Red String

Broken Strings
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I really enjoyed writing Eunhae chapters. Keke So excited for D&E comeback! Also, please stream 2NE1's Falling in Love in Youtube! Currently, it has 75 million views. There is this funwar against Sones again! Haha! 80 million views, let's go Blackjacks!!!!








Donghae’s brows furrowed at her reaction. She looked like she saw some breakthrough invention in him. “What?”


Dara straightened her back from sitting, looking more curious as ever. “So, you guys . . . h-had . . .”




“You know.” She pursed her lips, not really sure whether she could say it. She started making those hand gestures, but he didn’t really get it.


“What?” He asked again.


“S-s . . .” Dara was contemplating to say the word. “S-s . . .” She inhaled so deep. “.”


Donghae snorted and drank his beer. “Yeah.” He admitted though. “Like couples do. Yes. When Hyukjae and I were together,” He paused. “We had been doing . . .” Now, he felt uncomfortable. Why am I talking about this? Even Leeteuk and Heechul never asked him that. Or maybe because it was normal for those two too. "It."


Dara nodded, looking amazed now. But then she frowned a bit. “Does it hurt?”


“Mwo?!” He lost his mind at that.


“Waeyo?” She asked innocently.


“Yah.” He opened his mouth to say something then closed it again. He pointed a finger at her, then put it down. “I . . . Let’s say, I asked you the same question. Does it hurt?” He returned her question to her. “Will you answer?”


“The first time. After that, it feels really good.” She answered earnestly. “I’ve never tried though. So, does it hurt? I heard it does.”


Donghae just looked at her, looking very much bewildered. “W-whoa.” He drank again his beer and looked at the dark side of the beach. He glanced back and saw her waiting for him. What the. “Okay. Fine. It hurts. Drop it.” He swore he could feel his whole face heating up.


There was silence between them.


“But do you like it?”


“Oh my go-” Donghae was near getting up from sitting on the sand and swam and never resurface from the ocean again. This girl! “What’s wrong with you?”


“Waeyo? I’m just curious. I mean, I’m also a fan of BL stories.”




“Boys love!” Her eyes sparkled, reminiscing the shows she’d watched and fanfictions she subscribed. “. Don’t tell me you don’t know those terms.” She looked shocked.


“No.” Donghae said out loud. Is it something that I should know about?


“Really?” Dara did not believe him at first. She was quiet for a few seconds, then . . . “So, the answer is?”


He sighed exasperatedly. She’s still on that . He shouldn’t have let her drink. He guessed it was the alcohol that boosts her mental capacity to ask these kinds of questions. “No.” He replied loudly. “I didn’t like it. I only did it twice in my life, but I didn’t like the feeling of . . . of . . .” His eyes couldn’t focus too. He could congratulate himself for not thinking about his ex-boyfriend that much for the past weeks, but with the topic they were on. It was impossible for him to not think again those times they shared in one bed. “That.” He emptied the last of the beer in his hand. They actually finished all of it.


“So, you’re more of the dominating type.” Dara sounded like a student finally understanding her teacher.


“The what?” But then, he got it. “No. No. Don’t answer.” He shook his head and put a finger as a warning.


Dara took a gulp on her beer. Her eyes were still on him. “So-”


“No more questions.” Donghae told her and Dara shut . Another question about his life and Donghae swore he’d sleep on the boat, faraway from her and her perplexing mind.


“Okay.” Dara pouted and drank again, finishing her beer. She had 4 beers while Donghae had 8. They really finished a dozen.


The two looked at the ocean sleeping peacefully as the wind hummed them a lullaby. “Do you believe in destiny?”


“Say what?” Donghae looked at her again.


“Destiny.” She faced him again. “If you are really meant for a person, no matter what happens between the two of you, or even if the whole world pulls you apart,” Her eyes sparkled as she explained. “Fate will always be there to bring you back together.”


Donghae just stared at her before cracking a good laugh. “You must really love watching a lot of mushy romantic series.” He shook his head.


“Well, I believe in destiny.” She pouted at him, an act she would not dare do to him, if she didn’t feel a bit tipsy. “Didn’t you know? In Japan, there’s a belief about red strings of fate.”


“Red what?”


“Red strings!” She exclaimed and eagerly showed her right pinky finger. “They say that each one of us has an invisible red string attached to our pinky finger. That red string connects us to our soulmate.”


Donghae’s forehead creased, not even an inch of believing the woman. Is she this gullible?


Dara understood his reaction and chuckled. “I’m serious, boss!” She raised her pinky between their faces. “The string may be twisted and tangled, but it will always find a way to the person we are destined to be with till the end.” She was smiling so innocently that made Donghae smiled too.


Still, he won’t buy that. “That’s not true.”


“I think it’s true.” Dara pouted more, putting down her hand and staring at her pinky, imagining a now visible red string attached and floating to the air.


Donghae smirked at her. “So, where’s the other end of yours?”


Dara turned to him, then thought hard. “I don’t know. But I know he’s somewhere out there.”


He chuckled.


Dara raised her pinky to the stars shining below them. It was a myth she heard from her grade school teacher. From then, she never stopped believing it. She believed with her whole heart that even if people would come and break it, there is someone at the end of that string who will come to love her endlessly. “Someday, he’ll find me.” The little stars above shone on her. “Or maybe I’ll be the one to find him.” Her smile grew wider and softly whispered. “Or we could meet halfway . . . and never let go of each other again.”


He simply watched her face lightened under the stars. She’s . . . His eyes fell on his hand and settled on his right pinky as well. Destiny, huh. Donghae shook his head and chuckled gently, not really understand why they were having this kind of conversation.


“Let’s just fix these, so we can sleep already.” He told her. Dara put down her hand and just looked at him.


Donghae was starting to put the emptied cans in the small cooler, when Dara knelt to stop him. “No, boss.” She took the cans from him and smiled. “Let me do the cleaning.” She gave a thumbs-up. Donghae just let her and watched quietly as she gathered the cans.


The breeze of the ocean got colder by the minute. He looked at her, then decided to take off his jacket. She was just on her blue polo shirt and knee-length black shorts, their uniform in the resort. “Here.” He put the jacket down, beside him, where Dara was sitting a while ago.


Dara was reaching for another can, but she paused and looked at the jacket on the sand. Then, her eyes went to him in confusion.


“You can use this jacket. You can wear it or just even it down for you to sleep on. The sand might be too uncomfortable for you.” He said.


Dara pinched her thigh secretly to stop her from smiling like an idiot who is actually feeling the butterflies and other possible insects in her stomach were dancing in celebration. “No, boss. I’m okay. You don’t have to.”


“Just use this.” It was an order.


Dara smiled, hoping it wasn’t too creepy for him. She was staring at him when she remembered. “Do you want me to sleep on the boat?”


“Huh?” He was surprised at that.


“Or somewhere . . . far from you?”


Donghae really looked confused now. “Huh?”


“You know,” Dara’s eyes went to the space between them a while ago. They weren’t that close, but . . . Still, close. “Aren’t you gonna be uncomfortable?” To be honest, she wished he doesn’t. ‘Cause sleeping somewhere far from him is somehow freaking the scaredy cat in her. It was way too dark and silent in the beach! She had watched enough horror and thriller movies where monsters, psychos or cannibals appear in a remote island and drag women to torture in the most unspeakable ways! Please say no!


“It’s alright.”


Dara smiled, letting a breath out of relief. “I’ll just move a bit there.” She pointed to his far left. Three people could still lie down between their space.


Donghae just looked at where she just pointed at then back to her. He creased his brows, now looking amused. “Are you scared of me?”


“Mwo?” She was dumbfounded. “Aniyo. Aniyo.” The cans on her hands fell down as she waved her hands to him.


“You seem to be.”


“Aniyo, boss.” She told him. “I just don’t want to cause . . . such discomfort on you.”


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abikpoplover #1
Chapter 24: Hi Authornim!! Hope you’re well!
azel02 #2
Chapter 24: hi authornim :) i really hope you will update this story. I'm so inlove with how you make me look forward for every chapter of this story. Anyway, hopefully you have time again. ioveyou authornim! pinakilig mo talga ako dito :) :)
azel02 #3
Chapter 24: still waiting for your update.please 🥹🥹
abikpoplover #4
Chapter 24: Finally saw your twitter account. Hope you got inspired these days after DElight Party.
aronantonio #5
Still waiting for your update please
abikpoplover #6
Chapter 24: Hi authornim!! Still here rereading and hoping for a new chapter. Stay safe and inspired.
abikpoplover #7
Chapter 24: Hello Authornim!! Rereading your stories. Miss ko na sila!!! Hoping and praying you get inspiration to continue this story.
Iamkpopprincess #8
Chapter 24: please uldate authornim..jebal
Iamkpopprincess #9
Chapter 24: hi authornim please update and dont abandon this story..waiting for your return
abikpoplover #10
Chapter 24: Happy New Year!! Hope you’re well!! Praying that this 2023 may new development sa kanila or heck even a guesting together. Hoping you’ll have a reason to be inspired to continue this story authornim.