Chapter Thirteen

Million Dollar Boy
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Here's a double update to compensate for the lateness hehe! Enjoy~



Pin-dropping silence fills Baekhyun’s room as soon as he and Jongin step inside. Jongin is there to do assignments together with his best friend, but he is also there for another purpose.

“You told him,” Jongin mumbles, trying to catch Baekhyun’s guilt-ridden eyes. The other has been awfully quiet since the start of classes earlier, and Jongin knows just what the reason is.

A heavy sigh follows Jongin’s simple words. And before long, Baekhyun is crying in Jongin’s chest, soaking his best friend’s uniform with his warm tears. “I’m so sorry…”

“Don’t apologize,” Jongin Baekhyun’s hair, tucking the other boy further into the solace of his embrace. “Sooner or later, he…he’s bound to know…”

This whole day was nothing but an incessant buzz of hearsays about the abrupt split of the school’s ‘Queen bee’ Geun Luna and Campus Heartthrob Oh Sehun. Jongin doesn’t know what exactly went down between the two, but he’s caught a bit of information from the gossips that had travelled all around their school.

It was a quite a scene, nothing short of dramatic. Sehun was the one who put an end to their relationship with such an indifferent façade, though Luna was the exact contradiction. She called Sehun out for it, accusing him of things that Sehun didn’t even give an ounce of his time listening to. When Luna realized that Sehun honestly didn’t have any more s to give, she practically begged him to take back his words and stay with her.

But what Sehun said was more than final. If he’s done, he’s done.

He left her sobbing with nothing but the phony sympathy of her friends and the unfathomable reason of their split. It was the first time they saw something like that happen with Oh Sehun’s name included in the equation. Most of his break-ups were done behind closed doors since Sehun is a pretty private person but now, half of the school just witnessed the most desired girl in campus grovel at his feet.

Jongin doesn’t know what to feel about this. He is relieved, yes, that Sehun decided to break free from the shackles of this make-believe relationship. But at the same time, the pity in him overflows.

He’s well aware that although Sehun refused to give Luna any second chances, the guy still has feelings for her. And that fact is something Jongin can’t feel all rejoiced about.

“I thought you hated Sehun…?” Jongin questions with a soothing voice, giving his best to calm down his best friend. Baekhyun’s hiccups fill the already stuffed atmosphere of his bedroom.

“I d-do…” Baekhyun whispers.

“You’re not…” Jongin trails off, staring at the posters of various famous singers plastered on Baekhyun’s wall. “You didn’t do it for…for Sehun’s sake…did you…?”

The silence is, once again, unbearable. Baekhyun’s answer lingers in the air, waiting to be spoken by his trembling lips. But even if he doesn’t tell it, Jongin already knows what it is. Baekhyun definitely didn’t tell this to Sehun because he feels sorry for the older guy, no.

“I wanted to get back at him,” Baekhyun’s fists ball, puffy eyes b with another wave of tears. Jongin knows that his best friend is talking not about Sehun, but Kyungsoo. “I hate him…I hate him so much…”

Jongin’s heart wavers at Baekhyun’s words. He wants to cry with his friend because he can feel the other’s pain making a straight shot towards his chest as well. But for now, Baekhyun needs a wall he can lean on and that is Jongin's job.

“I-I don’t care if…if anyone finds o-out about…him and that girl…I j-just—I want to hurt him…” Baekhyun is choking on his tears as he clings onto his best friend. Jongin shakes his head, rubbing circles on the other boy’s back.

“Don’t do anything that you will regret later on, Baekkie,” Jongin murmurs. “I want you to move on from Kyungsoo. I wanna see you smile again—I wanna see the old Byun Baekhyun back.”

“And the only way to do that is to…forget about him. He’s not worth any of your attention.”

Baekhyun stills at that, sniffling. A pregnant pause befalls them before he decides to voice out his thoughts. “Oh Sehun isn’t worth your attention too. He’s hurting you.”

Baekhyun feels his best friend grow slack. Jongin releases a soft sigh, gazing at the ceiling, a twinge of sadness enclosing his chest. “He’s different from Kyungsoo, you know it.”

“They’re all the same,” There is a hint of bitterness in Baekhyun’s voice. “They’re all jerks who don’t give a about other people’s feelings. You need to move on from him too.”

Jongin deeply contemplates Baekhyun’s words. Earlier, he said those words with ease. Move on.

But now he realizes that what he’s asking for Baekhyun to do is nowhere near simple.

It’s easier said than done.


Dinner is a little tense on Sehun’s part. As usual, he is tight-lipped, neglecting Jongin and Hyejin’s presence while the other two continue with their mild chatter.

Jongin can sense Sehun’s dejection perfectly. Grandma Hyejin might not notice her grandson hurting, but Jongin can. And it’s bothering him greatly. He can’t sit still knowing what Sehun is going through. It’s taking him a lot to focus on whatever the old woman is talking about without sneaking a furtive glance on Sehun’s direction.

After finishing dinner, Sehun wordlessly stands up and simply leaves. Grandma Hyejin casts the younger boy near her a worried look.

“Is there something I should know about, Jongin?” Hyejin asks, trying to pluck answers out of Jongin. The latter stiffens, half wanting to cover Sehun’s problems and the other half wanting to speak the truth.

He decides to do the former. “Everything is fine, grandma. There’s nothing to worry.”

The old woman doesn’t seem to buy it as the suspicious streak in her eyes remained, but Jongin thanks the heavens that she chooses not to pry on it any further.

“I’ll be in my study if you need me.” Hyejin excuses herself, with Jongin returning her smile back, albeit a little strained. Once he is the only one left in the spacious dining room, Jongin stands up and leaves as well.

It is only when he is in front of his own room’s door does Jongin stop walking. Sehun’s door is agape, showing the half of his room. Uncertainty hits Jongin as he deliberates whether to enter his own room and shut the door close, or stay there for a little while and gaze at Sehun, who’s flat on his back in his bed, eyes closed.

Baekhyun told him earlier that he should just move on from Sehun and like another person who would actually treat him better than his fiancé ever would. His best friend was particularly frank with him and his words hurt, but it's the truth.

If you’re waiting for Sehun to like you back, don’t. It’s a hopeless case. He wouldn’t have feelings for you and you know it. Baekhyun’s voice echoes at the back of his mind. The bitter reality of it all causes his chest to tighten.

Jongin’s heart makes a wild jump when Sehun’s eyes open and look straight back at him. His face is devoid of any expression, except enervation. He wonders if Sehun could have possibly remembered that night he showed him weakness.

When Sehun closes his eyes again, Jongin enters his room.


The Glee Club’s members stand exceptionally as they sing their national anthem together with the Pep Band’s impressive music. All around are spectators of all ages, singing along to the song.

After all introductive speeches are done, the said club members execute another upbeat song, while Seoul Academy’s cheerleading squad performs in the center of the oval, the metallic foils of their pompoms gleaming under the bright sunlight. The crowd is already buzzing in a frenzy, making the atmosphere all the more hyped and rapturous.

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the 2016 Fall Sports Festival held here at the Gimcheon Sports Complex, on the beautiful campus of Seoul Academy!”

The roaring, countless boom of cheers erupt as the voice of the emcee rings throughout the oval. Different names are chanted, getting lost amidst the voices of the excited mass.

“…will see athletes compete in cycling, distance running, powerlifting, football, tennis…”

The sound of speakers are a bit muffled inside the track and field team’s locker room. Everyone is in their own corner, doing warm-ups. Jongin sits on one of the benches, tying his shoelaces up when another body settles down beside him.

“The crowd’s huge,” Zitao speaks, watching the younger do his task diligently.

“I’ve heard!” Jongin grins. He’s a bit nervous since this will be his first time participating in such an event. The only crowd he's ever dealt with were Seoul Academy's students. But today, there will be people outside of their school to watch. There are parents, children, and other students from different schools which players will be competing against them.

“I passed by our competition earlier. There’s this one dude who’s so ing arrogant,” Zitao scowls, recalling how that guy bragged about ‘pummeling SA track team’s asses down the dirt’. “I heard he’s going to compete for the 500 and 800-meter dash. Be careful of that guy.”

Jongin’s stomach roil with uneasiness again. He’s going to compete for those events too. Even though he’s not the only one who is dealing with the nerves, it still feels as though he is the only one freaking out inside. All his teammates seem calm and ready, even Zitao, who isn’t even originally a part of the team.

“You too, hyung. Try not to trip on your face while running,” Jongin beams teasingly. Before long, he finds himself in a headlock courtesy of Zitao himself. “Y-Ya…!”

“Little squirt, have some respect for your elders!” Zitao sniggers, holding back a squirming Jongin. Everyone in the room can’t be bothered by the unusual display of Zitao’s attitude, seeing as he’s really close with Jongin. They are already used to the two’s childish bickering.

“Y-You’re only two years older—!” Jongin squeals in fright when Zitao’s fingers prod at his sides. He’s very ticklish there. “Let me goo!”

“Hey, hey, kids. Don’t overexert yourselves, you still have a lot of running to do later!” The track team’s coach bellows from somewhere in the room when Jongin escapes Zitao’s clutches and runs out of the room, the older boy dashing after him.

Jongin doesn’t make it past the second corner when he bumps hard into someone. He hears Zitao yelp behind him, catching him safely in his arms before his bum hits the cement. “Goddamn, Jongin!” Zitao bursts into laughter.

“Ow…” Jongin winces, rubbing his forehead. He cranes his neck up, ready to spit out apologies. But they are suspended mid-air at the sight of Chanyeol’s ever-so-tall form looking down at him. Beside him stands Sehun. They are both in their football uniforms, holding cold drinks in their hands.

“Hey, midget!” Chanyeol pipes out with a lopsided grin, not even the least bit affected from that hard bump. His uniform’s not really that thin, tailored to withstand forces from every player in the football field so if anything, Jongin's the one who gained pain from the impact.

“Hyung…!” Jongin stammers, straightening. Behind him, Zitao’s frowns. Sehun maintains his flat expression while Chanyeol smiles, completely ignoring the sophomore’s presence. “I’m sorry!”

Chanyeol waves his hand in dismissal. “Distance running is still three events away. Why are you already on it?”

“I…well…” Jongin starts nibbling on his lower lip, embarrassed. He looks back at Zitao, who is looking elsewhere. “I was…we were…um…we were doing some…er…warm ups…” Jongin’s blush doubles as he scratches the back of his head.

Chanyeol just nods his head in understanding, before he gently nudges Sehun on the arm. The other is busy drilling holes in Zitao’s head. “We gotta be heading back. Good luck with your race, midget.”

Jongin can do nothing but grumble inwardly at the humiliating nickname as the older guys walk away from them, with Chanyeol cackling victoriously because he has managed to tease Jongin again.

“Didn’t know you were close with those guys,” Zitao remarks casually while they head back to their locker room. Jongin glances at him, seeing the other’s impassiveness.

“But I’m not…?” Jongin answers. Zitao is unconvinced.

“As far as I know, Park Chanyeol only jokes around wit

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Heyyy y’all! Yes im still alive and no, i havent forgotten about this story. I know i said i would update (and that was LAST YEAR holy 😅) Im really sorry for making you guys wait but your girl’s gotta study OTL. Anyways just hang in there, i wont abandon MDB. ill be back soon! 😘


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Chapter 39: Just had to re-read this entire story. Hahahhaa in 2024. I miss this story. <3
961 streak #2
Chapter 39: Yay! They finally said that L word!
This story could actually end here!
Yet, there is still an unfinished business with Junmyeon and Heyjin.
961 streak #3
Chapter 36: WT ... Chanyeol had more kisses with Jongin! That isn't fair!
961 streak #4
Chapter 32: qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,./qwertyuiopsdfghjkl;xcvbnm,!!!!
Finally, the kiss after 30 chapters!
961 streak #5
Chapter 30: Another kiss and it is still not Sehun!
How could you be so cruel to Sehun when he's showing jealousy and possessiveness?
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Chapter 27: What was that? There was no kiss!
We are now in the 26th chapter and still no kiss!
961 streak #7
Chapter 25: Chanyeol has always been a kind hyung even if had had flashes of admiration for the young Jongin! But now, with the more mature Jongin, he sure is getting in.
Jongin sure is lucky to have a "boyfriend" and a fiance! Hahahaha!
Chapter 39: It's been years authornim
Chapter 39: miss ma’am….
nurulhuda #10
I hope it will be updated huhu