Chapter Thirty-Eight

Million Dollar Boy
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The promenade was a major success, as predicted. It was all anyone could talk about come Monday, each having their own tale to tell about their magical experience overnight.


Naturally, Jongin already braced himself for a barrage of questions about his last waltz with his betrothed. Safe to say, he was put on the hot seat on his social media accounts, even more so when Sehun uploaded the same image of them on the red carpet that was projected that evening. A lot of his (crazy) friends kept mentioning his name on Sehun’s posts, resulting in increased traffic that eventually reached Hyejin (through her secretary).


What was the ultimate result, you might wonder? It couldn't get any worse than Hyejin suggesting he also share a photo of him and Sehun. Although ‘suggested’ was the term used, it was basically just an order of sorts. To sum it up, people feasted their eyes on it, particularly news outlets that kept close tabs on the members of the Oh family.


Another round of pretense well done.


Jongin was relieved when everything began to settle down a few days later. It had to be because final examinations were due in a week, which had everyone busier than ever before. Seniors were putting forth their best efforts to complete every task assigned to them in the hopes of improving their prospects of admission to a good university. Even Baekhyun, who couldn't be bothered to open his books (“Studying is for the weak, Jongie”) was preoccupied with jotting down notes for reference- courtesy of Jongin’s own, of course.


While others were pondering future career paths and deciding which universities to apply to, Jongin was a little different. He knew exactly where he was going and what curriculum he would be pursuing. It went without saying that he was going to follow his late aunt’s footsteps and pursue education. He might not appear to be someone who could become a preschool teacher, yet he had aspirations to do such. He supposed that growing up as an only child (or nephew, for that matter) and yearning for a sibling figure had instilled in him a natural affinity towards kids. He could see himself having a great time at work, surrounded by adorable and inquisitive little children. He wanted to impart his knowledge and teach them all a growing child needs to know, including how to be good and kind to others.


It might be considered such a humble profession next to the likes of the people around him, but given how things were currently going for him, he couldn’t see himself taking another path. Sure, Sehun was to inherit a big company, Chanyeol was offered an administrative position at the hospital his family owned, and Baekhyun was driven to become the successful artist he'd always aspired to be; they all sounded like they could take on the world. Just thinking of the successful people they all would become made Jongin pledge his undivided support to them. In any case, they all had their own ambitions to chase.


“Before the school year ends, you’ll have to present those essays you’re writing in class. Kind of like a parting message from you. It’s okay to get a little emotional- maybe even dramatic. I know most of you grew up studying together at this institution, so it will be a little sad to let go.” Their literature teacher smiled wistfully. “Think outside the box. It doesn’t have to conform to the standardized way of writing essays.”


“Can we write love letters then, miss?”


“Have it your way! We’re going to put all of that in a time capsule, so you can get back to it a decade later.”


"I'm going to lay out all of my grudges against Kyungsoo and see if I still resent him that much in ten years," Baekhyun muttered just enough so only he and Jongin could hear. He poised his hand over the paper and started scribbling away, tongue sticking out in concentration.


“Don’t lie to yourself,” Jongin giggled, voice equally hushed. Everyone’s so focused on their work that he’d feel bad if he disturbed them. “If I weren’t the one getting married, I just know you would be.”


“Um, that? You say the wackiest things sometimes,” Baekhyun made a sour face. There was nothing to his relationship with Kyungsoo more than physical means. It’s always Jongin who tried to make sense of things. There’s a fine line between ing and loving, okay.


“Why are you trying to read my essay, anyway? Shouldn't you be working on a novel about what's-his-name and what's-his-name-the-second, and why it’s spiritually impossible to be nuts over two people at once? ”


“Gosh, Baekhyun.” Jongin rubbed his palm over his face. “You're never going to live that one down, are you? ”


“You know the answer to that.” Baekhyun winked. Jongin had half a mind to smack him upside the head.


“It’s over, alright? He knows how I feel, I already made it clear to him that night. I didn’t want to prolong it and make him wait for nothing.” Jongin sighed, his elbow propped up and chin resting on his palm as he gazed out the window. “You were right. As long as I don't confront my problems head-on, it’ll only lead to sleepless nights for me. And all I wanted was some good sleep! So...I guess that’s that. Just let it go now.”


Baekhyun was merely trying to joke, just in case Jongin still felt bad about the whole rejecting-someone ordeal. He should have expected his best friend's guilt to take some time to dissipate. That's how he'd always been. “You know it’s not your fault he caught feelings for you, right? It just so happened that the lines got real blurred halfway, but the fact of the matter is you already like someone, case closed. It hurts, but that’s life. Everyone’s got to move on at some point.”


“I get what you’re’s just that I don’t know how to face him from now on.” Jongin looked as if he was bearing the world on his shoulders as he peered at his blank notepad, still waiting to be filled up with his thoughts. “We see each other every day and I just don’t know how to function, no matter how many times he says there are no hard feelings.”


“Well, there's nothing we can do about that. It’s going to get real uncomfortable at first, but I’m sure it’ll pass. If he goes as far as lying to your face that he’s not bitter for the sake of keeping your relationship from drifting apart, then you just gotta keep doing your best to act as normally as you can, too.” Baekhyun shrugged. “It's all your fault. You shouldn’t have kissed him in the first place! ”


“Wha- he kissed me!” Jongin exclaimed, turning beet red. “Not the other way around! ”


“Yeah, okay. Let’s just say that I believe you.”


“Ugh, this is why I don’t like talking to you.”


“Speaking of,” Baekhyun perked up, looking a little more interested than Jongin would have liked. “Why are you still not talking to The Chosen One, hm? Realized you don’t like him that way, too? ”


“I told you to quit it with that nickname.” Jongin deadpanned.


“If you beg me on your knees, maybe.” Baekhyun put his index finger below his bottom lip, as if contemplating. “And oh! If you kiss me tenderly on the forehead, I’ll reconsider.”


Jongin stared at his best friend, worn to a frazzle. Baekhyun was such a blockhead, he never failed to give him migraines. But on the other hand, he appreciated the other's efforts to keep things lighthearted. God knew he’d had enough depressing stuff on his plate already. “Not gonna happen. And to answer your question, I haven’t found a good way to broach the subject with him yet...I’m still waiting for the right time.”


“Why wait when you can just drag him to a corner and drop the bomb on him? He's like, right around the corner! How hard is it to tell “I ditched my other man to be with you because that’s how much I ing adore you” to someone’s face? ”


Jongin was gradually turning red once more at his best friend’s choice of words. “Let me remind you that I’m not as straightforward as you are, and this is practically my first time confessing. I don’t want it to seem like I’m rushing things just because I know that my feelings were requited.”


“What do you mean it’s your first time? If my memory serves me right, you had your fair share of confessions in middle school. Just as many rejections too.”


“T-That was one time! When I was a kid that didn’t know any better.” Jongin emphasized, resisting the urge to pitch his notebook at Baekhyun's face. He wouldn't even sit here tolerating the relentless teasing if Baekhyun wasn't the only person he could talk to about it. Who would even take a thirteen-year-old’s love profession seriously? Not him, and certainly not the receiving end of that confession. “Don’t remind me of it! God, you’re insufferable.”


Baekhyun wanted to cackle, he really did, but he also didn’t want to be sent to detention when he’s down to counting his days in this academy. “You should put that bit in your essay, just for kicks and giggles. Makes for a fun trip down the memory lane ten years later.”


“Shut up, Byun Baekhyun. I mean it.”


“Yes, sir.”



-5 weeks before the wedding-


Jongin was picked up by his driver later that afternoon and taken to a wedding boutique, as his day’s agenda was to get fitted for a suit that he would wear to his and Sehun’s approaching wedding. The nerves were already wracking him up, seeing the array of bridal gowns and suits exhibited in nearly every corner of the room. His jittering anxiety was just exacerbated by the presence of his fiance's mother.


He fervently hoped he wouldn’t make an of himself in front of his mother-in-law.


“Good afternoon, Madam Juhyun, Sir Jongin,” the shopkeeper said, a charming smile on her face, aiming to make a good first impression on their valued client. Jongin returned the gesture brightly despite the jitters, a stark contrast to Juhyun’s expression—or lack thereof. “We’ve already received your orders and prepared the fitting room ahead of time."


Juhyun nodded. “Very well, lead the way.”


“Please follow me.”


There was just something in Oh Juhyun’s gait that made everyone in the room turn with respect. She resembled a younger version of Kwon Hyejin, the wife of the Oh Corporation’s late chairman. She's also recognized for being an unstoppable socialite. If the owner didn't provide a VIP with the best treatment possible, she'd be damned. Oh Juhyun, after all, was the shop's one-way ticket to prominence.


Upon arriving at the private fitting room, Jongin was welcomed by at least two more women who were introduced to be of assistance to him today. A lineup of designer suits and tuxedos were waiting for them, ranging from light to dark tones, were waiting for them behind clear glass panels, with catalogs strewn about the coffee table for easy reference. Juhyun made a beeline for the couch and beckoned for Jongin to take the seat across from her, all the while scrutinizing the designs and color schemes.


A few more moments of silence later, she closed the magazine and called for the shop owner. “I’m choosing between light and dark shades...what do you suggest would fit him more?”


“I highly recommend lighter shades between the two. I’m not sure if I can word this out properly but Mr. Jongin has a soft profile and that mien about him radiates warmth; gentle and refreshing. Light tones would accentuate those qualities better.”


“Just as I thought,” Juhyun seemed satisfied with the shop owner’s answer. “Bring me all of your finest white tuxedos. No suits. It comes with the shoes and accessories as well, correct? ”


"Of course, we have everything you require! While we're at it, we should get Mr. Jongin's measurements as well.”


Juhyun nodded in assent and Jongin was promptly escorted to another room for his measurements. A while later, he came face to face with at least ten or more mannequins in the main area, all decked out in white tuxedos. Another door to the left corner of the room was unlocked, leading to a whole new section of high-end shoes and accessories.


Jongin had to deal with a begrudging three hours of fitting, changing into different tuxedos and shoes, one after another. The constant chafing of his skin against fabric was beginning to prickle, yet he had no alternative but to put up with his mother-in-law’s meticulousness.


“It is a winter-based wedding, yes?”


“The material of this one is too thin, isn’t it...”


“We have to choose the right fabric according to the season.”


“Yes. You don’t want to be too cold or too hot.”


“This design suits him, don’t you think? Although some aspects don’t compliment his figure.”


“Oh! That’s nothing a few alterations can’t fix…”


He wasn’t even informed of the agonizing process of picking the accessories, from the ties, belts, and down to the cufflinks. There were so many options to choose from and all of it was overwhelmingly dizzying at best. He just wanted to sit down, enjoy a few minutes of peace and silence, and possibly eat. Breadsticks would suffice at this point.


Too bad, though, because he was going to get married. And this portion of pre-marriage preparation was all for wearing him down to his bones and making sure he watched himself around his unnerving in-law.


Nobody gave him a heads up on these burdensome tasks that come with being someone’s husband.



White blinding light constantly flashed before them as Jongin and Sehun take up a position for the camera, doing poses and recreating them according to the photographer’s requests.


It was a little late, given the events of the previous month, including Sehun’s sudden rise to position at the company, but today they finally met with the photographer Juhyun’s secretary booked for their prenuptial photoshoot.


Right about now, they were posing for a formal portrait, with their heads close together and their eyes on the same level, in front of a backdrop of what would subsequently appear in the film as blurred-out autumn trees. Jongin squirmed shyly as a number of eyes watched them from afar. It’s bad enough that Juhyun was observing their every move with hawkeyed scrutiny; the photography team, bodyguards, and both Sehun and his mother’s secretaries were spectating as well.


“Relax,” Sehun whispered under his breath, squeezing his hand for reassurance. It’s a mystery to the younger how Sehun could keep himself cool and composed when they stood in front of everyone like some sort of bonafide actors for a romantic flick. “We’ll never finish if you can't even look me in the eyes.”


Jongin cleared his throat, embarrassed. “It’s because you’re boring holes in my face.”


That was true. Well, at least, partially.


“That’s the point. These photos are a way for us to display our ‘love’—or at least a perfumed representation of it—for all to see.” Sehun remarked emphatically. He took Jongin's hand in his and pulled him closer, adjusting Jongin's hair after the cool breeze messed it up. “So if I were you, I’d quit being distracted and focus on my husband.”


“We’re not married yet, sir.”


“That’s where we're headed, anyway.”


From afar, Juhyun was monitoring the visuals on a screen with a tinge of dismay. By the looks of it, she wasn’t quite satisfied with how the pictures were turning out. Jongin was able to interpret her expression so well that Juhyun didn’t even need to verbalize her thoughts out loud.


For an engaged couple, we don’t look that ‘in love’.


“Just look me in the eyes and put on a smile.”


“I am smiling.”


“Looks forced, though.”


“I’m doing my best.”


“Hardly, if you can’t even loosen up. How about we take a break? ”


“No, it’s all right. We should get this over with quickly so everyone can go home.”


With these staged engagement pictures, Jongin would be less pressured to get perfect photos taken on the day of their wedding. But this alone was making him a nervous wreck, and Sehun knew his mother’s presence had everything to do with it.


Knowing his mother’s perfectionism, there's no way they'd get anything done today if Jongin kept being as rigid as he was. He had no choice but to take matters into his own hands at this point.


"An employee accidentally spilled some paperwork in the conference room yesterday," he began nonchalantly, and Jongin's brows pinched slightly at the digression.


“When he was scrambling to pick them up, his pants ripped all the way to his . Lo and behold, there were these little piglet prints from that cartoon show you were watching on Nickelodeon…what was the name again? ” Sehun told the narrative in a deadpan tone, but it seemed to work since he had Jongin's full attention. He appeared to be still absorbing the information.


“Uh. Peppa Pig…?” the corner of Jongin’s mouth twitched.


"That's the one, yeah. The person closest to his happened to be drinking. Dude's laughter was so out of control that coffee sprayed out of his nostrils, on the verge of passing away from coughing out two entire lungs."


There was a snort. An ugly one, and Sehun refused to acknowledge it.


Jongin's cheeks reddened as he battled to keep his laughter in check. To no avail, because apparently Sehun wasn’t done talking. “The person next to him couldn't stop laughing too, and he leaned back in his chair so much that he fell out backward. It was pandemonium. You should’ve seen the look on our foreign investor’s face. ing priceless. I had no idea Peppa Pig could hold so much power-”


“PFFT- no way,” Jongin couldn't stop himself from giggling, and it just got louder by the second. His laughter was contagious, and Sehun, who had planned to keep a straight face, couldn't help but join in.


Amid all this, their photographer was having a blast with the stolen shots. Internally, he was grateful that Sehun had found a way to change the tides. He was worried the two had gotten into a fight somehow because no matter how close they stood in each other’s spaces, there was just something off about the mood around them that he couldn’t pinpoint. As expected of engaged couples, they just couldn’t hide that specific glow.


In the middle of laughing, Sehun made a gesture that caused Jongin’s breathing and heartbeat to quickly sync with each other. Some flower petals blown by the wind fell on top of Jongin’s head and he brushed it off, careful not to ruin his hair, and proceeded to drop the quickest peck on the tip of Jongin’s nose. Their photographer clicked away like his life depended on it, if o

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Heyyy y’all! Yes im still alive and no, i havent forgotten about this story. I know i said i would update (and that was LAST YEAR holy 😅) Im really sorry for making you guys wait but your girl’s gotta study OTL. Anyways just hang in there, i wont abandon MDB. ill be back soon! 😘


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Chapter 39: Just had to re-read this entire story. Hahahhaa in 2024. I miss this story. <3
961 streak #2
Chapter 39: Yay! They finally said that L word!
This story could actually end here!
Yet, there is still an unfinished business with Junmyeon and Heyjin.
961 streak #3
Chapter 36: WT ... Chanyeol had more kisses with Jongin! That isn't fair!
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Chapter 32: qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,./qwertyuiopsdfghjkl;xcvbnm,!!!!
Finally, the kiss after 30 chapters!
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Chapter 30: Another kiss and it is still not Sehun!
How could you be so cruel to Sehun when he's showing jealousy and possessiveness?
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Chapter 27: What was that? There was no kiss!
We are now in the 26th chapter and still no kiss!
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Chapter 25: Chanyeol has always been a kind hyung even if had had flashes of admiration for the young Jongin! But now, with the more mature Jongin, he sure is getting in.
Jongin sure is lucky to have a "boyfriend" and a fiance! Hahahaha!
Chapter 39: It's been years authornim
Chapter 39: miss ma’am….
nurulhuda #10
I hope it will be updated huhu