Chapter Thirty-Seven

Million Dollar Boy
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A/N: In light of the recent news surrounding a certain ex-member of exo, i’ve decided to remove him as one of the characters. My reasons are self-explanatory (for those who are not yet informed, you can look it up on the internet. I’ll let you be the judge). Sooo with that, there will be name changes with some of the characters (including sehun’s mom and charles, if yall still remember him) bc…….well, i just feel like it. LMAOHSHS 


Anyway, just giving yall a heads up of these name changes: Minyu --> Juhyun and Charles → Lucas. As for our vice principal, i guess Heechul can take the role :) That’s all!



It was half-past five in the afternoon when the meeting with the new investors wrapped up. It had been a hectic day, as always; in addition to this one, Sehun attended three meetings just for this day alone, all for various reasons. Nobody in the room could match his desire to get the conference over with as quickly as possible.


Impatient as he was, he waited until everyone had left the conference room, leaving just him, Hyejin, and their secretaries. Hyejin turned to face him, not quite as weary as he had imagined. Perhaps it was because she'd been in this industry for so long that dealing with four meetings in one day - all in separate locations - was second nature to her.


“Do you have anything else to do after this? Let’s have dinner before heading home.”


Sehun had his response on the tip of his tongue, but he remained silent. Instead, he sent his secretary a signal to convey the rest of his day's agenda. “You still have an appointment with Sir Jongin at 6:30 this evening, Mr. Oh.”


Hyejin’s features lit up. “Are you going out with Jongin?”


“Yes. I'll be his to their senior prom tonight.” Sehun responded curtly. “Miss Han, get my suit ready. I’ll be down in a while.”


“Right away, Sir.”


Hyejin arched a sharp eyebrow at Sehun as his assistant left the room. “Oh, right. It’s being held today. But I could have sworn Jongin informed me that Chanyeol was going to be his . What’s with the sudden change?”


“Seeing as Chanyeol's on the school staff and all, I didn't think that would be appropriate. Heechul gave me an invitation so I figured I should go with Jongin. Plus, now that everyone thinks we’re a couple, shouldn’t it be a given?”


“That makes sense.” Hyejin agreed with a nod. With those scrutinizing eyes of hers, she smirked as she gazed at her grandson from head to toe. “If you want to pick Jongin up on time, you should probably check into the hotel and clean up. You look as if you’re lacking a day’s sleep.”


“Which happens to be the case,” Sehun muttered as he stepped out of the conference room with the elderly lady, holding the door for her. “I'm sure you're aware that being interim CEO isn't exactly a stroll in the park.”


“This is only a glimpse of what your life will be like after you're married. You are still aware of your obligations as the successor of such a large corporation, aren't you?” Hyejin never once looked at him even as they got into the elevator. Sehun felt as though he was carrying the weight of the world as the gravity of her words, as simple as they seemed to be, slammed down on him. The tension emanating in the enclosed space was enough to make him feel like he’s slowly running out of breath. “Even as a child, you’ve never let me down. I have faith in your ability to make sound judgments. But, just in case, I'm reminding you. This is for the good of the company. Above everything, for the sake of your own future.”


Sehun’s jaws clenched. Growing up, he had already lost track of how many times he'd heard those exact same words.


Hyejin and her secretary exited the lift as soon as the doors opened. Sehun trailed closely behind, eerily silent and tense. They made their way out of the building, where their cars awaited them in the driveway.


“One small thing doesn't go according to plan and suddenly we're off track,” Hyejin turned to face him once again, her steely gaze piercing Sehun's face. “Make sure you never go astray, Sehun. Keep in mind what you're meant to do.”


But that’s the problem.


Hyejin got into the vehicle with those ominous final remarks. Sehun watched with bated breath as the car drove away. Only then did he unclench his fists, the pale crescent lines across his palms attesting to how tightly he'd controlled his emotions. There was this sinking dread in his gut that something wasn't right. That it wasn't fair; he should, for once, do what his heart desired rather than what his brain commanded.


With all that’s happening...I don’t think I’m supposed to do this anymore.


He exhaled, thoughts jumbled as he climbed into his own car and sped away.



Holy- Seohyun couldn't take her eyes off of Jongin. Who the hell is this handsome guy and what did he do with my sweet, sweet Jongin?


Her chest was swelling with pride as her eyes beheld her masterpiece; Jongin, dressed articulately in a burgundy tuxedo with white lapels, hair neatly brushed back, and the top half of his face obscured by a gold and white mask inlaid with burgundy streaks.


“Please, if someone had told me back then that our cute and innocent young master would grow up to be this gorgeous, I would have thought they were erts!” Seohyun nearly gushed as she admired Jongin's appearance. Under the scrutiny of the maids, Jongin shifted awkwardly on his feet and inadvertently fumbled with his cufflink.


“Don't you think I'm too...overdressed?” Jongin inquired as he turned around and examined himself in the mirror. He looked really different tonight- what kind of magic did Seohyun put on him? Of course, she was visibly offended that he would even think that way. If anything, he was underdressed!


“Didn't you say the concept was inspired by the Victorian era? Should I put a red cape on you? You should strut in there with the dignity of a royal prince-!”


“Seohyun,” Mrs. Yeun called, interrupting the young woman’s fantasies, much to Jongin’s relief. “Go tell the chauffeur to prepare the car. It looks like Master Sehun is running late.”


Seohyun wanted to say more, but one stern look from the head maid and she’s hightailing it out of the living room. Jongin passed a look of gratitude to the older woman. “Thanks, Mrs. Yeun. I really think she was serious about the cape thing.”


“Don't worry about that girl; she simply missed Master Sehun's promenade back then, so she made it a point to assist you with all she’s got with your own.” With a gentle smile, the head maidservant handed the younger boy a clean white handkerchief. Jongin kindly accepted it.


“Is that so?” Jongin laughed just knowing that Seohyun was more enthusiastic about this than he was. She could be really cute at times. “But how could she have missed it, though? Was she somewhere else at that time?”


“You could say that,” Yeun answered. She had no option but to elucidate upon Jongin's curious reaction. “Diarrhea. She was practically isolated in the toilet that day, she couldn’t even remember what she ate prior to that.”


“Oh no,” Jongin giggled, amused. “I'm frightened for my life now that I know this little fact. If she heard you say this, she would have lost it right now.”


“Oh, hush. Even if she did, she couldn't have done anything.”


A butler decided to open the main door in the midst of the duo's merriment and informed them that Sehun had already arrived and was waiting in his car, just in time to pick Jongin up. Jongin became nervous and self-conscious all of a sudden, that he didn't realize he'd been lingering there for a full minute, uncertain whether to stay or go. Yeun could readily interpret what was going on in his head since the emotions traversing his face were so vivid.


“Young master,” Yeun murmured, tapping Jongin on the shoulder, somewhat calming him down. “It’s alright. You look dashing. If Master Sehun says otherwise, then he’d truly be blind.”


Jongin’s expression relaxed by a margin. Why was he so tense in the first place? It wasn't like Sehun hadn't seen him dolled up like this before, and this wasn’t the first time the man had to stand in as his date for some event. They were dressed up and went to a wedding only just a few months ago. It wasn't any different this time. In addition, his face was partially concealed, so he wasn't completely exposed.


He really hated it when he’s overthinking. He should relax. Right.


“Now you should go, or you’ll be late.” Yeun grinned as she led him to the main entrance. Jongin gave her an appreciative smile and walked up to the familiar red jaguar, where the butler had the door held open for him. He thanked the elderly man and got in, his eyes fixed on the windshield, never glancing at his companion as if he had suddenly stiffened his neck.


Sehun decided to break the silence soon as they were speeding onto the highway.


“You look amazing.”


Jongin jerked into his seat, his head instinctively turning towards Sehun, almost catching his breath. From the depth of his eyes to the gentle emotions in his voice and that half-smile of his, he was drop-dead gorgeous as ever. He was dressed similarly to Jongin, but in a black tux with a burgundy vest. Sitting atop the dashboard was his untouched mask, a midnight black one with silver embellishments.


“Oh- thanks,” When their gazes collided, Jongin struggled not to stammer and returned his gaze to the window. “You, too. Look great. I mean. You’ve always been. Yep.”


He pursed his lips shut, crying inside. Why, Kim Jongin...stop talking and crawl into a hole.


“Wow,” Sehun’s amused chuckle reverberated throughout the car. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you compliment me since I returned from abroad. Not even when we went to my cousin’s wedding.”


The corner of Jongin’s mouth twitched. “It’s not that big of a deal…”


“It is, if it came from my fiancé.” Sehun shrugged indifferently. “It’d be nice to hear that often.”


Jongin's cheeks promptly flushed with warmth. The juxtaposition between Sehun’s younger self who adamantly refused to wear their engagement ring, and his current self who now confidently used the term "fiancé" was actually mind-boggling. He’s just casually dropping words like this...


“I’d rather not say anything then.”


“Now, why would you say that?” Sehun cast a sidelong glance towards Jongin, feigning hurt. Jongin's lips parted slightly as he saw Sehun's carefree, even playful interaction with him. It’s not a bad thing, but still kind of weird because lately, they hadn't spoken that much. If Sehun was doing this to relieve the tension, Jongin was somewhat glad; at the very least, the older now knew how to read his mood.


“Because I'd be doing myself a favor by not feeding your overinflated ego.” Jongin quipped in a hushed tone, feeling lighthearted. It had been a while since they bantered like this.


“I heard that,” Sehun snorted. “You wouldn't even have to ask me for daily compliments if you wanted them.”


Jongin gave a snort of his own. Oh Sehun? Complimenting him every day? Maybe if pigs finally learned how to fly, that would be possible. “It’s not like you’ll actually do that…”


“Wanna bet?” Sehun's smirk was so goading that it actually annoyed Jongin a little bit. And it's silly since he shouldn't be affronted when they're literally having a discussion about Sehun's ability to praise him unfalteringly.


“Don’t smile at me like that, it’s scary.” Jongin huffed, embarrassed. Sehun’s expression basically indicated that he had won this time. “I don’t even know why we’re having this conversation.”


“It's because you still have a hard time accepting compliments,” Sehun stated as the hotel came into view. The Oh family had sponsored the event's location, even down to the cuisine. And, by all accounts, the set-up was already looking grand. This was all due to Kim Heechul sweet-talking Hyejin since he knew currying favor with Sehun wouldn't work. "You should get used to it soon, especially since you'll be waking up next to me every day."


Right. It must be because of the cold war they had last time, that Jongin forgot about how much of a flirt this man actually was. And now that he knew how Sehun felt about him, it's really hitting him differently this time.


“There you go again,” the younger nearly blubbered and unbuckled the seatbelt as Sehun maneuvered the car into the entryway, and then exited the vehicle as soon as the valet opened the door for him. He could already hear the soft jazz playing in the lobby and see some of the students entering the hotel with their respective dates.


He jumped slightly when Sehun gently held his elbow from behind, snatching his attention effortlessly. Jongin's gaze was drawn to the white rosebud he was holding. “Here, before I forget to put this on you. Stay still.”


Jongin held his breath and watched Sehun pin the boutonniere on the lapel of his coat while remaining perfectly motionless. He also noticed that their colors matched. Sehun finished by looking into Jongin's eyes and tucking a stray strand of hair behind his ear.


I don’t like how you’re so sweet...I’m still not used to it. Jongin looked down, unable to fight the blush on his face. I guess I never will.


“Your mask still isn't on,” the younger pointed modestly as he took the columbine from the taller's grasp. ”Let me put it on you. Can you uh...bend down just a tiny bit?”


Sehun couldn’t help but grin at the request. “Let’s see...can’t you just tiptoe or something? That would be pretty cute.”


My God, Oh Sehun. That is so out of character. Jongin opened his lips but nothing came out, giving him the appearance of being a fish out of water. The older man stooped down slightly just as Jongin was ready to pass the mask back to him again, bringing them both to eye level. “Kidding! I’m just kidding. But not really. Come on, put it on me.”


Jongin looked at him with narrowed eyes as if exasperated at his teasing, before slipping the mask over Sehun's head to conceal his face. He managed to fix a couple of hair strands out of the way too, a little engrossed, before straightening up at the realization that some of the newly arrived guests were watching them a little too intently.


As much as Sehun wanted to enjoy that brief moment of Jongin's undivided attention, it seemed that simply standing in the middle of the entryway was eliciting sly stares from those around them.


“Let’s go?” Sehun then inquired, holding out his hand for Jongin to take. The younger bit his lip and did so, feeling Sehun automatically intertwine their fingers together. Something fluttered in Jongin's gut at this simple gesture as they made their way inside. If only he weren’t wearing these gloves, then maybe it’d feel better-


Ha ha- no. Do not even go there, Kim Jongin.


He also spotted Sehun's assistant waiting for them in the elevator with two bodyguards, preparing to them into a private lift. Sehun, on the other hand, didn't appear to agree with their idea.


“It’s alright, no need for special treatment. Just think of us as one of the regulars.” Sehun dismissed his assistant and led Jongin into a lift as soon as one opened. They had to somewhat squeeze in with others, as predicted, because there were a lot of people waiting to get into the elevators.


As Sehun drew him closer, Jongin worked hard to maintain his composure. He’s looking annoyed in Jongin's stead because of the girl beside them whose exaggerated dress ornaments were practically smacking Jongin in the face.


“Why take this one? Miss Han had set up an empty elevator for us.” Jongin inquired, if only to give the impression that he was unaffected by Sehun's hand resting on his waist.


“Well, my guards used to scare the crap out of you. I assumed being in an enclosed area with them would drive you crazy,” Sehun chuckled, his thumb gently back and forth over the younger's hip. “Plus, I didn't think you'd appreciate being treated so differently when all you want is to have a regular prom experience, like what you told me back then.”


He's actually right...with all the bodyguards about, I feel kind of uneasy. And getting all that special consideration at a school function would be a little pompous, to say the least. Jongin chewed his lower lip. Sehun's perfume was heady and intoxicating this close, and the warmth in his cheeks was heating up even more. If there were no other people in here, he didn’t think he’d make it out of this elevator in one piece. Sehun was just so touchy.


It didn't take long for them to get to their destination. As soon as the elevator doors opened, the waltz was already playing audibly. And when they entered the ballroom, Jongin's breath was taken from him. He'd never felt so tiny in his entire life. The glittering golden walls were illuminated by crystal chandeliers suspended from the arching beige ceiling. The venue was decked in the classic Victorian style, with gargoyle statues adorning the walls, and everyone looked like they'd traveled back in time.


“Wow.” was all Jongin could say. Sehun chuckled, casting a sidelong glance at him. He looked so overwhelmed. “I- just wow. This is so grand? I admit; Baekhyun and his council did a great job this time.”


“They’re in cahoots with the vice-principal, for sure. That jerk, he had to bribe someone for this to happen.”


Jongin burst out laughing. “Come to think of it, that's exactly what they'd do.”


“Hi, there!” When a beaming girl in an emerald evening gown appeared in front of them, their conversation was cut short. “Please hand over your invitations and step into the photo booth to register.”


The pair did as they were told and proceeded to walk to the said booth, so brightly lit and dazzling that Jongin had to squint his eyes. Sehun trailed close behind, his hand never leaving Jongin's lower back.


“We’ll give you three shots for this! You can either pose with or without your masks.”


Sehun immediately spoke out without missing a beat. “We should do both.”


Jongin, who was planning on doing all three poses with their masks on, was taken aback. “Both?”


“Why not? It makes for a better remembrance, don’t you think?” Sehun winked at him and turned to the lady in green. “We’ll do two shots with our masks on and one without.”


“Alright! I'll give you some time to prepare.”


Jongin could only blink and smile as Sehun closed the distance between them and held his waist again, posing for the camera. When the second shot was taken, they were still standing close together, only now they were holding hands- all of which were initiated by Sehun because everything was a blur to Jongin. They pulled off their masks as planned for the third photo, but Jongin wasn't expecting Sehun to take his place behind him, wrap his arms around his middle, and lay his chin on his shoulder.


“Holy , what the -? It’s Sehun sunbae-” Hyoyeon (the green-clad girl) was about to shriek at the sight of Sehun’s face, but restrained herself just in time. With all the guests she had to take care of, she’d forgotten about the fact that Jongin was one of the students and that of course, he’s going to go with his boyfriend! Oh. my. God. They look so good, , my knees are getting weak. With gleaming eyes and newfound enthusiasm, she clutched the camera. “S-Sorry about that. Okay, on three!”


Jongin hardly had time to respond to their sudden position because it happened so quickly. All he remembered was how his face twisted in surprise when Sehun's lips landed on his cheek, and the flash of the camera as their photographer barely held back her exclamation of delight.


“You did not just-” Jongin’s cheeks were ablaze, looking so flabbergasted. Sehun grinned boyishly, evidently pleased with the younger's reaction. “You-!”


“I couldn't help myself,” When Jongin began scooting away from him in case he had any more ideas, Sehun apologized sheepishly and reached for Jongin's hand, bringing him close once more. "Sorry, I'll ask for permission next time."


“I seriously doubt it,” Jongin rebutted, but all he got was more laughter from Sehun that he nearly whined. Why is he like this? I'm going to die of cardiac arrest at such a young age. “Stop messing around!”


“Why do you always automatically think I’m messing with you?” Sehun shook his head as he put on his mask and later, Jongin’s. “I’d do that a hundred times over even without all these people here.”


There was nothing Jongin could answer to that. He preoccupied himself with watching the other students mingle from a distance rather than looking at Sehun, as he’s sure his face matched the color of his tux right now.


While Jongin was still recuperating, Hyoyeon returned with two sets of photographs. She handed them over to Sehun, grinning madly and giving them such a knowing look. Although this wasn't the first time Sehun had snatched a kiss from him in public, it was nonetheless embarrassing. “Here you go! You can proceed inside now. Thanks for the cute shots you guys, have a great night!” I just know they’re going to be the couple of the night. If they don't make it, I'm going to start a witch hunt.


From the moment they stepped onto the red carpet, their presence already drew attention, as if the limelight was theirs for the night. As they made their way to their assigned table, Sehun grabbed Jongin's gloved hand once again and squeezed it tightly. “You’re not mad at me, are you?”


Jongin avoided his eyes, obviously embarrassed. “I’m just annoyed. You keep stealing kisses from me.”


“Do you hate doing PDAs that much?” Sehun asked as they reached their table where several of the faculty members sat. Because he was a distinguished guest, Heechul made it so that they were all at the same table with the other alumni escorts and members of the supreme student government. It went without saying that Baekhyun was there, all dressed up in an immaculate white tuxedo, albeit his focus wasn't on them at the moment as he was monitoring the event with his vice.


“Don’t you get embarrassed? I know I do!” Jongin hissed at him in a whisper, straightening up at the sight of Heechul approaching them. “Hello, vice-principal. Good evening.”


“Hey, Jongin! I could tell it was you guys a mile away. Sehun’s obnoxiousness is kinda hard to ignore,” Heechul greeted back, cackling at the sharp stare Sehun threw over his way. “And it’s Heechul hyung to you, kiddo. At least while we're talking like this.”


Blatantly ignoring his friend, Sehun resumed his conversation with Jongin from where they left off. “I guess. You're not the kind to put on a show. I'm a rather private person myself, but it's difficult to maintain that with you around.”


“Uh..hi there, my long-lost pal from the 18th century. I’d appreciate it if you stop acting like I’m a speck of dust.” Heechul cocked his head to the side and crossed his arms. Sehun sighed exasperatedly. “You know what, why don't you tell Baekhyun you're here, Jongin? The kid’s been waiting for you since forever.”


“I was going to do just that! Please excuse me for a sec,” Jongin was so eager to leave that he didn’t even spare Sehun a second glance. The two older men stood there watching as Jongin grabbed Baekhyun's bicep, effectively startling him, and dragged him to someplace unknown.


Sehun could feel the heat of Heechul's pointed stare. “What, ?”


“Based on princess looking like a ripe strawberry even with that mask on, I’m guessing you had your way with him again, no?”


“Hm. That’s none of your business,” Sehun muttered offhandedly and took a seat. Heechul rolled his eyes and slid onto the chair next to him.


“First and foremost, I’d like you to know that the man you’re drilling holes into is Do Kyungsoo.” He chuckled as he read the sus

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Heyyy y’all! Yes im still alive and no, i havent forgotten about this story. I know i said i would update (and that was LAST YEAR holy 😅) Im really sorry for making you guys wait but your girl’s gotta study OTL. Anyways just hang in there, i wont abandon MDB. ill be back soon! 😘


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Chapter 39: Just had to re-read this entire story. Hahahhaa in 2024. I miss this story. <3
967 streak #2
Chapter 39: Yay! They finally said that L word!
This story could actually end here!
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Chapter 36: WT ... Chanyeol had more kisses with Jongin! That isn't fair!
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Chapter 32: qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,./qwertyuiopsdfghjkl;xcvbnm,!!!!
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Chapter 30: Another kiss and it is still not Sehun!
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Chapter 27: What was that? There was no kiss!
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Chapter 25: Chanyeol has always been a kind hyung even if had had flashes of admiration for the young Jongin! But now, with the more mature Jongin, he sure is getting in.
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I hope it will be updated huhu