Chapter 33 [END]

Memories engraved in the season's
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Kyungsoo stirs in his sleep, snuggling close to the warmth next to him, trying to shield himself from the blinding sunlight, with the massive body by his side. Not finding any will to fall back asleep, he blinks open his eyes, landing on the eyes of his husband, who had his head plopped onto his hand, hair a bird’s nest, pinning him with a fond look and tender smile. Kyungsoo lets out an annoying smile, but the tenderness in his eyes tells otherwise.

“Good morning!!” JongIn muses with a bright smile and Kyungsoo chuckles.

“How long have you been staring at me?”

“Since the moment I woke up.”

“And when was that?”

“That...I am not aware” JongIn causally shrugs, draping his arm around Kyungsoo’s waist and bringing his lips close to his omega’s plum ones. Kyungsoo brings up his index finger, stopping those lips from pursuing their desire.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting my morning kiss.”

“I haven’t brushed my teeth yet”

“You know that’s not how morning kisses work. Moreover, I don’t mind sharing our oral microbes.”

“Eww, that’s gross!!”

“Nothing’s gross in love and war”

“That not the saying!”

“And I don’t care!” JongIn leans in closer, sealing his lips with his desire. They pull away after a while, neither of them speaking anything, simply enjoying the moment. JongIn lets him go after a while, Kyungsoo slipping into the washroom to start his day as JongIn goes to their kitchen.

Kyungsoo takes his time, taking a shower and putting some effort to look good for his husband. When he gets down, the kitchen was on fire. He finds JongIn in the middle of smoke trying to shut down the smoke alarm while a burnt pan was sitting in the sink under running water. Kyungsoo coughs, asking JongIn what he had burnt, again and JongIn points to the burnt scrapes of something in the pan.

“That’s supposed to be scrambled eggs” JongIn helps and Kyungsoo just laughs.

They leave their kitchen in that disastrous state and go out for breakfast. Throughout their breakfast, Kyungsoo keeps on trying to hint to his husband that there is something important about today that the alpha doesn’t seem to remember. JongIn jumps, hurriedly informing Kyung that he has an important board meeting and Beak would be livid if he shows up late. He drops a kiss onto Kyungsoo's head, thanking Kyungsoo for reminding him of the important event, and dashes out of the café, leaving behind his omega husband a pouting mess. Kyungsoo wasn’t reminding him of a damn board meeting!! He was trying to remind his husband of their damn wedding anniversary!!

Of course, the alpha didn’t forget, he was just pretending as if he forgot! And those pouting lips! He had to tie down his inner alpha with restrains to not just up and go and kiss the daylight out of his pouting husband and declare to the whole world that this omega is his, and they had been married for a year!!

He had to stop himself because he has a better surprise planned out. A proper, exquisite, and beautiful wedding in the presence of their friends and family, cause Kyungsoo deserves it. Their wedding had been extra simple because neither of them wanted it. But now that they are both, both, JongIn’s heart muses, are together because they wanted it, they wanted this, JongIn just want to make it a memorable moment. Now even JongIn’s parents and the rest of his family know about Kyungsoo’s past. They were a bit nervous about letting them know but it wasn’t as nerve-wracking as they thought. Minho just gives them a confused look, uttering a ‘So?’, totally unbothered by Kyungsoo’s previous marital status. Taemin gets a bit skeptical after knowing the truth. That means they weren’t in love when they got married and Minho simply point out ‘they are now’ and Taemin had to accept it. He hadn’t seen JongIn this happy ever in his life and as he said, who is he to deny his son from anything he loves? Moreover, he might be a bit too tsundere to accept it but he loves Kyungsoo to bits so there is no way he is getting rid of his most favorite son-in-law. Don’t say it to anyone. 

That’s why JongIn ends up standing in front of a full-length mirror in the groom’s room, pulling at his tuxedo sleeves, trying to readjust the scuffs a million times, trying to take in a deep breath to calm his nerves.

“Nervous?” Minseok muses behind him, waving his palm in front of his nose, as if trying to shoo away JongIn’s piquant pheromones, earning him a playful glare from the side alpha through the mirror.

“You’re late.” JongIn simply states, engulfing his friend into a tight hug and Minseok returns the favor by hugging him tightly.

“Might I remind you, you are already married, you are just reliving the moment, this time, I am sure, more joyful.”

“And that’s exactly what’s making me nervous.”  Minseok just chuckles, shaking his head, and JongIn gives him a soft smile.

“So, what’s got you so late? You do know that you are our officiator for the day right?”

“I still don’t understand the point of having an officiator when you two are already married but yeah, I do remember. I was just preparing your gift.”

“You got me a gift?”

“Not me, it’s from…..Chanyeol.” JongIn’s smile freezes, his breath hitching in his throat as Minseok calmly pulls out a recorder from his suit pocket and places it in JongIn’s palm. His palm turns clammy, slightly trembling as he stares down at the recorder in his palm. It wasn’t the same recorder that Chanyeol left his last message behind. It was different but the mere thought of Chanyeol’s voice stored, still after a year of his death, somewhere in this electronic device was enough for JongIn’s eyes to well up with tears. He clenches the recorder with a tight grip as if salvaging the last few pieces of his best friend's soul and a looser grip will make him lose his buddy all over again, right through his fingers.

“Chanyeol wanted me to give this to you when you both get together. How he predicted that you both will definitely fall in love is a mystery to me. He wanted only you to listen to this so I respected his wish and held onto it till now. Now, I am fulfilling my promise and giving it to you. I think you should listen to it. I will be outside if you need me.” Minseok simply taps on his shoulder, living JongIn alone and giving him some privacy.  

JongIn takes a long breath and stumbles down onto a chair nearby because he knows, he knows his legs would give out the moment he hears Chanyeol’s voice. His fingers still quiver, as he takes in a few shuddered breaths and presses the play button.

“He...Hello JongIn.”

There it is, the deep voice with a quivering end to his tone, telling him exactly when this was recorded.  He hits the pause button, his lungs burning with sudden lack of air, his hands shaking once again as a panic attack slowly takes over him. JongIn closes his eyes, trying to remember the time Kyungsoo synced with his breathing, and tries to take in deep breaths, trying his best to calm his ragging nerves. Once he feels calm again, he hits the play button, readying his heart to take in whatever that will be spilled out of that device.

“Ho...How are you? I hope...I hope you are fine my dear friend.  You are, aren’t you? I have a feeling you will. Actually, I know you

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194 streak #1
Chapter 10: Enjoying this story...but really love the author's notes!
Chapter 38: Thank you for sharing this story ❤
This really beautiful... love it
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 38: One of the best. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story ..🥰
chanlily2109 #4
Chapter 38: WinnMin I wants to express my gratification to finish the story even life have not been easy. Please take care of yourself and looking forward to another master piece of yourself. 💐💐💐
Shinee2020 #5
I had started your story a while ago and then was waiting for the ending to read it all in one shot, restarting from the beginning (but couldn't help but take a sneak peak at the ending. :P) Will be reading this during the holidays with a nice warm cup of hot cocoa. Will let you know my impressions once I get to restart it at the beginning again ! :)
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 38: I admit I got a little teary eyed when Chan made an appearance in the delivery room 😥 thanks for an amazing story &I'm sure your spark will return!! Take care author-nim 💕
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 38: Its part of life...
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 37: Ohmy this is so cute... and they twins ohmyohmyohmy. I cant wait to see them in this fic hehe. And thanks for the update dear...
chanlily2109 #9
Chapter 37: Hihi thanks for the update even though life is not going good take care
Pshintani #10
Chapter 37: I love this! It's so cute seeing the odd cravings and how jongin reacts to them..then... thank you for the update