you will have more extra chapters :P<br />
LOl! yeah! BigBang is a VIP XP aww!! I just love it so much ... haha ... I am a fan of BigBang too hehe .... especially Taeyang follow by GD and TOP Lolz <br />
It's so cute when Aaron got jealous over BigBang Hahaha <br />
Hey!! will you write a new guilun fanfic soon?? @_@
arratan #4
omay god yo're vip wah....<br />
you know you get me falling in love with your story kekekee...<br />
yeah.. let's go to ygfam concert kekeke with guilun ofcourse kekkee....
fussyzombie #5
21BlackjackVip #6
Oh shoot I loved da ending so much!!!!! I ddnt know u Lyke big bang too!!! U should make a new story!!!!
OH.MY.ING.GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.O<br />
The ending is TOTALY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~why wouldn't it be?????????? Aaron being so JEALOUS over Big Bang! *LOL*<br />
He was like "Oh now she did not!" and "Y and AARON" should be in one sentence. I was about to burst into laughters and tears but I decided not to because parents are behind me and they'll think they've born a crazy miniact! lol<br />
this story is so AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!<br />
ok, enough of me babbling my mouth! <br />
Ciao! XD<br />
P.S: i'll be waiting for your next story! :D
WHAT????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
O.O" F*** <br />
Seriously?? <br />
Ao Quan and Wei Yu are getting married o.o <br />
Boy!! still can't believe it *breath in ... breath out* <br />
S*** I never thought you would write something like that hahaha <br />
Eyyyy!! gosh .. just imagine *goosebumps* XP <br />
Update soon^^
O.O *jaw wide open*<br />
OH.MY.GOODNESS. you call this chapter boring? HELL NO!<br />
THIS CHAP. IS ING HILARIUS!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL<br />
To tell you the true! I never expect this to happen before!<br />
Ao Quan and Wei Yu? Gay? LOL................<br />
don't worry Gui, you're not the only one who's shocked and can't get over the fact! <br />
Mabel07 #10
You Better Update! -.-