My Treat

Broken Strings
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Supposedly, I was about to update on Donghae oppa's birthday, but damn it! I couldn't finish this yesterday. Psssshhhh.


Belated happy birthday to dad! I love him so much! Watch California Love and Blue Moon! I love me some Dong-hoe songs. lmao Let's support Eunhyuk oppa's solo too and of course, D&E!!! 

To soccer3, thank you for upvoting!!!! Take care, arasso!!! 😊







“Tell me the truth! What happened in that island?”


“That.” Dara raised her right foot to Minzy’s face, as she finished putting medicine on it. “That happened.”


“Aish!” Minzy pushed the feet gently away. It was already night. Earlier that morning, Donghae brought Dara to the resort’s clinic to cure her foot as soon as they arrived. He instructed her to just rest for the whole day and left when he received a lot of calls from his office. “You didn’t take advantage of our boss, did you?” She gave her a suspicious look. “Ohhh. I think you did.”


“Mwo?” She couldn’t take the accusation. “Yah. And do you think our boss would let me lay a finger on him? He’d have my arm twisted before I could even do so.” She didn’t believe he’d react that violently either, but it was ridiculous. Plus, in normal romcom series, this should be the other way around.


Minzy went to her bed and hugged her pillow. “He didn’t even talk to you? Shame. You missed your chance. Tsk tsk.” She shook her head, giving her friend a fake look of sympathy. She wore her eye mask and turned their light off to sleep.


Dara glanced at her roommate who’s already asleep. She laid down and pulled her pink blanket. Her eyes were on the ceiling, but her mind was back there in the island. A wide smile appeared on her lips as she remembered how Donghae shared his stories . . .


frowned at her questions . . .


stared at her so close . . .


laughed . . .


looked half-pissed and half-helpless as he contemplated whether to pee on her foot or not . . .


carried her in his arms . . .


smiled at her. . .


Dara bit the end of her blanket to contain that pre-adolescent girly sound threatening to let out that night. Lee Donghae. She finally closed her eyes, praying for a certain face to visit her in her dreams.







Donghae peacefully sat in his favorite hammock in the resort that afternoon. He just finished his presentation to the board members about the acquisition of the island. It was a success for everyone agreed that it would attract more tourists for them. He drank his watermelon shake, when his eyes caught a glimpse of someone, walking on the seashore with a black garbage bag on her right hand.




She was wearing the resort’s uniform, a blue polo shirt matched with white knee-length shorts and her black Converse shoes. He noticed how her right leg was still limping as she walked. Donghae tilted his head to the left, watching her played with two kids, must be 4 or 5 year-olds, chasing her with sand on their hands.


Even from afar, he could hear her laughter. The other guests were also looking at her with amusement and admiration, especially from the male ones.




The image of her telling him how they met seven years ago came to him. He couldn’t believe it though as he didn’t have any memory of it. But looking how sure and happy she was with the way her eyes gleaned with joy, he believed she must be telling the truth. It was pretty amazing though. They really met again.


Dara fell on the sand. That made Donghae stood from sitting on the hammock. Her foot must hurt. He thought. Although his feet were glued there as he watched her erupted with another round of laughter and hugged the two kids who excitedly threw themselves to her.


He sat back slowly to the hammock again and made a soft chuckle without tearing his gaze at the sight.







“Yellow M&M’s. Spicy ramen. Soy sauce. Powder. Deodorant. Hair conditioner.” Dara reread the list that she and Minzy did a while ago. She was on her way out of the resort to go to the mart. The nearby convenience store outside has been undergoing a maintenance since last week. She’d go to that bigger store in south, although it’d take her a 20-minute walk. “Tis-” The syllable was stuck as she stopped outside the big white gate of the resort, when a car was about to go in.


It was a white Maserati. It was the resort’s owner. She watched it stopped in front of her, the driver’s window pulled down. It was indeed Lee Donghae.


The sight of him never fails to make her stomach act funnily, like some fingers were lightly tickling all over it. “Boss!” She smiled at him widely. “Good evening!” She bowed at him.


Donghae just arrived that night from Kibum’s. He bowed back at her from his car. His eyes fell on the list on her hands. “Grocery?”


“Yes, boss. I’m going to AON mart.” She nodded at him. “I’ve finished my duties in Haru’s and ELF café.”


“There’s a convenience store in the resort. Why are you going out?”


Dara scratched the back of her head and smiled awkwardly. “I know, boss, but . . . our budget is not . . .” She pointed her hands to the resort, hoping he’d get it. The price of the stuff there is for the tourists, not for employees like us. She thought.


Donghae just nodded as he got what she meant. AON mart. He knew the other nearby store was closed, since he just passed by it. That’s a bit far from here. His eyes went to her feet. “Is your foot alright?”


“Yes, boss!” She raised her right foot a bit. “It doesn’t hurt that much anymore. Thank you again.” She bowed at him.


“Okay.” He nodded again.


“Good night, boss.” She bowed to him again and stepped back, watching him closed the car’s window and drove to the gate. She smiled to herself and continued walking on the pavement. It took her one minute to halt her steps again, and watched the white expensive car stopped beside her. Her eyes blinked several times at it.


The driver’s window opened again with Donghae, not sure whether to look ahead or to the person standing outside. “AON is really far.” He wasn’t sure why he was doing this but there he was, unlocking the passenger’s side. “I’ll bring you there.”


Dara’s mouth fell in surprise. “A-are you s-sure, boss? I mean, I’m really-”


“Just get in.” He told her and closed his window.


Dara hid her winning giddy smile behind her list. She closed her eyes firmly, stopping herself from doing a celebratory dance or something. She walked to the other side of the car and got in. She put the seatbelt on and looked at him.


Donghae swore he had wanted to go to his villa earlier and call it a day after having four consecutive meetings with people. Though there he was, accompanying a girl to a store. What has gotten into me? Starting the car, he avoided Dara’s strange look, for he was so sure the lady was looking at him with so much confusion.


If he could, he’d be taking a part of himself out of his body and gave him the same questioning look.







“There are other M&M’s here.” Donghae commented. They stopped at the chocolate corner of the mart.


“Hmmmn.” Dara pursed her lips to the side. “But the yellow one . . .” Her eyes were busy trying to find it, though they had been standing there for 10 minutes and had been going back and forth that aisle checking for that specific M&M’s.


At first, Donghae was pushing the small cart wherever she goes, following her from the back, but as she took so much time in that aisle, he just stopped at the middle where the M&M’s are. He watched her scanned the candy corner, thinking a yellow pack of M&M’s must be lost there. Donghae glanced at his watch. 15 minutes. He looked at her again.


“Why is there none?” He heard her complain while kneeling on the floor already, still looking for it.


“Can’t you just pick other flavors?” Donghae finally said. He took hold of a blue pack M&M’s. “This is good too.”


Dara raised her head at him and looked at the chocolate on his hand. She bit her lower lip, then shook her head. “No peanuts, boss.” She turned back to the Ferrero Rocher and Crunch to her front.


Donghae put it down again, then looked to the side. “This one.” He showed her a different brand of chocolate. “There’s almond in it. It tastes better than M&M’s.”


Dara looked at it again with the same hesitation. “But it has to be yellow M&M’s.” She almost whispered that.


“I think Minzy will understand, if you won’t be able to buy her one.”


“It’s not for Minzy.” She replied with a sigh.


“Huh?” He thought it was for her roommate.


“I need it.”


“Need it?” Donghae’s brows creased at her reply. It wasn’t even an essential.


Dara sighed loudly and then stood up, eyes locked with his confused ones. “Since you, boss, have already shared your life with me, I’m not gonna be ashamed for this too.”


What? Donghae saw a grandma walked passed them, giving them a weird look. What on Earth is she talking about? “Mwo?”


Dara inhaled deeply. “It’s for my period.”


Donghae’s eyes went to the printed picture of a chubby kid eating a bar of chocolate on his right then back to her. “Shouldn’t you be needing a sanitary napkin for that?”


“Huh?” Dara’s brows met on the middle.


“Huh?” Donghae gave her the same look. He was in a loop of confusion.


“Aigoo.” Dara took a step back and scratched her forehead. “Of course, I have those. I mean, I need the M&M’s for my dysmenorrhea.”


Donghae’s face eased as finally got it. “Ahhhhh. That.”


Dara just nodded at him. “Deh. I get this really bad dysmenorrhea every month. It’s like my temperature would just drop, my body feel cold, and my lips would go white.” She pointed at her lips. “Plus, it really hurts here. It’s okay if it only lasts for a day, but no. It would take me four days before the pain actually subsides.” She now pointed to her belly. “Oh my gosh.” It was as if she could see herself rolling on the bed and calling every saint for the pain to stop. “I have to eat a pack of yellow M&M’s after every meal, so the pain would be gone.”


Donghae’s mouth parted at the information. “Why does it have to be yellow M&M’s?” He couldn’t help but asked.


“It’s the only chocolate that works for me. I figured that when I was in my teenage years.” She explained. “I’m sure my period will start next week. I always monitor it. Oh gosh. Chef Heechul will kill me if I don’t show up in the restaurant and the café too.” She bit her lip in worry, then looked at the stack of M&M’s again, wishing a yellow one would appear already.


“You know,” Donghae straightened his back. “I think there is a medicine for that. Like the one you can buy in the pharmacy.”


“I don’t drink medicine, boss.” She reasoned out. “It would just take me a few minutes to vomit it out. I don’t even take vitamins.”


Donghae closed his mouth and

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abikpoplover #1
Chapter 24: Hi Authornim!! Hope you’re well!
azel02 #2
Chapter 24: hi authornim :) i really hope you will update this story. I'm so inlove with how you make me look forward for every chapter of this story. Anyway, hopefully you have time again. ioveyou authornim! pinakilig mo talga ako dito :) :)
azel02 #3
Chapter 24: still waiting for your update.please 🥹🥹
abikpoplover #4
Chapter 24: Finally saw your twitter account. Hope you got inspired these days after DElight Party.
aronantonio #5
Still waiting for your update please
abikpoplover #6
Chapter 24: Hi authornim!! Still here rereading and hoping for a new chapter. Stay safe and inspired.
abikpoplover #7
Chapter 24: Hello Authornim!! Rereading your stories. Miss ko na sila!!! Hoping and praying you get inspiration to continue this story.
Iamkpopprincess #8
Chapter 24: please uldate authornim..jebal
Iamkpopprincess #9
Chapter 24: hi authornim please update and dont abandon this story..waiting for your return
abikpoplover #10
Chapter 24: Happy New Year!! Hope you’re well!! Praying that this 2023 may new development sa kanila or heck even a guesting together. Hoping you’ll have a reason to be inspired to continue this story authornim.