The Sign

Broken Strings
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Her right leg bumped into her ancient wooden table as she was hurrying with a towel on her head and a phone on her ear. "Owwww!" She grimaced as she rubbed the stinging part. "Yes sir, I'm okay." She told the caller. "I'm on my way." She threw the towel across the small living room of her apartment. 


this. She was cursing herself mentally. This wouldn't happen if she didn't oversleep last night while watching Ridiculous Cakes in Youtube. 


"In fact," Dara bit the ponytail on her wrist and began tying her hair without combing it. "My bus is only two blocks away." She jumped to the sofa as she struggled to wear her white rubber shoes at the same time. "Yes, of course." Both hands were working on the laces and didn't bother to tie them on a ribbon and just pushed them inside to her soles. Dara dashed to her room as she took her army green backpack. "Oh. I'm near already." She ran to her door, without forgetting to get a piece of Pepperoni pizza which she ordered two days ago on the table. Dara opened wide the door, preparing to run down the stairs. "Yes, sir. See you there."




Her feet were stuck near the front door as she stared at the person outside her door. The pizza on fell. "."


"I take that as a good morning." The woman pushed her away as she entered her small apartment. 


"E-eonni." Dara closed the door behind her and found the visitor, sitting comfortably on her sofa. "I was about to go to your condo. Yeah. Right now, you beat me to it." Dara let an awkward laugh, seeing her not-so-amused look. "Actually, I went to your shop yesterday, but your staff said that you weren't there."


"Really?" Hwangbo raised a brow and smiled.


Dara quickly nodded. "Of course!"


"That's weird." Hwangbo crossed her legs and put a hand below her chin. "I never left the shop yesterday."


She pursed her lips forward as beads of sweat her forming on her face. "Really? T-that's weird. Why would she say that? Hmmmn. 'Cause you see-"


"Where's your payment?" Her voice and eyes sharp.


Dara gulped, but still she had that fake smile on her face. "Yes! That's the reason why I was about to go to you right now." She clapped her hands. "You see, I had this job in Jeju. It was a really great job. My salary . . . Thunder called and-"


"Do you have it or not?!" Hwangbo shouted at her as she stood, looking so livid.


"I-I h-ha..." Dara's smile was getting creepier by the second. "Had?" It came out like a tiny whisper. She grabbed her landlady by the arms and raised her right hand. "But I promise!  Next week! Yes! I'll give you the full payment! I have a job interview today in-"


"Shut up!" Hwangbo pushed her away. "Seven months, Dara! For seven ing months, you've been promising me that you'd pay me! I didn't kick you out last time, because you said you have this big shot of a job in Jeju and you'll finally pay me!"


"Yes, but-"


"You owe me three thousand dollars!" Hwangbo angrily snarled while pointing a finger to her face. 


Dara winced at that. Other than the payment for the apartment. She borrowed money for her Jeju trip and clothes. "I know, and I'll pay you." She tried to ease her wrath.


"You don't have to."


Dara blinked as she stared at her landlady, asking herself whether her ears were damaged or she was hallucinating things now. "What?"


"You don't have to pay me, Dara." Hwangbo told her.


Her eyes suddenly sparkled like New Year just happened. "Really?!"


"Just get the hell out of my apartment and out my life!!!!"


"Wha-" Dara widened her eyes to her, then flinched to the side when her door slammed open, revealing two huge guys. "Who are you?" 


"Now." Hwangbo ordered coldly.


Dara whipped to her. "Now? What now?" She jerked again when the guys went to her room, and began taking her things out. "Yah! What are you all doing?!" 


"Don't mind her." Hwangbo said nonchalantly, while opening a Coke from her fridge. "Proceed."


"Hwangbo eonni!" Dara shouted, then ran after them to her room. She found one guy taking her two huge neon bright suitcases out to her front door. "Stop!" She tried to pull his arm, but he was just too big. They got out the room and Dara saw Hwangbo sitting too comfortably on her sofa. She was even swaying her legs and humming. "Make them stop!"


"Oh. Should I?" Hwangbo looked at her innocently.


"Aaargh." Dara bit her lip as she tried her best to take his hands off her bags. They were now on the stairs, playing tug of war. "Let go!" She screamed but the guy easily took the luggages away from her. Dara wasn't done with him but her eyes almost jumped out when she saw the other guy behind her, holding her clothes on his arms. "Yah!" She screamed in horror as she tried to take them all away from him. "Give me those!" Again, the guy didn't listen as the two got outside the building. Dara managed to snatch a white shirt, a pink pajama, and a bra. "Yaaaah!" The guy dumped the clothes to the suitcases on the ground. "Leave me alone!" Dara angrily pushed him away as the other guy looked at her amusingly. 


She knelt and began gathering her stuff. Loud murmurs and humiliating stares were bore on her by those that passed by.


"Oh. We will." Hwangbo walked near them with more of her clothes and unceremoniously dropped to her face. "Just make sure you won't show your face around here!"


Dara clicked her tongue. She glared back at her, but knew this would come. She just didn't think that it would involve her stuff being tossed to the ground. Dara just looked at her stuff. "Wait!" She called to Hwangbo. "These aren't all my things!" 


"What?" Hwangbo turned her eyes into slits. "Your TV? Refrigerator? Sofa? Vases? Pillows and s?"


Dara nodded, then looked at her clothes again.  My best clothes! "Some of my dresses too are still there!" Then... "And also my piggy bank!"


Hwangbo scoffed in disbelief. "Mwo? Really? With the huge amount of money that you owe me?"




"No buts!" Hwangbo cut her off. "I will sell all your stuff! Just pray that people will buy those or else I'll hunt you and sell you instead!"


Dara scowled at her with that threat. Although she hoped, she was just joking.


"Come to think of it." Hwangbo stared at her pitiful state. "You got a few clothes left on you."


Dara's face lightened, thanking that she was still merciful.


"I'll get this hot pink suitcase." Hwangbo grabbed the luggage from her. "You won't get to put anything in it anyway." With that, Hwangbo and her men went back to the apartment and shut the door hard.
















Dara looked like a Barbie turned zombie walking on the streets of Seoul with a neon orange suitcase plodding behind. She went to the grocery store she was applying, but the owner shooed her away, saying they already got someone and blaming her for being late and lazy. It isn't my fault I got thrown out of my apartment this morning! Or was it? She groaned loudly, ignoring a woman who just pulled her kids away from her as she passed.


It was past two in the afternoon. She hasn't taken her lunch. How could she? She was penniless. It was pointless to call Bom for her best friend was in Bangkok right now. They were shooting a variety show there. Call Thunder? She'd rather sleep on the streets than do that. 


Dara looked to her left and saw McDonald's. Outside, she could get a whiff of their crispy fried chicken... the long and crunchy French fries ... the large sized burgers that ooze with beefy juices in every bite and melting cheese with . . . Dara shook her head strongly that she felt dazed afterwards. Stop it! She was getting hungrier. Its proof was the angry growl from her stomach. 


Dara let go of her bag and clasped her hands together. "Lord, please. Give me a sign." She prayed as her eyes were closed but head facing the sky. "Please, Lord. Let me know that you're still here with me." She pleaded the heavenly God above. The people who were going in and out the restaurant were giving her a wary look. Even the security guards looked a bit alarmed. "Please. Please. Plea-"




Dara squinted her eyes at the figure in front her. Lord? If this was the sign, it was the most confusing sign ever.


It's because leaning on the white Audi car with his hands crossed to his broad chest and looking at her direction with his black sunglasses on was Lee Donghae. 


Her old boss. 


Her failed mission.


Lee Donghae?!


"Can we talk?" He spoke.


Dara creased her brows, not sure if he was an apparition or not. Lord? She glanced up again then to him. Again.













"Are you sure you're not hungry?" Donghae asked her for the third time.


"No, thank you. I'm full." Dara told him as she looked at the passing cars outside. Her fingers pinched her legs hard as she stopped herself from gobbling the burger and large fries he ordered for her. Pride over fried, Dara.


Donghae began eating his fried chicken. Every crunch that she heard made her glanced at him. All she could do was gulp the remaining saliva in and sometimes drink from the cola on her front. 


He ordered 2 pieces of chicken and fries for himself. After eating the part, Donghae wiped his side of the mouth with a napkin and drank. He was hungry after his early flight that morning. He looked at Dara who was busy on the cars outside. Seunggi hyung sent her. He studied her. I can't believe I'm here and doing this. He sighed inwardly. 

After a night of debate with himself, he finally gave in. Heechul's words kept on echoing in his mind. But what if Mrs. Song tells your dad about this? She's the most tiring drama queen out there, Donghae. He sighed again as he remembered that. If he'd be honest, Donghae cou

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abikpoplover #1
Chapter 24: Hi Authornim!! Hope you’re well!
azel02 #2
Chapter 24: hi authornim :) i really hope you will update this story. I'm so inlove with how you make me look forward for every chapter of this story. Anyway, hopefully you have time again. ioveyou authornim! pinakilig mo talga ako dito :) :)
azel02 #3
Chapter 24: still waiting for your update.please 🥹🥹
abikpoplover #4
Chapter 24: Finally saw your twitter account. Hope you got inspired these days after DElight Party.
aronantonio #5
Still waiting for your update please
abikpoplover #6
Chapter 24: Hi authornim!! Still here rereading and hoping for a new chapter. Stay safe and inspired.
abikpoplover #7
Chapter 24: Hello Authornim!! Rereading your stories. Miss ko na sila!!! Hoping and praying you get inspiration to continue this story.
Iamkpopprincess #8
Chapter 24: please uldate authornim..jebal
Iamkpopprincess #9
Chapter 24: hi authornim please update and dont abandon this story..waiting for your return
abikpoplover #10
Chapter 24: Happy New Year!! Hope you’re well!! Praying that this 2023 may new development sa kanila or heck even a guesting together. Hoping you’ll have a reason to be inspired to continue this story authornim.