Chapter 14

Memories engraved in the season's
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He doesn’t know how but Kyungsoo ends up wandering into the empty corridor of Chanyeol’s high school. He aimlessly walks around, his mind blank, until he bumps into a corridor filled with all the awards and trophies achieved by all those high school students over years. He slowly walks through them, silently admiring those crystal monuments and golden trophies when he suddenly sees them. The golden ball of soccer gifted to the player of the match every year after an Inter-School Soccer Championship. And the name engraved right below belongs to none other than his late husband. The captain of his high school soccer team, a wonderful striker, the one who wanted to be a soccer player, Park Chanyeol.


It was Winter, the breeze cold and freezing, with traces of melting snow, welcoming the next season to come. It was the end of February, the end of winter, the end of all the heaps of white covering the city, the end of all the cold winds making everyone shiver. But that doesn’t mean winter is over, not yet. And the coldness that hit him the moment he stepped out of the orphanage tells him that. Kyungsoo had been the caretaker of the orphanage kids since the day he came of age. The nuns had been insisting he leave the place and find something he would love to do, instead of taking care of bratty little beings. But he was too attached to the place, unlike his old friends and the kids who got adopted. Everyone leave the place happy, in search of new life, never remembering of him or the place’s existence. Maybe it is time to move out, he found the love of his life, so it's time he find something that he would love to do as well. Maybe with all his experience, being a kinder garden teacher might work.

Kyungsoo huffs out a breath, watching as the air raise to form a cloud of water vapor as he waits for his so-called boyfriend who called him last minute out on a date. It was past 10, and he wonders why Chanyeol wanted to meet him at such an odd hour. He stands in front of the entrance gate, checking his phone if he missed any calls from the alpha when a Mercedes Benz zooms to a halt in front of him. The window lowers and Chanyeol throws a charming smile, telling the omega to get in. Kyungsoo sparsely glances at the car, not caring about the change of car from the other day. He had given up at some point asking Chanyeol about how many automobiles the alpha had. He wasn’t that good at math. Once inside, Chanyeol wraps him up in one of his scarves, and Kyungsoo by now got used to sniffing the fragrance of his rosewood pheromones of the taller in his multiple scarves.

“So, what’s with this sudden meeting in the middle of the night? It’s a good thing that mother superior isn’t there tonight, otherwise, I would have been in big trouble.”

“Sorry about that, I just..wanted to take you somewhere.”

Chanyeol gives him a smile and something about it starts bugging him. Why does Chanyeol look nervous??

“OK, and that has to be in the dead of the night?”

“Kinda.” Chanyeol rubs his nape, with a forced grin and Kyungsoo just raises his brow.

“Ok then, I don’t mind. Maybe you might want to step on that accelerator. I am sure that something that you wanted to show me is not your new car.”

The ride was quiet, Kyungsoo keeping himself busy with his gaze stuck to the drifting city lights when Chanyeol tells him to close his eyes.

“And why is that?”

“Because that something that I wanted to show you is something sort of like a surprise.” Chanyeol gives him one of his cheeky grins and Kyungsoo reluctantly closes his eyes. Something about the alpha is weird tonight.

The car ride comes to a halt after a couple of minutes and Chanyeol helps him out, taking his hand and tugging him to follow him. They entered someplace because it was warmer compared to the colder outside. Kyungsoo was tempted to take a peek, but Chanyeol’s large palm was preventing that. He slowly follows the taller’s lead until Chanyeol stops, removing his palm away from his eyes.

“Don’t open your eyes yet.” He whispers as he let go of his hand. He knows Chanyeol was standing somewhere close by, but he really really wanted to see him.

When Chanyeol finally gives him the signal to open his eyes, he slowly opens them, only to find himself standing in the middle of a soccer field.

“Is this a Soccer field??”

“Yes, it is.”

“Wait, isn’t this, Seoul World Cup Stadium??”

“Yes, it is.”

Did he just say that they were standing in the middle of the biggest stadium in South Korea??

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194 streak #1
Chapter 10: Enjoying this story...but really love the author's notes!
Chapter 38: Thank you for sharing this story ❤
This really beautiful... love it
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 38: One of the best. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story ..🥰
chanlily2109 #4
Chapter 38: WinnMin I wants to express my gratification to finish the story even life have not been easy. Please take care of yourself and looking forward to another master piece of yourself. 💐💐💐
Shinee2020 #5
I had started your story a while ago and then was waiting for the ending to read it all in one shot, restarting from the beginning (but couldn't help but take a sneak peak at the ending. :P) Will be reading this during the holidays with a nice warm cup of hot cocoa. Will let you know my impressions once I get to restart it at the beginning again ! :)
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 38: I admit I got a little teary eyed when Chan made an appearance in the delivery room 😥 thanks for an amazing story &I'm sure your spark will return!! Take care author-nim 💕
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 38: Its part of life...
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 37: Ohmy this is so cute... and they twins ohmyohmyohmy. I cant wait to see them in this fic hehe. And thanks for the update dear...
chanlily2109 #9
Chapter 37: Hihi thanks for the update even though life is not going good take care
Pshintani #10
Chapter 37: I love this! It's so cute seeing the odd cravings and how jongin reacts to them..then... thank you for the update