Once Upon a Joy Day

The Life of the Sixth Member

Your sentimental but strong older sister had been filming her drama for some time now, and you can tell how exhausted she was. Her birthday was coming up and you knew she wouldn't be able to be there and celebrate with all of you as she was still wrapping up her filming, so you thought bringing the party to her would be the best idea. 

"Hyun-unnie, can we surprise Sooyoung-unnie at her filming site for her birthday? I think that can cheer her up and give her some extra strength since she's been looking so exhausted lately..." you trailed off, Yeri nodding in agreement at your statement. She has seen the updates and could tell the older could use a break from her job, even if only for a little bit. 

The leader looked at you before turning her gaze to everyone else seated at the dining table, before nodding in agreement. "I agree. Sooyoung hasn't been home in a long while and if she can't come home, then maybe we can bring home to her." 

Her statement made everyone lit up, including Wendy who was looking so exhausted herself. Her schedule for YST is packed and she had accepted the fact that this is her reality for now and just try to enjoy the ride. 

"I think that's a great idea, Eli-ah! We can coordinate with her staff there to see if there's a chance for us to surprise her without jeopardising her schedule too much," Seulgi added with a sweet smile, excited to finally see the younger again outside of schedules. Everyone's solo schedules have been so hectic lately, including hers, and she's missed being together with her sisters like a family. 

You can feel the excitement the youngest had before she added, "I can do that! I'll talk to her manager and let you guys know if we can do it." The excited grin on her face made you smile wider as you patted her head softly. Your little sister is so cute. 

"Then I'll order the cake since I don't think Wan-unnie or I would have enough time to bake one. What's the message going to be?" 

You watched as everyone thought hard to themselves as to what should be written on the cake that can give Joy some extra strength and warmth during her most tired days. 

"Happy Joy Day?" Seulgi thought out loud, recognising that the saying is too generic. She could tell the others agreed by the look on their faces.

"What about the tag the fans are going to do for her this year?" Wendy piped up, causing you and Yeri to perk up. 

You looked at each other with widened eyes before nodding in unison. "We'll find out what it is, Unnie!" 

Irene let out a wide smile in excitement. "That settles it, then! Let's plan on how we should surprise her while we wait for the managers to give us the okay." 

The others nodded whilst Yeri took out her phone to contact Joy's manager immediately. You were excited to finally be able to help Joy by making her happy and giving her warmth, and you hoped that was enough to get her through the last days of filming.


The fateful day had come and all of you piled up into two cars, you being in the car with the cake neatly placed in one of the seats, along with Irene. The other two were riding in the other car since they all came from different places while you and Irene came straight from the dorm. Wendy very unfortunately couldn't come with as she had her YST taping, so she left behind a voice message for her dearest younger sister. 

Throughout the ride to the countryside, Irene could tell how nervous you were being since she was sitting right next to you instead of her usual spot in the passenger seat. What was so nerve-wracking about surprising her member? Knowing how much of a perfectionist you were though, she had been expecting it. 

"El," she called out which caused you to turn your attention from the scenery and to her instead, a questioning look on your face. The leader gave you a soft smile as she took one of your hands in hers, feeling you relax immediately. 

"What's up?" She only had to ask those words with those soft eyes, soft smile and soft voice and you melted immediately. 

You heaved a sigh before looking at her again with worried eyes. "Sooyoung-unnie has been struggling a lot lately since her schedule is so packed and she lacked so much rest but I can't really help her, so I feel kind of useless. I'm glad we have this opportunity and wish she can really feel our love and support from this, but will she really? Can this really make her feel better, Unnie?" You sounded so much like a kid to Irene, all worried about your older sister and only wanting to help her in any way you could. 

"El, I know she's been all tired and exhausted lately, but remember what she said to us? She gets a lot of strength from the encouraging words the fans say to her almost at her every schedule and the encouragement we give her through our praises and suggestions whenever she needs it. She'll love the surprise, I assure you." 

The leader could see the tension and nervousness slowly leaving your body as she reasoned, causing that lovely smile to appear on her face. She was glad that you only needed some reassurance. 

"Especially with you being there, she probably couldn't be happier," Irene couldn't help but tease and you let out a whine, blush decorating your cheeks. Irene's eyes widened slightly at the sight since you rarely blush in front of anyone, let alone her because you're usually the one causing her to blush. 

"You're blushing! Let me take a picture, I'm going to show it as an additional birthday present," Irene distractedly said as she took out her phone, "Sooyoungie is going to be so happy." 

Your eyes widened comically before your hands covered your face as you turned around from the older. "Unnie! You just caught me off guard!" 

Your guardian just laughed out loud, throwing her head back in response. You could only shake your head in amusement with love and adoration in your eyes as you tried to tone down your blush. 

All of you arrived as night took place, immediately getting out of the car the second the cars stopped in the parking lot. You figured the birthday girl was still busy wrapping up her filming so you all quietly made your way to her trailer to meet up with her manager and talk about your plans.

"So, how are we going to do this?" the leader asked as she looked around the room at all the staff and members. The staff wanted to be a part of the surprise and you all welcomed them with open arms, though a few had to stay behind to not make the actress suspicious of everyone's absence. 

Joy manager's spoke up, "I've talked with the director and he agreed with us coming over to the set last minute to surprise her if you guys think that can work." 

You all looked at each other and the staff watched as a silent conversation happened between the five of you, with you nodding at the end of it all, causing the members to look at the staff again. 

"Yes, that's a good idea. What time should we be there?" you asked this time. 

The manager looked at her watch. "Should be another half an hour. Do you guys have everything ready?" 

"Yeah," this time it was Yeri who answered, "her presents would have to wait since it hasn't arrived yet..." you all chuckled in response to her answer, Seulgi patting her head in a soothing manner. Yeri had been the one who was tasked to order the birthday present, something that she thought would make the older happy and content every time she looked at it. Since she thought it was such a big deal, she took quite a while to think about what to get her and eventually ordered it later than anticipated, already knowing it wouldn't get here on time. You remembered how she called you whining and pouting in sadness, to the point where you thought she would cry, about how she had messed up and how her Sooyoung-unnie would be so sad she couldn't get her presents on time. These kinds of moments reminded you of how young Yeri still was even though she had been in the industry for almost 9 years now. 

"Then it's settled. Let's give our Joyie the best surprise ever!" the manager shouted and you all responded in kind, the energy turning up a notch. Hopefully Joy would think the same. 


When the time came, all of you made your way quietly to the set with Yeri holding the cake. You walked alongside Irene with your arm around her in an attempt to protect her from the cold since you've taken that as a job for the past few years. Irene could only smile up at you with that special smile of hers, causing you to melt. Honestly, what a breathtaking woman you have in your arms, it's such an honour to be in her presence. Now you were starting to sound like her fansites, you chuckled to yourself. 

"What?" your soulmate muttered to your low chuckle, wide, curious eyes staring up at you. 

You shook your head as you huffed out a laugh, pulling her closer to your warmth as you kissed the side of her head. "Nothing, just something I thought about." 

Irene shook her head in amusement before turning her attention back toward the set that was coming closer. All of you followed the manager's signals to stay behind her and stay quiet, though she worried your height would give them away. 

When the director gave her the signal, she gave all of you a thumbs up, prompting your group and the staff to sing the birthday song. 

"Happy birthday to you," you all sang and Joy turned around in surprise, a hand over . 

"What is this?!" 

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear our Sooyoung, happy birthday to you~" you all finished singing with a little harmonisation at the end. Your group's known for your harmonisation, so you couldn't pass up the chance. 

"Yah, what are you guys doing here? I thought we would meet next week for a meal!" Joy exclaimed, causing all of you to laugh. 

"We'd still do that, don't worry Sooyoung-ah," Irene answered with love in her gaze, "we miss you too much and thought if you can't come home, then maybe we can bring home to you." 

Her answer caused everyone to coo, noting how sweet it was for the members to come all the way from Seoul to the countryside, putting away the time and effort to go to her. Truly a genuine, tight-knit group. 

"You're gonna make me cry, I swear," the birthday girl claimed, causing everyone to coo again at her sweetness. The film staff had spent months with her and knew how sweet and genuine she was, and now realised she was surrounded by good people as well. 

You let go of your hold of Irene to reach your older sister, wrapping your arms around her in a warm embrace instead. "Happy birthday, Unnie, we love you so much," you muttered, causing her to snuggle closer to your embrace. It went on for a few seconds before it was cut off by the maknae. 

"Hey, we want a hug too so please make a wish and blow the candle, Sooyoung-unnie!" Her exclaims caused everyone to laugh out loud this time, some shaking their heads in amusement. 

"Yerim-ah, let me have my moment!" Joy protested jokingly, causing the members to laugh again. They knew how comforting your hug was and how hard it was to let go once you're in the embrace. 

"But the candle is melting!" the youngest protested playfully but you all got surprised, and Joy quickly ran towards the cake held by the maknae. She closed her eyes for her wish for a little while before opening them again, blowing out the candles that were beautifully lighting up the cake. She saw the writing on the cake and coo, turning towards her members with Yeri on her side in a side hug. 

She looked at you with gratefulness. She couldn't be more thankful for having all of you in her life as her sisters since she couldn't see hers as often. She's been with the group for years now and it truly felt like having a second family. She would cherish these kinds of moments forever. 

"I love you so much, thank you for coming here and being with me. I couldn't wish for a better birthday with all of you by my side," Joy said softly with happy tears in her eyes, causing her eyes to shine like the stars that were decorating the sky tonight. 

"We love you too, Sooyoungie," Seulgi made her way to the birthday girl to give her a big hug, prompting all of you to do the same. You could only hope someone was recording everything so you could have this moment to look back to during your hardest time. 

"We're so proud of you and the woman you've become. You've achieved great things, Sooyoung, we hope you're proud of yourself too," the leader stated, soft but stern, and Joy actually cried this time causing everyone to coo and the members to try to wipe away her tears. 

"Did somebody get that on video? I want to remember the moment Unnie cry forever!" Yeri playfully claimed and Joy could only whine in response, tears still running down her chubby cheeks. 

You couldn't help but add, "Wait till you hear the recording Seungwan-unnie made for you, Unnie. You'll probably cry again." 

Hearing that, Joy whined again whilst slapping your arm in response. "Yah, stop teasing me!" 

"But that's my job as your younger sister!" you only harder as you stepped away from her, dodging her second attack in time. 

The Unnie line could only shake their heads in embarrassment as the staff had a glimpse of how your group truly was with each other. One thing is for sure, Joy couldn't ask for a better birthday. She was exhausted to the bones but with her members celebrating her birthday by her side, with the exception of one that she expected, all of it seem to evaporate into the air. She would cherish moments like this for as long as she lived and she can't wait to see what's in store for the group. Red Velvet would be her forever. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1196 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙