Operation Warmth

The Life of the Sixth Member

You were struggling. Keeping your distance from your members turned out to be harder than you had anticipated, causing you to be mentally exhausted. The comfort you had felt all these years had been disturbed and you didn't know how to properly face it. Irene, who you were closest to knew something was going on and tried to act normally, hugging you and clinging to you as usual. However, you couldn't enjoy it because of the thoughts that plagued your mind. What if she's been uncomfortable all this time? If she did, wouldn't she say something though? You were close after all. What if she doesn't have the heart to say it so she just stayed quiet to make you comfortable? She's selfless after all. You didn't know what to think or how to act, so you've unfortunately been keeping a distance from her too and it was hurting you big time. 

With the busy schedule you had, it was easier to keep the distance but now that you had a short holiday, everything just turned ten times harder. While holidays were supposed to be relaxing, no matter how short, you were tired. You're tired of not acting like yourself, tired of keeping your distance from your sisters, you're just tired in general. When you were trying to figure out what to do outside that day, away from everyone (maybe you could call Tiffany or Taeyeon for some advice), Whee-in contacted you to see if you would want to hang out with her and Hwasa. You didn't think twice before accepting and here you were, sitting in front of them at a comfy cafe not too far from their company. 

When you first got there, Hwasa saw you first and immediately took you into her arms, you relaxing in her embrace. You were glad you had someone to hug comfortably again. 

"Hi, Eli-ah. How have you been?" She asked once she let go, looking at you in the eyes. 

You let out a genuine albeit sad smile, "Unfortunately, not too good, Unnie." 

She frowned, letting Whee-in hug you first before urging you to sit down and tell them everything. 

"Have you watched our recent radio interview?" 

They both looked at each other with furrowed eyebrows before turning to you again, "I don't think we have, sorry Eli-ah. Did something happen there?" 

You sighed, taking a sip of the coffee that they had ordered for you. "Long story short, Yeri said she's uncomfortable and annoyed by my clinginess." 

Their eyes widened, Whee-in scooting forward in her seat. "Wait, what? I thought they were fine with it? They never said anything until now." 

"Well, the first time I cuddled Yeri she basically jumped out of my arms and screamed what the hell I was doing," you let out a chuckle. "She said to ask her first before hugging her, and I've been doing just that and she never complained when I do so I thought everything was fine." 

You stayed silent for a bit, looking around the cafe before turning back to them, noticing the sympathy in their eyes. "I've been thinking about it and I never noticed but I do now. She's always stiff when I hug her, maybe that's her showing that she's uncomfortable but I just ignored it." 

Hwasa came to your side, side-hugging you. "Hey, it's okay. You did what she asked, you did nothing wrong." 

Whee-in nodded furiously in agreement, looking like she was about to get up from her seat to hug you but stayed seated instead. You chuckled bitterly, "Well, I didn't exactly listen to her body language and look where that got me: trying to keep a distance from my sisters and feeling miserable." 

Hwasa kissed the side of your head, hugging you tighter. "Eli-ah, it was none of your faults. If your members were uncomfortable, they should've told you during your five-minute talk that you guys have every freaking week." You couldn't help but laugh at that. 

"You're not a mindreader, Eli-ah," Whee-in piped in, a comforting smile on her face. "You couldn't have known. It's okay, maybe you should talk to them later so this could be fixed." 

You were silent for a bit before letting out a small but genuine smile. "Besides, I hate seeing my-taller-little-sister sad like this," she continued, making the three of you laugh. 

"Right, we're going to have fun today. Forget about everything for a while, okay? Only smiles and laughter." 

Smiles and laughter. You could do that.

With a grin, you agreed. "Deal."


On the other side of town, the rest of the members were on a mission. After the talk, 'the Operation to Make Eli Warm Again' was in motion. The first one who was to approach you was Seulgi. Now, Seulgi was usually not the type to initiate hugs or any kind of skinship but this was an exception. She felt incredibly guilty for not seeing what was happening sooner so when you came home that night after a day with half of Mamamoo, she was already waiting on the couch in front of the tv, pretending to watch what was on it. 

"I'm home," you greeted whoever was in earshot, taking off your coat and hanging it on the rack beside the door. You walked into the dorm to see Seulgi standing up from the couch with a tentative smile on her face. 

"Hey, Eli-ah. Did you have fun?" 

You gave her a small smile. "Yeah, we went to a cafe and the arcade. Sorry I got home so late, I didn't know anyone was going to be waiting up for me," you explained whilst walking towards the fridge, rummaging for a bottle of cold water. 

You ran out of water a while ago and you usually drink a lot, so you were thirsty. 

"You know one of us would, Eli. Especially Joohyun-unnie." 

You gulped down your water and looked down, feeling a bit guilty for dismissing that little detail. You looked up and towards her again, shrugging your shoulders. 

"Well, I didn't know any of your plans today so I didn't expect it, really. Did you have a good rest today?" 

You're the one having problems yet you still worry over your members, especially about their health. Seulgi could only shake her head both in amusement and disbelief. 

"Yeah, yeah I did. All of us did." 

You grinned, "That's good then. Do you need anything, Unnie? I'm going to go shower and then sleep."

Seulgi then started her plan. She pouted, showing her rare aegyo. She stretched her arms out, asking for a hug. "I need a hug from my favourite dongsaeng." 

Your eyes widened in surprise, not expecting the random act of cuteness. Since when was Seulgi this affectionate? She's protective, yes, but affectionate? 

"Uh..." you stuttered. Seulgi pouted even more, walking towards you instead. "Come on, Eli-ah. Give your first unnie her warm hug!" 

You stayed silent before eventually relenting, letting out genuine chuckles. Well, she did ask for it, right? 

You walked towards her and took her into your embrace, sighing into the familiar touch. You've missed this. 

"Happy?" You muttered to the side of her head. You could feel her nods near your shoulder, feeling her snuggling into you even more. 

"I've missed your hugs, Eli-ah. Can you hug me more from now on?" 

Your eyebrows furrowed. Did she know about your inner turmoil? Was she really okay with you hugging her randomly? She did ask for it but did she really mean it or did she just only want to make you feel better? If that's the case then you'd rather not, you didn't want to burden anyone after all. 

"What do you mean, Unnie?" You pulled back just enough so you could see her eye-to-eye, trying to gauge her genuine reaction. You wanted to know if she really meant what she was asking for. 

She smiled a genuine smile up at you, still keeping her arms around you in a hug. "Well, I don't mind you being clingy. So, can you hug me more? I've missed your hugs you know, you've been so distant lately." 

Your eyes widened slightly, not really knowing how to react. 

After a while of staring at each other, Seulgi raised an eyebrow in a challenging manner. "So? Will you hug me more just like before? I really like it when you're clingy actually," she shrugged, smirking at your surprised face. "I feel all warm and needed like I'm needed by my dongsaeng." She finished her explanation, her smirk turning into her signature eye smile. She ended her statement by pinching your dimpled cheek.

Despite her playfulness, you couldn't help but tear up. This really hit close to home. "Really?" You could only whisper before hugging her tightly after seeing her nod. 

You're glad you could be yourself with one of your sisters again. 


After her successful attempt, Seulgi told the rest of the members through a separate group chat so the next plan could be set into motion. The next person in line was Wendy. Now, you've always been in clear waters with her considering she always says what she felt (at least regarding your clinginess) which makes you comfortable knowing she would let you know if she felt anything but. Due to the recent 'incident', however, you haven't initiated any skin contact so she came up to you the next morning after Seulgi's accomplishments, walking up behind you whilst you were making your own breakfast. 

"Eli, can you give me a hug?" You suddenly heard Wendy's deep voice behind you, making you jump slightly. 

You let out an audible sigh, turning around slightly to regard her with a scolding look on your face. "You surprised me, Unnie. What if my hand slip and everything falls to the floor?" 

She only shrugged, not an ounce of playfulness in her intense gaze. This was something new. 

"Why so sudden, unnie? Are you cold?" You turned back to your food but still let her know you were paying attention. She stayed silent until you finished, coming to your side after you had put everything away. 

"Yeah. I've been cold for days now because you haven't hugged me once." 

Hearing that you couldn't help but let out a loud laugh, prompting her to drop her act and laugh along. It felt good to laugh and Wendy felt comfort in hearing your loud, genuine laughter again. 

"You are soooo cheesy, Unnie. No wonder Hyun-unnie calls you greasy-Wan." You while putting your arms around her, pulling her into your signature warm hug. She hugged you back tightly, melting under your touch and snuggling closer to your figure. She might not like skinship but your hugs always felt warm to her, like coming home. 

After a while, you broke the serene silence that had blanketed you. "Feel any warmer?" 

Wendy smiled against your shoulder, hugging you even closer before pulling back, showing her twinkling eyes and warm smile. "Much better. Thanks, little sis." 

You grinned, "No problem, big sis. Let me know if you feel cold again, I'll warm you up." 

With that statement, you had come to terms with your predicament. At least with Seulgi and Wendy. 


After another success, the rest of the members felt hopeful though Yeri couldn't help but worry. It's her turn and she didn't know how you'd react considering she's the one who had unintentionally caused all of this. The guilt she felt was eating her up and she couldn't help but blurt out the question that's been on her mind for days. 

"Eli-unnie, are you okay?"

The sudden question made you blink in surprise. You looked up from the tray, tilting your head and looking at her with confusion clearly written in your eyes.

Despite the suddenness of the question, you gave her a warm smile. "Of course, Yerim-ah. Why do you ask?" 

Yeri couldn't help but show her guilt and worry, shrugging and looking down. "You just seem different."

Instinctively, as you've always done it, you moved closer and raised your hand to pat her head but stopped abruptly, remembering that you might feel comfortable again which could lead to you being clingy. She raised her head once she saw you move but you proceeded to put down your hand and gave her a tentative smile this time, hoping she wouldn't say anything. 

"I'm okay, dongsaeng. Thanks for the concern though," you replied lightly, looking back down at the baked goods you were preparing. Her face fell at your reluctance to be affectionate with her again. 

What could she do to let you know that she didn't feel uncomfortable again? Before she could say anything in response, you tried to move the conversation on. "Would you like a cookie?" You moved the tray towards her then proceeded to focus on cleaning the mess you had created in the kitchen. 

The others might be successful but Yeri was a different story. She was the one who told you she was uncomfortable and annoyed so you would do everything in your power to make her feel the opposite, even if it meant keeping a safe distance from someone you had considered as a younger sister. It hurt, but if it made your sister comfortable, you were willing to pay the price.

Yeri looked at you sadly, a frown on her face. She needed to try harder. Unfortunately, she wouldn't have the chance to and had to rely on someone else due to her futile attempt. 


After Yeri's unfortunate failure, Joy knew she had to be very forward and convincing. So, that was the main point of her mission. It was time for a flight to another country so you were at the airport, waiting in line when you suddenly felt arms around you, hugging you comfortably. You tensed before recognising the scent and eventually relenting into the embrace. You had missed hugs. Warm hugs full of love in particular. 

"What's up, Sooyoung-unnie?"

"Nothing," She said as she snuggled closer to you, head resting near the back of your head, just between your neck and shoulder. "I just want a hug. Your hug."

You stayed mum for a bit. "Really?" You couldn't help but whisper after a moment. 

You felt her nodding. "Yeah, I've missed it sooo much."

After a while you just put your free hand on the ones around your neck, mouth curved into a beautiful smile that was captured by every camera present that day. They had wondered what Joy had said to you to make you smile like that. 


The last resort was Irene and she was the one to completely convince you everyone's comfortable with your clinginess, even Yeri. When your holiday was almost done, Irene had the brilliant idea to go to Everland to celebrate a successful comeback. All of you excitedly agreed, got ready immediately and got in a car, excitedly chatting on the way there. 

When you got there, your manager immediately went to buy tickets while the rest of you discussed where to go first. Knowing your love for amusement parks, everyone agreed to let you choose and you immediately stated your favourite ride with a wide grin on your face. Everyone just cooed at your expression and agreed, walking into the park after manager-nim presented the tickets. 

Due to the nature of your relationship, you and Irene subconsciously gravitated towards each other and walked side-by-side, arms bumping. Now, you hadn't had a proper skinship with her for days and you suddenly realised how close you were to your guardian, almost making you wince in pain outwardly. Honest to god, staying away from her was one of the hardest things you had to do in your twenty-something years of life. 

You were just about to put some distance from her when Irene suddenly linked her arm with yours in her signature style before snuggling into your figure. Again you tensed, not used to being touched by her comfortably for a while. 


"Hmm?" She hummed only to snuggle closer, ignoring the sounds of whispers and the thought of all these people taking hundreds of pictures. She's only trying to convince you to feel comfortable again and if what it took was the invasion of some of her privacy then so be it. 

"You okay?" You couldn't help but worry and that made her smile sweetly up at you, eyes wide full of warmth and love. 

"I'm perfectly warm being like this." She snuggled even closer, prompting her to sigh and leaned into her side in an attempt to hug back. You had relaxed into her embrace at this point and you couldn't be happier.

Irene was not satisfied so she changed her strategy. "Hold me?" In the rarest moment, she pouted up at you, doing aegyo which caused you to blush and look at her with wide eyes. Shrieks could be heard from the crowd that had gathered around your group, loud enough to be heard even though there was quite a distance between you and them. 

"Wha-?" You couldn't help but stutter, making her pout even more and you finally relent, cooing at her. 

After your group had arrived at the line for your favourite ride, you couldn't resist. You took her arm off of yours only to wrap your now free arm around her back and another one around her shoulders, bringing her into your embrace. She let out a happy sigh as she hugged your waist tighter, ignoring the snaps of cameras and the crowd's loud whispers. She vaguely noticed manager-nim and the other girls making a circle around both of you to give you some form of privacy. 

"What's wrong, Unnie? Is the crowd bothering you?" 

She shook her head, snuggling closer into your chest. "I want you to know that everyone's comfortable with who you are, no matter where we are," she mumbled albeit audibly, finally looking up so she could make her point clearly. 

"We are okay with you being clingy and we don't mind at all if you're clingy with us. In fact, we love your clinginess so much we don't want you to stop," she added with a cheeky smile, making you laugh. 

"Did you know that Yeri felt so guilty for making you feel like you did?" The question made you furrow your eyebrows, trying to look at Yeri who was standing behind you before Irene tugged on your arm, making you face her again. 

"Don't blame yourself, okay? It's not your fault and she didn't mean to make you feel guilty, she just didn't know how to voice her discomfort properly. We've talked and she was adamant about telling us she would endure all the hugs in the world if that would make you feel better. She didn't mean to make you feel guilty at all." 

You were touched by what Irene had said, really. You understood where Yeri was coming from and maybe it was your sensitivity that led you to this, though it wasn't something you could help. Maybe you could tone it down, though. 

You let out a breathtaking smile, the weight on your shoulders disappearing. "Thank you for that, Unnie. Thank you for letting me know and I will talk to Yeri. Staying away from you actually pained me, I never want to do it again." 

Irene let out a smile, "Then you should never do it again. Got it?" 

You giggled. "Got it," you ended the discussion with a kiss on her forehead. You both sadly separated and you moved closer to Yeri, whispering next to her ear. "Wanna ride with me?" 

She turned around to look at you with wide eyes, not expecting the turn of events. She grinned at the glint in your eyes. "Of course, Unnie!" She pulled you into her, letting out her infectious laughs. With her arms around your neck, she couldn't be happier. She silently thanked Irene for talking some sense into you and vowed to never make the same mistakes again. 

She was glad everything was sorted and you were once again comfortable. She never wanted to see you in pain again. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1188 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙