Meeting the Pastry Chef

Broken Strings
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I really can't promise for a fixed update. *sigh* Please bear with me. I try to update this whenever I can. Same with my other stories. Still, hope you like this chapter!


To xailamarie and troy69, thank you for upvoting guys!!


A big, big thanks to those who write comments as well! Your kind words really motivate me to continue writing! I love you all!!!







“I think I almost died there!” Changmin exclaimed and drank his wine.


Donghae laughed with him, drinking his red wine too. The guy was sharing his strenuous training last year in Los Angeles. They chose for a private room in Sunny Garden restaurant , Changmin was too popular in the sports world and Donghae’s still an heir to their business empire, they couldn’t risk people taking pictures of them and blowing everything out of proportion. Although Sapphire Ocean Beach Resort came to the suggested place for their date, for Changmin really wants to visit it, Donghae just felt he needed some time away from the resort.


He wondered if Donghae wants to get drunk or something. The resort’s owner almost consumed the whole bottle if not for the glass of wine on Changmin’s side.


Donghae met Changmin in college through Seunggi, his older brother was the one who plays tennis and is really fond of it. The famous tennis player had asked him for a date twice in the past; one during college, another when he and Eunhyuk broke up because of Zhoumi. Donghae wasn’t really thinking straight when he agreed to him on the third time. The guy said he’s visiting the island for some sponsor event and joked about a date.


You know what, you really should try and date me.




“Well, everything’s worth it, isn’t it?” Donghae smiled at him. “I mean, Olympic silver medalist and Wimbledon trophy in your bag.”


Changmin smiled too. He didn’t reply to the praise given as his eyes were focused on Donghae’s flushed face and hazy eyes after finishing a bottle of Dow’s Vintage Port. Lee Donghae was as beautiful when he first met him. “You can never lose that charm of yours, Donghae.” He bit his lip, trying to suppress a smile. Changmin looked like one of those leading male characters in romantic k-dramas. His actions and words were more than enough to capture someone’s heart. He leaned forward, right hand slowly moved to touch Donghae’s hand on the table.


Before his hand reached the man’s hand, Donghae pulled and held his glass wine instead. He looked away and emptied it.


Changmin looked down on his lap. And playing hard to get has been one of his charms too. He thought with a smile.


“It’s getting late. I think we should go.”


Changmin nodded and straightened his back. He raised a hand to call for waiter’s attention.


Donghae wanted to bump his head on the table. Changmin was nice and hot, but . . . It felt like this date was not really helping him clear his mind. His mind which was on a current turmoil because of a certain baker in ELF Café.


Changmin drove him back to the resort. It was past 11 when they arrived, stopping in front of the four-story building guest rooms. “We’re here.”


Donghae took his seatbelt off. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay here? Everything’s on me.”


He chuckled. “I really want to, but my coach will kill me. The event starts at 6 a.m. I don’t get it.”


The two laughed inside the car.


“I really thought I could have a short vacation here.” Changmin looked to the front beach. “It is really a great place.”


Donghae smiled, hearing people complimenting the resort, his home, has been his pride. “Thank you.”


“Maybe next time.” Changmin smiled widely. “It’s still your treat, right?” He pointed at him.


“Of course.” Donghae laughed softly. The liquor in his head was making his head feel light. He really shouldn’t have finished that bottle of wine. He could take his beer better. “Okay.” He nodded to himself. “Changmin, thank-”


His words were cut as he looked to his left and found Changmin leaning to his lips. Donghae just stared at the guy, he could feel their breaths warming each other, when Donghae leaned away and looked to ocean in front of them.


Changmin blinked his eyes at that, it felt awkward, but he chuckled it away nevertheless.


For the few seconds that Donghae as staring in silence at the ocean, he shot himself with why’s.




Why did I agree to this date in the first place?


Why don’t I wanna kiss back?


Why don’t I want him to kiss me?


Why did I kiss her?


Changmin leaned back to his seat.


Something’s really wrong with me. Donghae turned to Changmin again with that determined look. It reminded Changmin of his own look whenever he steps inside the tennis court, hearing deafening cheers and chants of the crowd. this. Okay. Donghae grabbed the guy by the collar of his shirt and slammed his lips against his.


He closed his eyes to feel that moment.


There was nothing.


Changmin’s hand went to his cheek and parted his mouth a bit to move against Donghae’s soft pair of lips.


Good morning, boss!


A flash of Dara greeting him with her biggest smile of the day while holding a coffee in the café electrified him. Donghae pushed the guy lightly, both hands on his shoulders. He stared at him, confused why he’s seeing another face while kissing a very handsome guy. He breathed out before going back to his side.


His date bit his lip and chuckled amusingly.


“I’m sorry.” Donghae found himself saying. Although he’s cursing himself to stop saying that every time he kisses somebody. First, Dara and now Changmin. Am I really becoming an a-hole?


Changmin tilted his head to the left while grinning. “It’s okay.”


His reply made him feel worse. “No. I-”


“Donghae, it’s okay.” Changmin looked at him smilingly. “I mean, come on. I don’t think anyone alive could ever compete against your greatest love. I understand.” His chuckled on his own again.


He turned his head to him slowly. It was said in their own language, but not a word he grasped. “Huh?”


Changmin turned to Donghae’s confused stare, then answered him with his most obvious tone. “Eunhyuk.”


The crease in his forehead vanished at the mention of a name he hasn’t heard for a while. Someone’s face that should have pulled him back like the old times. In that moment, all Donghae could do was to remain still. That name . . . That person . . .




He looked back in the ocean in silence. Since when did he stop thinking about him? Somewhere in his heart, it reminded him of a very distinct pain. He could feel it, but somehow, he could breathe and stand alright. As he bade goodbye to Changmin and stepped outside his car, Donghae watched the car disappeared from the resort’s huge white gate.


If the night was a real person, he really would like to punch it even once. It’s because he thought he could get answers at the end of this night. He really believed he should just need to look at people outside his home. Options, lots of options. That’s what his mind told him to search for. That one big and pointy arrow that guides him to what he knew he was, had long accepted and believed he was.


But the more he ignores and runs away from it, a different compass points him to somewhere else.


Now, he’s left standing under that bright light post, alone and confounded even more.


It turns out this date just added more black bullets to his list of why’s.







“You have to use cold unsalted butter or better, European butter like this one.” Ilwoo pointed to it on the table. “Do not use salted butter, because it has a more brittle texture which is not good for French croissants.”


“Yes, chef.” Dara nodded, listing everything that he’s been telling her on her cute green notebook.


Dara was waiting for the cakes to cool down before she put the icing. She showed Ilwoo how she baked them and the man was kind enough to comment on things she needed to improve. Nevertheless, the man was impressed with her skills. Even without proper education, she bakes cakes better than his colleagues. And she got all those from watching lifestyle channels and Youtube tutorials? While they waited, Ilwoo asked if she wanted to learn how to make a croissant and her eyes sparkled to learn about it.


“A perfect flaky croissant is really hard to master, but since you have the eyes of a hardworking rabbit . . .”


Dara laughed at that.


Ilwoo was smiling at her as he worked on the bread. “You’ll get it with enough practice.” He nodded and pushed the dough to her side. “Unlike other types of dough, you don’t have to knead the croissant’s dough for too long. We’re only making a few samples, you can use your hand, but of course with larger batch, use a stand mixer.”


“Yes, chef.”


“Wanna try?”


“Yes, chef!” Dara put her notebook and pen down and rushed to the sink to wash her hands.


Ilwoo checked on the cakes on the other table. Dara went back to the table and started kneading the dough. “I can call you Dara, right?”


“Yes, chef.”


Ilwoo raised his brows and turned to her. “You know, for the last three hours, there are only two words that come out your mouth.” He smiled. “Yes, chef. Yes, chef.” The guy mimicked playfully. “You got a glitch, Iron Girl?”


Dara stopped her hands and smiled thinly. “No, che-” The two looked at each other and laughed a bit loudly. It’s not that she was awkward with him, she was wary. After the egg incident last night, she absolutely felt embarrassed to stand beside him, although Dara had to admit that she’s learning a lot from the pastry chef.


Ilwoo drank some spared milk in a glass. “So, where are you from? Are you from Jeju-do?”


She continued with the kneading. “No, chef. I’m from Seoul.”


“Really? If I’m not mistaken, Kibum has mentioned that the owner and Manager Leeteuk are also from Seoul?”


“Yes, chef. Also, Chef Heechul.”


“Are you all colleagues?”


“No, chef!” She shook her head quickly. There was no way her dropped out mark in her transcript of record could be in level with her bosses. Not to mention, that one Math subject that she failed during sophomore. And she really tried to study it. Damn it.


“Ahh.” He bent as he started to put an icing using a cake spatula. “I thought y’all go way back. Well, your bosses must really like you.”




“I mean, Sunny told me that Kibum told her,” He was pointing his finger to the air as if he could see the faces of the people he kept mentioning. “That the owner specifically asked for you to be taught and guided seriously.”


Dara could only blink her eyes at him, dough completely forgotten. He did?


“But since Sunny could not accept this job, then I’ll be your teacher then.” He smoothed the icing on the sides. “So, how long have you been working here in Sapphire Ocean?”


Dara cleared , dismissing the fact that Donghae asked people to assist her. Oh, shut it. It’s his resort, his café. Of course, he cares that his employees are competent. Shushing that slight tickle she felt in her stomach a while ago. “Uhm. I’ve been here for six months, chef.” She took a step back, showing her work. “I’m done, chef.”


“Deh. Now, the proofing begins. Let the dough rest and rise, then refrigerate it.”


“Yes, chef.” She pushed it aside. Dara walked beside him and took another bowl of icing with lemon vanilla frosting. She started spreading the frosting on another cake.


“So, why did you choose this place? There are a lot of opportunities in the city too.”


He was too focused on the icing that Ilwoo didn’t notice Dara looking to the windows and having a moment of flashbacks. Crazy and cringing ones. “Uhm. A friend,” She had a flashback of her conversation with Bom in some B-class bar in the city. She glanced at him. “Recommended this resort, chef.”


“Ahh.” He nodded to the cake. “But do you enjoy working here?”


“Yes, chef!” That made her beamed a smile proudly.


Ilwoo stood back up. His lips were pursing to the side. “Can you drop it?”


Dara looked down on herself then to the spatula on her hand. “Drop what, chef?”




She looked at the spatula again. What?


“You calling me chef. My ears are giving me a different vibration.” Ilwoo chuckled and scrunched his nose.


Dara didn’t understand the order. “But you’re a chef.”


“Sure.” Ilwoo leaned his hips on the table. “But no one really calls me that in Kibum’s. I made them address to me by first name. They just call me Ilwoo. Those people who call me chef are those I meet in conferences or even clients too sometimes, not the people I work with everyday.”


“Oh.” Dara looked below. She found it a bit strange for she sure wants to be called a chef someday. Chef Dara. It just clicks sweetly in her ears, but then this guy . . .


“Haven’t you ever called Chef Heechul on a first name basis?” He took a clean spoon and dipped it to the lemon vanilla that Dara was holding.


“Only if I wanted to die.” She replied honestly.


Ilwoo laughed, getting her point. He met the chef and the manager yesterday and he could sense where that fear from her was coming from. The chef looked snarky but was kind to him though. Dara resumed on putting frosting on the cake, still hesitant to call him by name. “Seriously, just call me Ilwoo.”


“But you’re my superior, so-”


“Call me cutie then.” It really matters for him to have a comfortable relationship with people in his working field.


“Mwo?” Dara looked back up again, stifling a laugh. She thought he was weird. And okay, cute.


“I respond better to those. Believe me. Try calling me cutie.” Ilwoo turned his back on her, pretending to be busy on the air.


“Are you serious?”


“Yeah. Go.”


Dara smiled in amusement at how silly this was, but she was game for it though. “Cutie?”


“Meow?” Ilwoo turned around immediately. He had both of his fists curled and raised it to his cheeks, pawing like a cat.


“Arrrgghh.” Dara cringed so bad as she jokingly rubbed her arms for goosebumps.


The two’s laughter echoed in the kitchen.


“My cat’s impersonation is cute, right?” He pointed a finger at her while grinning.


Dara was truly glad that she wasn’t working alone anymore at night. Sometimes the silence in baking all by herself makes her freaky with all these imagination and sounds coming from nowhere. She thought he was really kind to teach her at night, since she was busy in the restaurant at daytime. Jung Ilwoo could really help her hone and widen her baking skills.


Dara took a glance at the dough. “Should I put now the dough in the ref, che-” She smiled and nodded. “Ilwoo.” There was no way she’d call him cutie. Well, the guy was, but still.


“Deh.” He was satisfied hearing his name. Dara took the dough and walked to the medium refrigerator on the left. He took the cake smoother and polished the icing on his cake. “If you still find it difficult to call me by name, baby is also a good option.” He said louder for her to hear. “It’s my ultimate talent to produce baby sounds.”


Dara laughed again from across the room, closing the refrigerator.


“Try it. Try it.” Ilwoo quickly finished the polishing and turned around again. His right hand hit to an empty stainless bowl that caused it to roll down the table. He knelt on the floor to grab it.


Dara knew she would cringe with his antic again, but she thought he’s a bit funny too. She didn’t hear the kitchen door opened as the sound of the stainless bowl falling muffled it. Dara was walking back to the table, when she teased Ilwoo a bit louder. “Baaaby.”


And wished she lost her voice right there when she saw Lee Donghae standing on the door with an equal surprised look on his face.


Donghae went to the ELF café that night to supervise things. He told that to himself before getting up from his bed at 10. He reasoned that he wanted to see if his staff on night duty were doing their jobs well; he couldn’t risk the safety and well-being of the guests be jeopardized due to their slacking. He had finished doing his rounds in the office building, which by the way earned baffled glances from the two security guards, assuring him that everything was fine that night. He then went to the ELF café and cleared his throat before coming in. He was expecting to see the finished creations of Dara, but that didn’t include Dara cooing ‘baby’ all by herse-


Ilwoo finally got the bowl and stood, revealing himself from the table. “Wait. I-.”


What the. Donghae brows furrowed for a bit. There’s a stranger in the café’s kitchen.




Erase that.


There’s a stranger whom Dara called baby in the café’s kitchen.


Ilwoo put the bowl on the table and stared at the man in front staring back at him too. “I’m sorry. The café is closed already.”


Dara opened and waved her hands in frantic. “Ani. Ani.” She ran beside Ilwoo. “He’s the resort’s owner. G-good evening, boss.” She bowed to Donghae for a bit, wanting to run to the nearby oven and lock herself there.


“Ah!” Ilwoo eagerly extended a hand. He hadn’t really met the man until then. He was always inside the kitchen whenever Donghae visited the bakeshop. It was Sunny who couldn’t stop gushing how handsome their rich and loyal client was. “Mr. Lee, it is nice meeting you. I’m the baker from Kibum’s.”


Donghae’s hand did not move a bit as he looked at him slowly from head to his hips.  Well, he couldn’t see his toes because of the table. But he was sure of something. This person is a guy. “Where’s Sunny?”


“Oh.” His right hand was still left hanging on the air. “My assistant, Sunny, is two months pregnant, Mr. Lee. I told her to rest during the shop’s renovation period.” He smiled politely then glanced at his waiting hand again.


Donghae glanced at the hand too and realized he was taking too long to accept that. He shook Ilwoo’s hand firmly. “Oh sorry, okay. Well,” His lips pressed to a thin smile, their hands pulling back. “Welcome to Sapphire Ocean Beach Resort, Mister . . .”


“Jung Ilwoo, Mr. Lee. Just call me Ilwoo.” He smiled kindly.


“Ilwoo.” Donghae nodded. Unconsciously, his eyes glanced at the quiet girl beside him and then back to the handsome guy. Baby? What? “So, how do you find the resort? The ELF café and staff?”


“I’ve strolled around this afternoon and the place is really amazing. It feels more like a vacation than work. The staff are kind and good listeners too. Plus, your own baker here is very knowledgeable and committed to improve her craft. Don’t worry, Mr. Lee.” Ilwoo grinned as he put a hand above Dara’s head. She timidly smiled back at him. “I promise to take good care of Dara.” His left hand rubbed Dara’s top of the head. “I’m really glad Kibum sent me here.”


There was a tick that tingled at the back of his neck, watching the hand of the man finding comfort on her head. “Yeah.” Donghae looked at him in the eyes, wearing the biggest smile he could force that night. “Me too.”







The following days sure caused much irritation in his nerves. If he wouldn’t find Ilwoo eating lunch with Dara and the restaurant staff in nearby bench tables outside Haru’s, he would see Ilwoo from his office’s balcony, running to her side and helping Dara carry the stuff Heechul sent her to buy. Is he even done with his duties in the café?


Donghae took a bite of his slice of dark chocolate cake with hazelnut. There were a few customers outside the café that morning. Most of their guests were enjoying the sun and water on the beach. He went back in reviewing a report on his laptop, when his eyes caught the reason why he chose to spend his working hours there instead of his own office. He convinced himself that he just wanted to ask if the new pastry chef was doing well in the café.


Dara went out the café with the orders on her tray. Her mind was trying to process where did it go wrong with the double crust fruit pie she made earlier. She followed Ilwoo’s instructions though. Dara smiled at the family who ordered cheesecakes and put down the tray on the table. She bowed at them and turned around.


When she finished attending to the customers, Donghae raised a hand to her attention, but to his dismay, the woman bowed and took something from her back. A green notebook. Another café staff saw his hand and greeted him instantly.


“Mr. Lee. Do you need anything?” The woman asked him politely.


Oh. “Uhmm. Water.”


The waitress looked at his glass, full of cold water and totally untouched.


Donghae looked at it too then to the woman. “Warm.” He said. “Warm water, please.”


“Yes, Mr. Lee.” The waitress went inside to get his warm water.


Tch. Donghae clicked his tongue and halved his cold water. When Dara looked to his direction again, he raised his right hand again, but she didn’t see it for the second time, as her body was already turning back to the inside of the café. He puffed both cheeks in annoyance.


Another staff behind Dara saw him and rushed to his table. “Mr. Lee. Is there anything you need?” A male staff asked this time.


After two failed attempts, Donghae stared at the guy with glasses, and then decided to go for it. “Call Dara. Tell her I’d like to talk to her for a minute.” His business voice laid out.


“Yes, sir.”


The guy went inside the café and found Dara arranging the breads with a kitchen thong in the corner. “Dara!”


“Hey.” She waved the stainless thong on her hand. “Sup?”


“Mr. Lee is looking for you.”


“What?” She tensed up quickly, the basket of bread on her hand felt her arms shook too.


“He’s outside.”


Outside? Dara peered from the glass walls and truly he was sitting there. How could she miss the guy. Wait. Why? What did I do? Her eyes widened in panic. Oh gosh. Did Ilwoo make a report about me and my disappointing series of pastries? Shi- “Hold this.” She handed the basket and thong to the guy and calmed her nerves as she went out. Dara was biting her upper lip, watching the man got closer with her every step. He was just sitting there, beating the sunshine of all her mornings to come. Pull yourself together, Dara. “Good morning, boss.” She bowed at him.


“Good morning. Have a seat.” Donghae pointed to the seat across him.


Him offering a seat must mean there’s something serious he wants to discuss. Is it my poor performance? But my brownies were good! Dara hesitantly sat on the chair, thoughts running wildly for all possibilities as to why

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abikpoplover #1
Chapter 24: Hi Authornim!! Hope you’re well!
azel02 #2
Chapter 24: hi authornim :) i really hope you will update this story. I'm so inlove with how you make me look forward for every chapter of this story. Anyway, hopefully you have time again. ioveyou authornim! pinakilig mo talga ako dito :) :)
azel02 #3
Chapter 24: still waiting for your update.please 🥹🥹
abikpoplover #4
Chapter 24: Finally saw your twitter account. Hope you got inspired these days after DElight Party.
aronantonio #5
Still waiting for your update please
abikpoplover #6
Chapter 24: Hi authornim!! Still here rereading and hoping for a new chapter. Stay safe and inspired.
abikpoplover #7
Chapter 24: Hello Authornim!! Rereading your stories. Miss ko na sila!!! Hoping and praying you get inspiration to continue this story.
Iamkpopprincess #8
Chapter 24: please uldate authornim..jebal
Iamkpopprincess #9
Chapter 24: hi authornim please update and dont abandon this story..waiting for your return
abikpoplover #10
Chapter 24: Happy New Year!! Hope you’re well!! Praying that this 2023 may new development sa kanila or heck even a guesting together. Hoping you’ll have a reason to be inspired to continue this story authornim.