Chapter 15

Memories engraved in the season's
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Kyungsoo jolts out of his daze when JongIn places his jacket over his shoulders, making him look up and realize that they are actually out of the venue. He doesn’t really know when JongIn had pulled him out of that place.

“We shouldn’t have left,” Kyungsoo mumbles as he hugs the Jacket closer to him, smelling the faint scent of JongIn’s Sandalwood, which was new, but still comforting. He needed this virtual hug after all.

“It’s ok Kyungsoo-shi. I did tell you we are going to get out the moment you feel uncomfortable. Moreover, I am done with all the catching-up that has to be done. It's just dinner that’s left. So what do you want you to have?? I know this Indian restaurant that has good food. I mean it’s totally fine if you want to have something else, Japanese, Italian, Mexican, Chinese..”



“I would like to have Korean.”

“Then maybe we can go to..”

“NOT to the restaurants you frequent, we are going somewhere else.”

“Ok, I guess, let me go get my car.”

“No, we are not taking your car.”

“Then how are we going??” JongIn asks a bit bemused as the omega swirls around to look up at him.

“JongIn-shi, have you ever tried makchange?”

“Hmm, is that part of Korean cuisine??”

“What about HaeJang-guk?”

“That…sounds Korean.”

“Then what about Soju?”

“I definitely heard of that.”

“Seriously JongIn-shi!?”

“I know that it’s a very common alcohol in Korea but the cheapest alcohol that I ever had was some wine which was around 300-ish dollars and frankly, it .”

“What about beer??”

“Oh, that can be considered cheaper.”

Kyungsoo literally facepalms looking at JongIn all so thoughtful. Are all rich people like this?? Looks like he needs to introduce some common knowledge to this Chaebol.

He drags the alpha by his sleeve to a nearby bus stop.

“Are we going to take a bus??”

“Yes, we are.” Kyungsoo ignores JongIn’s surprise and pushes him onto the bus that stops by.

“Now don’t tell me you never even rode a bus before,” Kyungsoo says once they settle down in the back of the bus.

“Of course not. I did take a bus before. I also have been through my rebellious phase when I use to run away from my driver and bodyguards.”

“Really?? Maybe you are not that Chaebol like that after all.”

Kyungsoo continues chatting with JongIn about his so-called rebellious phase and JongIn tries as best as he can to not reveal his embarrassing moments.

Once they reach their destination, Kyungsoo drags him to his favorite restaurant. JongIn vaguely registers that they are in Hongdae when he gets shoved through an entrance that was below his height into a very normal-looking restaurant. That is the only term he can use to describe that place. It was very simple, maybe a bit on the untidier side as well. It had few round tables with only plastic stools and no chairs. Kyungsoo pulls him to sit down at one of the empty tables, and he finds it hard to fit his legs under them. Kyungsoo sits opposite him and orders a lot of Korean food he wasn’t familiar with. When they come, he spends half of the time getting to know the food. Sure, he did find a few of them gross, a bit disgusting as well, but once cooked and seasoned, they tasted delicious. And when he finally tasted Soju with some grilled pork belly, it immediately made up the list of his favorite alcohols.

Kyungsoo goes on and on about his favorite food in Hongdae as they walk through the street, having some fish cakes and JongIn isn’t sure what caused the sudden change of mood in Kyungsoo, but if it meant not seeing him crying, then he doesn’t really mind chatting with this keyed up Kyungsoo. It was new; he had never seen Kyungsoo so hyper before, not before their marriage and definitely not after their marriage. But then again, he had never really met Kyungsoo so often before everything that happened, so it is understandable if he doesn’t know anything about the omega. Maybe this side of him is something that he shows only to the people he is close to?? That thought itself made JongIn happy. He smiles at Kyungsoo as the latter comically explains to him the beauty of Teokbokki. It’s good to know a bit about him today, maybe a bit more tomorrow and he hopes he can know a lot more in the future.


Kyungsoo was busy cutting some tofu to make some Gilbitang for their lunch. It was a simple menu for the day, gilbitang, rice, and some side dishes. It’s already around 10 so he doesn’t have time to make more than that. It’s been a week since the whole reunion thing and a little over a week since he started packing lunch for JongIn. And over the course of this whole week, he somehow got a bit closer to JongIn. They have breakfasts together in the mornings and JongIn always made sure to be home for dinner. Kyungsoo even started hanging out with his best friends, which he had been avoiding for a while now. They crashed at Baekhyun’s place last night for a Friday night movie marathon, kids in the care of their husbands. It was supposed to be Harry Potter and Butterbeer, but it ended up being Marvel movies over some Popcorn and coke, and some orange juice and vanilla ice cream for Taehyung. But trying to watch all MCU movies in one night was a bad idea. They fell asleep somewhere in the middle of Iron man 3 and Kyungsoo vaguely remembers the time being half past 2 in the morning. When they woke up, Baekhyun insisted on continuing where they left off last night and the three friends made an escape promising to continue on their next date. When Kyungsoo had returned home, he had expected JongIn to be lying in front of their TV, watching some soccer but instead found a sticky note on their fridge telling him that the alpha had some urgent business to attend and will be back a bit after the lunchtime, so he should have his lunch without him. So Kyungsoo had decided to make some lunch and send it to JongIn’s office and stop by a grocery store later on.

Kyungsoo was chopping some green onion when he hears the doorbell ring. Wiping his hands off his apron, Kyungsoo walks up to the door, wondering who it might be. If it was JongIn or Jimin, they would just walk in. Maybe it’s Baekhyun, persistent about the idea of finishing his marvel marathon. Chuckling at his thought, Kyungsoo opens the door expecting a whiny Baek but instead finds an unfamiliar beta man in a suit, giving him a slight bow.

“How..can I help you?”

“I am sorry to interrupt your day Mr. Kim, I am one of the drivers from young master Kim’s family house. The master of the house had requested your presence back in the family house so he sent me to pick you up.”

“Right now??!”

“Yes, sir, right now.” Kyungsoo doesn’t know if he should really be meeting JongIn’s parents without JongIn being here, but he doesn't really have a choice now does he?


JongIn was in the middle of a team meeting when the door to the conference room opens with a bang, making all the commotion happening in the room to come to a halt. Baekhyun bows down a little, apologizing to everyone as he tries to behave as professional as he can, but the quick steps and casual outfit told JongIn otherwise.

“Weren’t you on leave this weekend??” JongIn raises a brow at his alarmed secretary.

“Which I am, I am here as your friend to give very important information.”

“And what is that?”

“Kyungsoo is kidnapped.” Baekhyun half whispers and half screams.


“Not the way you think. Your mother had summoned him to your family house and he had been there for more than an hour. I am really worried about him and I think so are you now that you know this information so I expect you to go to his rescue RIGHT NOW!!” Baekhyun mutters and JongIn immediately springs on his feet.

“Ok, everyone. I think we solved the initial problem of the issue and I am sure you guys can manage it from now on. Now if you will excuse me, I have a family emergency to attend to.”

JongIn dashes out of the room, buttoning up his coat and instructing his Secretary to take care of the rest as the omega replies to him with a protest, but he doesn’t have time for that. He gets down the building into his parking lot and races his way to his family house, all the way thinking of 1000 possibilities why his appa had called Kyungsoo without his knowledge. What if he is trying to bully Kyungsoo?? Tell him to divorce him or what not? Ok, maybe he wa

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189 streak #1
Chapter 10: Enjoying this story...but really love the author's notes!
Chapter 38: Thank you for sharing this story ❤
This really beautiful... love it
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 38: One of the best. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story ..🥰
chanlily2109 #4
Chapter 38: WinnMin I wants to express my gratification to finish the story even life have not been easy. Please take care of yourself and looking forward to another master piece of yourself. 💐💐💐
Shinee2020 #5
I had started your story a while ago and then was waiting for the ending to read it all in one shot, restarting from the beginning (but couldn't help but take a sneak peak at the ending. :P) Will be reading this during the holidays with a nice warm cup of hot cocoa. Will let you know my impressions once I get to restart it at the beginning again ! :)
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 38: I admit I got a little teary eyed when Chan made an appearance in the delivery room 😥 thanks for an amazing story &I'm sure your spark will return!! Take care author-nim 💕
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 38: Its part of life...
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 37: Ohmy this is so cute... and they twins ohmyohmyohmy. I cant wait to see them in this fic hehe. And thanks for the update dear...
chanlily2109 #9
Chapter 37: Hihi thanks for the update even though life is not going good take care
Pshintani #10
Chapter 37: I love this! It's so cute seeing the odd cravings and how jongin reacts to them..then... thank you for the update