
The Life of the Sixth Member

You might not look like you're the closest to Joy but you love your older sister by a year to death. When you first met Joy, you weren't too sure how to act because she had this aura around her that screamed confidence that leaned towards arrogance, even just a tiny bit, and you weren't sure if you'd want to associate yourself with someone like that. You didn't have a choice, however, considering you were going to be put in the same group so you might as well be civil with each other. 

As time went by and you got to interact with her more, you began to see the facade she put to overshadow her insecurities. As most people know, Joy debuted with a "non-deal Kpop idol body", though none of you saw anything wrong with it, the standards were there and her body was categorised as not slim enough. Before debut, she had a lot of doubt regarding whether she would be accepted by fans with her chubbiness and she tried to not show her insecurities through overconfidence. Once you saw through her facade, however, you began to see her in a different light and you vowed to protect her with all you have even though she's older and the role was supposed to be reversed. 

Your debut was controversial, per se, and the like and dislike ratio was divided equally. Some said your group's debut was supposed to cover for one of your seniors' scandals, which was why people didn't take the group's debut too kindly. Despite that, you didn't really care and just enjoyed your freedom of finally debuting after five years of hard work and hardcore training. During training, you had been warned about the hate that would come and you prepared for it. What you didn't prepare for, however, was how hurt you would be to see your sisters getting the hate they didn't deserve. 

"Sooyoung-unnie? What are you doing out here?" You found Joy out on the balcony, alone, sitting quietly with her face covered with both her hands. 

She jumped slightly, wiping her tears away quickly so you wouldn't see, though you already knew she was crying. 

She looked up at your standing figure and forced out a smile, "Nothing, Eli. Just having a moment to myself. We've been so busy, you see, so I needed time alone."

You stayed silent, gaze piercing into her eyes. You then sat down on the seat next to her, then taking her body into your embrace. "Let it all out, Unnie, I won't tell anyone." 

She stayed silent for a little before finally deciding to trust you and let her tears out, gripping your hoodie with her fists tightly. You just continued holding her, her hair and rubbing her back in an attempt to comfort her. You had seen the hate she had gotten. Even though most people were supportive and saw her body as a change in the idol industry, the rest weren't too kind and you guess she just couldn't cover her emotions anymore. 

"It's okay, Unnie, everything will be just fine," you whispered, feeling her hugging you tighter.

She sniffed, pulling back so she could see your face. "How do you know?" 

You smiled, fixing her hair that had gone all over the place during her crying session. "Because I know you and I know how confident you are. It's a good thing because once people see that you are confident with what you have, they can't attack you anymore." 

She stayed silent, wiping the tears on her cheek, a pout on her lips that made you smile. She's adorable. "You really think so?" 

You grinned, showing your dimples. "I know so." 

That got her to smile and the Joy you knew was back. "I'll take your word for it." 

"And you won't be disappointed." 


From then on, you paid more attention to what problem she might be going through and what you could do to help once she reached out to you. All things were fine until a stage, two years after your debut and after Yeri had joined the group, where her in-ear monitor malfunctioned and she basically collapsed on the floor while covering her ears and gripping her head in pain. All of you stopped your choreography, looking at her in worry and you just wanted to go to her side and comfort her but you looked and saw Irene already at her side so you refrained from doing so. After a few seconds, Joy had stood up again and resumed her position and the rest of you continued the routine, though your eyes always moved back towards her trying to gauge her reaction. She seemed to be in shock and a little bit wobbly, you figured that was due to the burst of the fog machine in front of her but you couldn't figure out why she seemed to be in pain. 

"Sooyoung-unnie, talk to me." You immediately went to her side after you went backstage, wanting to know what had caused her pain. 

You saw her immediately take off her in-ear monitor once you finished the performance, so you assumed it was causing her problems. 

"Something caused my in-ear monitor to electrocute me, I think it was the fog machine." The moment you heard the word 'electrocute' your eyes widened, your hand coming up and rubbing her ear softly. 

You were extremely worried but you didn't want to show it. "Let's check to the doctors after this, okay? I'll talk to manager-oppa, I'll take you myself if I have to." 

She smiled despite the pain, "It's okay, Eli-ah. Unnie will be fine." 

You shook your head no, a glare in your eyes that rivalled even Irene's. You could be scary when you wanted to. "No, we're going to the doctors and that's that. Let's go." 

You ended up dragging her behind you to the waiting room, her allowing you to do it with an amused smile on her face. She appreciated the gesture, really. 


Another accident that you had to deal with on stage was when Joy injured her shoulder during a concert. You were in Singapore for your Red Mare concert and you couldn't be happier, the grin on your face since the beginning of the concert showed it. Once you saw her not moving her shoulders during choreo, however, you knew something had happened. Once the song had ended, you immediately went to her side to find out what happened or if she needed you to do anything. 

She covered her mic with one hand, a grimace on her face. Your backs were facing the audience so she could let out her emotions. 

"I think I injured my shoulder-" you cut her off before she could continue, wrapping your arm around her waist and leading her towards the exit of the stage gently. You could hear Irene interacting with the fans, trying to distract them from what was happening. 

You covered your mic with your free hand, looking over your shoulder quickly to gesture to the sound guy to turn off your mic. "Go, we'll take care of it. Don't worry about anything, they'll understand." You knew her and you knew she would worry about the fans and how she might be disappointing them.

You helped her down the stairs, yelling "Oppa! Come quickly!", honorifics be damn. The tour manager and your manager immediately ran and aided her, leaving you to explain. "She injured her shoulder, get the doctor." 

With that, you kissed her on the head before running back up the stairs and on the stage, placing a smile on your face whilst gesturing for the sound of your mic to be again. 

When you got there, the members immediately turned towards you and Irene nodded at you, letting you know to tell everyone what had happened. 

You sighed, "Joy's shoulder might be injured during the dance," you explained once you got a thumbs up from the sound guy. "She's being looked at by a doctor right now, she says sorry for having to leave the performance." 

You could hear Wendy translating it to Korean for the other members as the fans screamed their support, yelling "it's okay!" and "get well soon!". After being looked at, Joy went back on stage with her injured arm wrapped in a makeshift sling, a frown on her face though she tried to cover it with a smile. She repeated what you had said and had teared up at the end, you and the rest immediately coming to her side to give her a hug. The fans cheered again, making her smile through her tears. You were right beside her so you wiped away her tears and kissed her cheek, your action causing the fans to scream and you could just imagine the number of photos and videos that would circulate that night. 

"You'll be fine, I know you will," you whispered next to her ear. 


It's common knowledge that Joy is easily startled by sudden noises or movements as she would jump up and cover her ears, closing her eyes while her face scrunches up. It's humorous most of the time, her laughing it off so you weren't too worried. What makes you worry, however, was her fear of fireworks. She had gotten trauma from fireworks when she was a kid so it had become her fear, something she had trouble facing. Due to this, you had your manager make sure whether the event would have a firework and when they would be lit up so you could prepare both Joy and Irene, in this case. The last incident Joy had, however, angered you. 

It was university festival season and all of you were buzzing, excited to finally perform in front of university students again. It had been a while since you had the opportunity and this year the demand for your group was overwhelming so you had been scheduled to perform at a few events. The first stage was always nerve-wracking but exciting at the same time, though you didn't forget to ask your manager about the firework. 

"You're sure there will only be one firework and it would be during the middle segment?" You checked once more before you had to go on stage, looking at your manager in the eye only to see him gulp in nervousness. He knew how serious you were when it comes to these things and he didn't want to see your wrath once you found out he didn't do this correctly. 

"Yes, I asked the event manager again this morning and they confirmed it." 

You stayed silent for a bit, "I trust you, Oppa. Don't let me down." 

You gave him a smile before turning around, adjusting your in-ear monitors and coming over to Joy's side. "Remember, Unnie. The firework would be during the middle segment. I know you'd still get startled so just stay close to one of us, okay?" You couldn't help but fuss over her. 

She rolled her eyes playfully before smiling, cupping your face in her hands as she cooed at you. "Yes, dongsaeng, I remember and I'll remember. Just enjoy the stage, okay? Don't worry too much about me." 

This time it was you who rolled your eyes, "I'll always worry, Unnie. Now, let me go, I need to remind Hyun-unnie." 

She kissed your forehead before letting you do your thing. When it was time for the middle segment, you moved closer to Irene whilst looking over to Joy's direction to see her already beside Seulgi. Because the MC was interacting with you and you had to interact with the fans, you could only hope that she remembered about the firework. As promised, it was lit up at the end of your interaction and despite the warning, Joy was still startled and she quickly turned around, not wanting the fans to see her frightened expression. Seulgi immediately turned around and put an arm around her, trying to give a sense of comfort that made her smile and turned around towards the audience again. You smiled, an arm still around Irene from when you had put it before the firework in an attempt to get her ready for the jump. 

When that was over, you had thought all would be going well but you were wrong. At the very end of your performance, at the end of RBB, another loud firework was lit up and Joy immediately crouched down, covering her ears in fear. 'That was too loud and too close,' you thought. You rushed to her side immediately. 

"Unnie, it's Eli," you said before touching her, not wanting to startle her even more. "Come on," you put your arm around her shoulder and led her towards the stairs, crouching down next to her whilst bringing her into your arms but also trying not to make her feel suffocated. 

"Breathe with me, Unnie," you moved your body even closer to make sure she noticed your breathing pattern so she could follow. "In and out, in and out, good job," you kept repeating, her arm in an attempt to calm her faster. 

You were aware of the commotion this had caused but you focused on her. "Just focus on me, Unnie, you're doing a great job." 

After a while, the rest finished saying their goodbyes and went to towards the two of you, Irene in the lead. 

"She okay?" 

You stayed silent for a bit to check Joy's breathing pattern and when you noticed she had calmed down, you looked up and nodded. 

Irene saw the concern in your eyes, it was as clear as a day and she smiled despite the situation. Her eyes showed how proud she was of you and you smiled at her, then focusing back on Joy.

"Okay to go back?" You asked, pulling back a bit but still her arm. 

Joy let out a breath then looked up, turning her head to look at you. "Yeah. Thanks, Eli-ah," she gave you a smile and you grinned back, giving her a kiss on the cheek. 

"Let's go then, Unnie. I'm craving chicken for dinner." Knowing how much she likes chicken, you attempted to lift her mood up and it seemed to work when she let out a giggle. 

"I'm good with that." With that, both of you headed backstage side-by-side, arms wrapping around each other. You side-eyed your manager when you walked by, a promise to talk later on the tip of your tongue but you hold them back, not wanting to worry your sister. You'd have it later. Right now, you'd focus on making sure your sister's okay. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1196 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙