Joy Day

The Life of the Sixth Member

You couldn't believe how much Joy had grown up the years you've known her. You first knew her when she was seventeen and she was to turn twenty-five this year, and it's been an incredible journey watching her grow up right in front of your eyes. Joy had always been a force to reckon with; paying for all her siblings' education when she first started earning money to overcoming the many obstacles in her singing career, and you had always looked up to her. That's why this year you wanted to surprise her to show her just how much love she has from the people around her. 

The day before her birthday, she had to film for YHY Sketchbook so you had plenty of time to get her cake, favourite ice cream, and presents to surprise her at midnight. This year you decided to give her a new customised phone case with pictures of all the things she loved on it (Red Velvet, Haetnim, handbags, etc.) and you couldn't wait to see what she thought of it. It might not be something big but a customised phone case is something she doesn't have yet and you knew her fansites would give her luxurious birthday gifts, so you wanted to be the one to give something personal. She didn't need any materialistic things right now so you thought this gift was perfect. 

"How long is the filming, Sooyoung-unnie?" You asked from the kitchen as she rummaged through her small bag, making sure her necessities were in it. 

She answered without looking up from her bag though you could detect the teasing smile on her lips. "I'll be finished at night. Why, are you planning something for my birthday?" 

"Do you want me to plan something for your birthday?" You asked back raising an eyebrow at her when she looked up at you, an innocent, confused frown on your face. You made sure you didn't let anything show because you knew she was too smart for her own good sometimes. 

Joy just giggled, leaving her bag unattended to circle the island so she could get to you, wrapping her arms around your waist with her head on your shoulder. "I'm just teasing you, Eli-ah. We're having dinner together tomorrow, right?" She pulled back from the hug to look up at you, a warm smile on her face. "Spending time with you and the members are enough, don't worry." 

You hugged her again, arms around her shoulders. "How are you twenty-five, Unnie? It feels like yesterday that I met you on your first day of training, and you looking so defeated when you saw Joohyun-unnie." You couldn't help but and she slapped your back, a loud "Yah!" sounded from your shoulder, causing you to laugh loudly.

She pulled back completely this time, walking around the island again to get her bag. She regarded you with a playful glare. "Please don't bring that up ever again." 

You giggled but nodded nonetheless, walking her to the door. You kissed the top of her head lovingly which brought a soft smile on her lips. "Have fun on your filming, Sooyoung-unnie! Just enjoy singing the song, okay?" You made sure to look into her eyes to show her how serious you were. "I know you'll do great." 

The gratefulness in her eyes were clear as a day. She struggled with confidence a few years ago to the point where she was scared of other people's stares when she sang so it really was a ride to help her gain her confidence again. "Thank you, Eli-ah. That's just what I need to hear," she tiptoed a little to kiss your forehead and you smiled at the gesture, thinking how cute she was. 

"You got this, Unnie. You always do." 

She left with an excited grin and a wave, causing you to chuckle whilst you waved back. By the time you turned around after closing the door, all your members were waiting for you to know what the next step was. 

"Well, let's decorate!"


It was well into midnight when you heard the beep of the apartment door, causing all of you to straighten up and ready in position. After Joy had left for her schedule, you and your manager went to pick up the cake and ice cream while the rest turned the dorm's living room into a place good enough for a birthday celebration, complete with party hats, food and drinks. You already received the phone case and had wrapped them up neatly, waiting for you to finally give it to the birthday girl. After you got back from your trip you placed the cake and ice cream in the fridge for the time being before making your way towards the living room, immediately picking up a decoration to help Irene.

"It's looking good already!" 

Wendy cheered, causing all of you to laugh. "Joy deserves the best."

You chuckled lowly, shaking your head in amusement. "She does," you agreed nonetheless. 

"Did you get everything you need?" Irene asked, voice low as of to not disturb the comfortable silence. 

You turned towards her, a warm smile on your face. "I did. Do we have the food ready?"

She nodded, "We already ordered them. They'll be here soon." 

"I just want to let her know that she's loved, you know?" You said after a while, causing Irene to pause from her decorating.

She scooted closer to where you were and tap on your arm so you stopped decorating as well, attention all on her. There was a loving smile on her face. "She does, Eli-ah. Don't you worry. Thank you for doing all of this, she'll love it." 

"You think so?" You couldn't help but ask, still feeling a little unsure whether what you were doing was too little, too much, or enough. 

"Yes," she nodded firmly before wrapping her arm around your waist to bring you into a side hug, causing you to wrap your right arm around her shoulders. You stood like that for a while before you placed a kiss on top of her head as a sign of thanks and to continue the decorating before the birthday girl actually came home. 

"She'll really finish in a few hours right? I don't want our surprise to spoiled again." That caused Irene to let out her dolphin laugh and landed a slap on your arm and Seulgi to whine, actually going over to where you were to complain. 

"Eli-ah, why are you so mean to me?" You giggled as you wrapped an arm around her shoulders, bringing her into your taller figure. "I'm sorry, Seulgi-unnie, I'm just joking." 

The pout on her lips only turned into a bashful smile after you kissed the side of her head. 

When Joy finally came home, everything was dark except for the kitchen light. She shrugged because she thought everyone was asleep even though she found it quite odd how almost all light was off. Usually, the living room light would still be on when there was still a member not home yet. As she got closer to the living room the light suddenly lit up and there was a shout of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOOYOUNGIE!" causing her to yelp and jump, both hands covering her ears before she realised there was no danger. She recovered only to find out the whole living room was decked out in birthday decoration complete with food which include chicken, and beer, her favourite combination of comfort food.

"Wah, what is all this?" 

All of you laughed and Yeri let out her signature cackle, going over to her Unnie to drag her closer. "It's your birthday surprise, Unnie!" 

"Thank you so much," she eventually let out, looking around gratefully and all of you came closer to her, bringing her into a group hug.

"I can't believe you managed to surprise me this time," her remark caused all of you to laugh while remembering the time Seulgi and Wendy failed to surprise her a few years ago. 

"We hope you like it, Sooyoung-ah. El planned everything, we just helped decorated." 

You frowned at the leader, shaking your head in denial. "Hey, you helped in ordering the food too! Why am I the only one getting praised? This wouldn't be as good without all your help, you know." 

Joy cooed, hugging you tightly. "Aw, thank you Eli-ah! I love it. I can't wait to take pictures and send them to my family!" 

You let out a relieved sigh, arms around her strong built. "I'm glad you did, Unnie. We love you so much.

She tightened her hold a little before pulling back from the hug, kissing your cheek on the way. "I love you guys so much. Thank you for making this the best birthday and for being here. I wouldn't be here without you." 

The girls cooed, moving closer for another group hug. "Group hug for Sooyoungie! Happy birthday Joy-ah, we're very proud of you." 

Wendy's words finally brought the tears out Joy as she hugged her members closer, wishing time would stand still. 

Things settled down after a few hours and before she went to bed, Joy opened Lysn to interact with fans that had congratulated her and to post what the members had done. She made sure to let the fans know that she was grateful for all the wishes and her members, acknowledging te fact that she probably wouldn't be where she was now without them. As a final message. she posted a picture of her holding her phone with the phone case given by you on it, with the caption "Eli knows what I like! Thank you for the case, I love it and I love you!"

It was surely the sweetest birthday celebration. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1196 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙