Chapter Thirty-Two

Million Dollar Boy
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“ ‘Kim Jongin from Seoul Academy, ranked first nationally in the 110 hurdles with a time of 13.20. Second fastest mark in secondary school history’,” Quoting like a commentator would on a live event, Baekhyun beamed proudly as he peered over the towering trophy case, displaying golden cups, medals, certificates and other awards Jongin had accumulated from athletic events over the years. “Man, there was never a time this didn’t impress me. To think you got all this in just four years! Could you even name a prouder dad than me?”


Jongin broke into soft laughter as his best friend continued to shower him praises. Baekhyun had always made certain that Jongin knew how ecstatic he was when it came to these things. He, too, took pride in his achievements. It hadn’t been that long, only four months since he placed first in the regionals and was scouted by numerous athletic instructors. There had been a decent amount of scholarship offers too from various universities since his win; it’s quite the celebrity life for Jongin, so to speak.


“You’re so talented though. I wonder how can I ever reach your league when it came to sports,” Baekhyun sighed, flopping down on Jongin’s bed and proceeding to pinch the flesh on his waist. “Look at this fat, ugh. My can’t even sprint for a kilometer without wheezing my lungs out.”


“You talk like you’re some kind of a bum,” Jongin looked at him funny. “You’re talented on your own. You must be forgetting how popular you are because of your voice - the very reason why the headmaster loves sending you off to singing contests to represent our school.”


“I guess so,” Baekhyun mumbled, a smug blush covering his cheeks. The movie continued to blare in the background as they talk about random stuff concerning their lives, snuggling on Jongin’s bed. “Geez, does the protagonist really have to act like a ing saint. It’s the 21st century, no one does that anymore. Everyone’s a hoe!”


“For the record, not everyone can be like you.” Jongin rolled his eyes.


Suddenly, the scene changed from dramatic to intimate. The characters kissed passionately under the open sky, lost in a bubble of time and space, not even noticing the heavy waterfalls pouring down on them while they were getting soaking wet. Jongin’s eyes glazed over.


“Now that’s more like it.” With a gratified grin, Baekhyun grabbed a handful of his popcorn.


“Hey, Baek…”




“...” Jongin suddenly found it hard to speak, swallowing thickly as he followed the sensual scene of the couple in the movie. Baekhyun frowned at the lack of response from his best friend so he looked over and was quite surprised at how red the other’s face suddenly appeared to be.


A teasing grin pulled at the corners of Baekhyun’s mouth. “Aw, is my Jongie feeling embarrassed about the french kissing?”


“O-Of course not! What do you take me for.” Jongin cleared his throat.


Baekhyun chewed his popcorn loudly with just the right amount of nonchalance. “Uh huh.”


“I’m not embarrassed,” Jongin reiterated, even though his blushing cheeks were far from convincing Baekhyun. “I just…I was just wondering how could people be so skilled at kissing.”


It’s been quite a while since that day he and Sehun shared their first - and second - kiss, and it hadn’t left Jongin’s mind since. Every time he thought about it his stomach would just plummet and he felt like his heart would combust. Compared to the way the actors kissed in the movie, rough and torrid and full of passion, Sehun’s kiss was gentle and sweet. Even then, Jongin couldn’t match such a tender pace. It might have had to do with the fact that Jongin was shocked to the bones, but nevertheless.


There’s a pang of insecurity inside him and it’s actually quite a bother how inexperienced he really was.


“Why the sudden thought?” Baekhyun seemed amused, attention fully on Jongin now.


Of course Jongin couldn’t really divulge anything about what happened to Baekhyun as he’s sure the other would self-destruct and probably go on a killing spree, and so he found himself saying, “Nothing! I...well, I just realized I’ve literally zero experience in kissing and...uh...what are you doing?”


Jongin’s brows nearly reached his hairline as Baekhyun minimized the space between their faces, wearing a smirk so full of sly mirth.


“Would you like me to teach you?” Came Baekhyun’s shameless offer, coupled with a smouldering look, and slowly crossed what little gap remained between their lips - only for his face to be dismissively pushed away by an uninterested Jongin.


“Why would you want me to suffer through that,” Jongin rolled his eyes, not an ounce of disgust present on his face. He knew for a fact that his best friend, shameless as he was, only meant it as a joke.


Baekhyun jutted out his bottom lip in a pout. “But I’m a good kisser!”


“No thanks.”


“Why not?!” Baekhyun pouted even more. “You’ll be a master at french kissing in no time!”


“I’d rather make out with Byeol.”


“Your loss!” Baekhyun buried himself under Jongin’s bed covers, stuffing his mouth with popcorn. “I can’t believe you’re letting this once in a lifetime opportunity go.”


“If I kiss you, it would be like making out with my own biological brother. I can’t emphasize enough how nasty that is.” Jongin made a face. He checked the time and realized with a start that it’s already seven in the evening; he and Baekhyun had been binge watching movies for the entire afternoon. “Oh my god, I forgot to finish packing my clothes!”


“That’s what happens when you keep on wondering about swapping spit with somebody else,” Baekhyun cackled as he watched his fussy best friend disappear into his walk-in closet. “Your is gonna abandon me again! This is the third time, Jongie. The third time!”


“Who’s the idiot that’s going to fly to Bali this weekend again?” Jongin huffed as he dragged his luggage into view while struggling to hold a pile of clothes that he still hadn’t organized inside.


“I believe I asked you to come with us.” Baekhyun looked at him pointedly.


“And be a miserable third wheel while you and Kyungsoo act like newlyweds on their honeymoon? Didn’t think so,” Jongin crossed his arms.


“For the last time, it’s Kyungsoo’s family gathering. I just happen to be invited!” Baekhyun clarified with a mouthful of kernel. “You, on the other hand, couldn’t wait to Sehun’s even though your wedding’s still a few months away! Absolutely gross.”


“Wha- you and your vile mouth, I swear!” Jongin hauled a random shirt at him. “Lewd bastard. We will just visit Mrs. Namjoo because it’s gonna be her son’s death anniversary soon.”


“Oh, right,” Baekhyun’s teasing expression turned solemn. “I wonder how she is. I miss her cooking.”


“Honestly, me too.” Jongin smiled sadly.


“That doesn’t change the fact that you are going on a trip with Sehun alone. Again.”


“Chanyeol is tagging along!” Jongin barked. “There! You happy?”


Baekhyun looked surprised, but delighted as well. “Well why didn’t you say so! I could never let you be on another trip with Sehun alone again after he gave you a-”


“Don’t finish that sentence-”


“-goddamn hickey last time. That flaming homo,” Baekhyun huffed. Jongin could only sigh, red dusting his cheeks. “Laying his filthy hands on my innocent angel like that…he has no right! Even if he’s your future husband and is hot as !”


“You’re a dolt.” Jongin shook his head.


He suddenly faltered upon a bad memory four months ago flashing back inside his mind. True to Sehun’s word, he arranged a personal bodyguard for Jongin to avoid any incident like the last time with Zitao from happening again. The older man’s threat must have been intimidating enough that Zitao never dared approach Jongin a second time. Nonetheless, he was consistent in messaging the teen to tell him how sorry he was. Jongin could feel his guilt through the phone and truth be told, he really wanted to give the guy a second chance…that was, if he quit all the vices that led them to this situation.


Well, he couldn’t really be so sure that the guy was still at it, especially without keeping close tabs on him, right? Perhaps he already stopped, perhaps he didn’t. There was no way of telling unless Jongin talked to him in personal, but with his bodyguard always hot on his heels, that would be unlikely.


Baekhyun decided to head out when the evening fell, saying something along the lines of “not having the appetite to eat dinner with Mr. Resting--face” while Jongin was left wondering what he should prepare for tonight. He’s aware of the circumstances Sehun had to deal with at the office and the least he could offer the man was a hearty meal. Like what Seohyun said to him, the best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, indeed.


God, he’s sounding more and more like a dedicated housewife - or a house husband for that matter.


Getting too into my role much? Jongin covered his embarrassed face.


It was an 8-hour drive from Seoul to Gwangyang, where Mrs. Namjoo’s family supposedly lived. Sehun and Chanyeol took turns driving and as for Jongin…well, he sat alone at the back, as quiet as a mouse. He only did three things during the trip, of which one was watching the back of Sehun and Chanyeol’s heads while they talked. Somehow Jongin managed to become a third party in their presence. Not that he wanted to complain…he actually tried to stay under their radar as he went about his business, admiring the passing view out the window and going to snooze land.


It was a fact that he couldn’t handle both of these overgrown beanstalks’ attention being on him at the same time. He made little to no effort of keeping up a conversation with them past answering questions of “do you want to eat” or “do you want to use the toilet”.


It’s proving to be quite a difficult task to do, though.


“Hey,” Chanyeol casually settled beside Jongin, who’s sitting on a bench outside a convenience store. They’re currently at the gas stop for a refill. “Bought you root beer.”


“Thanks,” Jongin muttered, taking the can from Chanyeol’s hand. It was cold against his palm.


“You’re strangely quiet,” Chanyeol remarked, an eyebrow raised in his direction. Jongin stiffened.


“I’m just dizzy,” Jongin lied, giving the older guy a sheepish smile. “You know, motion sickness. Kinda kicks in during long trips like this.”


In a distance Jongin catches Sehun’s gaze, the slight downward turn of his mouth, and his heart rate sped up a little. The guy leaned on the side of his car and pretended to look around the place as if he totally hadn’t been watching them with hawk-eyed scrutiny.


Oh boy, Jongin thought they already had it settled, but it looked like Sehun’s still suspicious of them. What to do.


“Do you want medicine for that? I have some in my bag.” Chanyeol offered good-naturedly. Jongin had no choice but to nod, if he wanted the other to fully believe his little white lie.


The rest of the trip became uneventful as it was earlier, but Jongin couldn’t help noticing that even Sehun and Chanyeol fell quiet after their short stop at the gas station.


Not to be too full of himself, but…Jongin hoped this little tension wasn’t about him.


It wasn’t long until they finally reached Mrs. Namjoo’s village. There weren’t too many people around, and the houses seemed to be distances away from one another. They had to ask a couple of locals around before they could get to Namjoo’s exact location.


Sehun had already notified the old woman of their visit ahead of time so the servant was able to welcome them into her house prepared.


“Mrs. Namjoo!” Jongin couldn’t hold himself back the moment he saw the woman face to face. Namjoo accepted Jongin’s hug wholeheartedly, a mellow smile stretching across her lips.


“Young master,” Namjoo patted the teen’s back. “I’ve missed you so.”


“It’s been a long time,” Sehun and Chanyeol sent a nod to Namjoo, as well as the old man behind her. It might be her husband.


“Well, you kids must be exhausted after that long trip. How about we get you settled inside?” Byungho, Namjoo’s husband, amicably ushered the trio inside the hanok.


“And you must be hungry,” Namjoo smiled, leading the way alongside Jongin. “Supper is almost ready. I will show you your rooms for the time being.”


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Heyyy y’all! Yes im still alive and no, i havent forgotten about this story. I know i said i would update (and that was LAST YEAR holy 😅) Im really sorry for making you guys wait but your girl’s gotta study OTL. Anyways just hang in there, i wont abandon MDB. ill be back soon! 😘


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Chapter 39: Just had to re-read this entire story. Hahahhaa in 2024. I miss this story. <3
961 streak #2
Chapter 39: Yay! They finally said that L word!
This story could actually end here!
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Chapter 36: WT ... Chanyeol had more kisses with Jongin! That isn't fair!
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Chapter 32: qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,./qwertyuiopsdfghjkl;xcvbnm,!!!!
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Chapter 30: Another kiss and it is still not Sehun!
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Chapter 27: What was that? There was no kiss!
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Chapter 25: Chanyeol has always been a kind hyung even if had had flashes of admiration for the young Jongin! But now, with the more mature Jongin, he sure is getting in.
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I hope it will be updated huhu