Chapter 23

Memories engraved in the season's
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The rest of their afternoon goes by uneventful, except for Kyungsoo, who keeps on trying to get his husband away from that alpha woman and failing miserably. She always finds a reason to cling to him and Kyungsoo gives up, opting to spend his time with his friends instead.  The only time Kyungsoo sees JongIn without her is when they have a late family lunch. It was as cheerful as their brunch but Kyungsoo couldn’t help but feel low the whole time.

She was JongIn’s girlfriend. Did JongIn love her? Does he still love her? Maybe not her, but he might be in love with someone else. What if, JongIn did have someone when they got married??

Pessimistic thoughts cloud his head, making him feel all chary, and Kyungsoo stops, not wanting his headache to go upheave.

Evening comes and the party begins. Fireworks get blasted into the sky, exploding into a multicolored hue of sparkles, lightening up the dark sky with glitter. Everyone gets dressed into their finest outfits, Kyungsoo dressed in an all-black Gucci suit that Taemin gifted him, pairing them with a soft black turtle neck and leather boots. Kyungsoo bits his lips, tentatively looking at the Diamond earrings JongIn gifted him, wondering if he should put them on. After much thought, he decided to put it on, after all, small diamonds dangling off a thin platinum chain, shining bright in the dim light of his washroom. He puts on some light makeup and gets out of the washroom only to find their bedroom empty.  JongIn and he was given accommodation on the 3rd floor and the duplex suite only had a single bedroom. They couldn’t say no, so Kyungsoo simply waved it off, saying that the bed is huge enough to fit both of them.  But with all the bitter feelings now, he isn’t sure if he can share a bed with JongIn anymore. He gets a call from Jongdae, hurrying him to come down and Kyungsoo takes in a long breath, finally making his way into the party.

Walking towards his family, the one person that dragged his attention was none other than Kim JongIn himself. The alpha was dressed in a three-piece red Tom Ford suit, with a pair of red Louis Vuitton shoes and a Rolex shining on his right wrist.  His hair was styled into a coma, deep brown fringed sinfully styled to perfection. His dress shirt was missing a button or two, toned Pecs left for the world to ogle at, making Kyungsoo blush.   Realizing his brother-in-law’s discomfort, Junmyun scolds his brother to button up, JongIn reluctantly complying with his hyung’s order. They stand together for a while, holding a glass of champagne, watching the married couple celebrate their day, dancing away to a piano piece, their son Yuno cheering for them from the sideline.

Kyungsoo glances to his side when he feels someone bumping into him.  When he doesn’t find anyone, he simply looks back again, only to get hit by the most offensive pheromones he had to keep up with the whole day. Jennie was dressed in a red sequin bodycon dress, her neck lying dangerously low, and the hem lying annoyingly high. Her face was caked in makeup, her red bold lip matching with her outfit.

Kyungsoo doesn’t have anything against people who love makeup and dress up; he just doesn’t like the person. His mood turns sore, not liking the alpha woman’s presence, and simply walks away. He goes to the balcony, leaning onto the railing as the river breeze gush through him, making his long fringes sway along with it. Kyungsoo tucks his hair behind his ears, finally, enjoying the pleasant evening in peace. He stands there in silence for quite some time, until his peace gets disrupted by the commotion happening in the ballroom. Kyungsoo looks behind, wondering what might be happening in there, and decides to go in when the door opens with a bang and people start pouring out.  The first one to come out was a waiter, followed by Jennie and the rest of his family behind them.

“He is the one!! He is the one that stole your chain madam!!” the waiter shouts, pointing an accusing finger at Kyungsoo.

The omega stares back perplexed, not understanding what the waiter was saying.  He stands there, confused, his family and friends staring at him in astonishment.

“Are you sure?” he hears Jennie ask, acting all shocked and worried. 

“Yes ma’am. He is the one, I am sure!”

“What kind of bull is this, how can you accuse Kyungsoo of all people for stealing your platinum chain?!” Baekhyun grumbles, his face red, fuming in anger.

“I am really sorry if I am offending someone sir but it was really him. I saw him outside the women’s washroom holding a chain with a diamond locket and sneaking it into his pocket. If you don’t believe me, I can prove it!!”  The waiter argues, walking towards Kyungsoo, who stands there frozen, no information sinking in.

He jolts away when the waiter pulls something out of his left pocket, still a bit perplexed with the whole situation. There, in the waiter’s hand, was a platinum chain, hanging down with a diamond pendant, just a small ruby, and a few diamonds.

Kyungsoo stares at that thing, thunderstruck, wondering what the hell was that thing doing in his pocket!?

“Kyungsoo-shi, I…I never thought you will be the one to steal it!!” Jennie comes closer, taking the pendent away from the waiter, staring accusingly at him.

When the information finally sinks in, Kyungsoo fumbles away, shaking his head frantically at JongIn.

“No..No..I…I wasn’t ..”

“It’s ok  Kyungsoo –shi. I understand. It is a custom-made locket that my father gifted me. It’s really one of a kind. If I was in your place, I wouldn’t be surprised if I desired it as well. But I wouldn’t have taken it. Anyway, since I have got back my chain, let’s all forget about this issue.” She looks around, telling everyone to let go, and looks back at JongIn, getting closer to him and placing her palms against his chest.

“It’s ok JongIn, I know it’s a shock for you as well, but I don’t mind. So let’s forget about it. Ok?”  She looks up at his, batting her fake lashes, looking all sympathetic.  JongIn simply pushes her away, not uttering a single word, looking back at his family and friends and telling them to get back to the party.

“But JongIn..” Junmyun intervenes, but JongIn simply lifts his hand, stopping him mid-sentence.

“Just get back to the party hyung. It’s your day. Let’s all forget about this.” The weight in his alpha voice immediately shuts everyone up, following his command and walking back into the party. JongIn throws one pointed look at Jennie and she also scurries back into the party.

Kyungsoo trembles, opening his quivering mouth to say something, anything to deny the accusations thrown at him. He looks up at JongIn and finds the alpha looking back at him with an incomprehensible expression, and Kyungsoo wonders, in horror, does JongIn believe in those lies?!

Even before he could say anything, JongIn walks away, leaving Kyungsoo hanging, alone with his solitude. The omega tries to move, follow JongIn and explain everything. Tell him that he did not do it, but his feet don’t move, rooting him to the spot he stood.

Did everyone just believe that he actually stole that pendent!? Why would he steal it? Why…why did JongIn look at him like that? It’s fine if the whole world thinks of him as a thief, but JongIn, does JongIn also do not believe in him? Doesn’t JongIn…know him?

That thought makes him nauseous, making him press his palm against his lips to suppress the rushing bile. He calmly walks back to their suite, taking off his shoes by the entrance and placing them neatly in the shoe rack and takes off his coat, and hangs it neatly in the closet. He walks into the balcony, gazing up at the night sky, with no moon, and stars twinkling, alone in the middle of a dark river.

His composure finally cracks and hot salty tears start running down his cheeks. He collapses onto the balcony floor, hugging his knees close to his chest as he weeps hard into his lap.

How…How can they do this to him? How can JongIn even think that Kyungsoo would do something like that? Why didn’t JongIn believe in him? Doesn’t JongIn know him well enough to know that he would never do something like that!! Was…was he th

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189 streak #1
Chapter 10: Enjoying this story...but really love the author's notes!
Chapter 38: Thank you for sharing this story ❤
This really beautiful... love it
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 38: One of the best. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story ..🥰
chanlily2109 #4
Chapter 38: WinnMin I wants to express my gratification to finish the story even life have not been easy. Please take care of yourself and looking forward to another master piece of yourself. 💐💐💐
Shinee2020 #5
I had started your story a while ago and then was waiting for the ending to read it all in one shot, restarting from the beginning (but couldn't help but take a sneak peak at the ending. :P) Will be reading this during the holidays with a nice warm cup of hot cocoa. Will let you know my impressions once I get to restart it at the beginning again ! :)
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 38: I admit I got a little teary eyed when Chan made an appearance in the delivery room 😥 thanks for an amazing story &I'm sure your spark will return!! Take care author-nim 💕
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 38: Its part of life...
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 37: Ohmy this is so cute... and they twins ohmyohmyohmy. I cant wait to see them in this fic hehe. And thanks for the update dear...
chanlily2109 #9
Chapter 37: Hihi thanks for the update even though life is not going good take care
Pshintani #10
Chapter 37: I love this! It's so cute seeing the odd cravings and how jongin reacts to them..then... thank you for the update