
My Bodyguard Princess

"I'm bored." Sehun blew a raspberry.

D.O. slumped beside the maknae. "I'm bored too."

The EXO-K princes were idly sitting in one of the yards with nothing to do, pouting and sighing.

Byul looked over at the princes and stifled a giggle. Who knew it was such a bore to be a royal? And to think these handsome princes were people who whined and wailed childishly made if all funnier.

Byul had recovered from her cyanide poisoning and was looking healthy. She got tired more easily, but she could still defeat any of the princes in swordplay, no probs. Maybe except Chanyeol though.

"Isn't there anything to do?" Kai asked in a deadpanned voice. "We're freaking princes and we don't have a single thing to do. How boring is this?"

Suho nodded, closing his eyes. "Wish there were some new exciting things happening in the Palace."

Dahae had joined them that afternoon and she looked nothing near bored as she tried to vie for Chanyeol's and Baekhyun's attention.

Baekhyun's was pretty easy since his attention was always on her, but Chanyeol's was rather difficult.

"How about Yeol give us a free martial arts showcase?" Baekhyun grinned at his dongsaeng. Dahae clapped enthusiastically at the thought. "Oohh! Yeah do it, Chanyeol-gun!"

Chanyeol shifted uneasily. "O-Kay..."

"I know! How about Byul noona and Chanyeol hyung have a duel?" Sehun blurted. "That would be interesting!"

All heads were nodded furiously at the prospect and Byul too seemed pretty pepped up by the idea. "Yeah I don't mind!" Byul beamed. "I haven't worked out for quite some ti-"

"No." Baekhyun cut her off. His face was stern and serious. "No you can't. It's barely two weeks since you got poisoned, you can't just go prancing off and dueling the strongest fighter out of us!" he protested worriedly.

Dahae seemed a little ticked off by the concern Baekhyun displayed for Byul. "She'll be alright. She hasn't died hasn't she?" she snorted.

Byul nodded. "Yeah, I'll be alright." She looked at Baekhyun pleadingly. "I haven't picked up my sword for such a long time."

Baekhyun bit his lip. "But-"

"Oh Baekhyun if you just look at yourself!" Suho rolled his eyes. "You look like a mother hen-"

"Just like Suho hyung." Kai muttered.

"-and if I didn't know better," Suho continued, ignoring Kai. "I'd think you're in love with Byul or something."

Baekhyun and Byul choked. "Hahahahaha!!!!" they laughed madly, looking at each other and not being able to contain their laughter.

"Of course Jeonha doesn't like her!" Dahae retorted. "Jeonha likes-" she quickly shut up before she blurted that she was aware of the Crown Prince's feelings which she pretended not to know all along.

Baekhyun didn't get what she was saying and just continued with his worried look at Byul. "You sure you're okay with the sword?" he asked unsurely.

"Yeah!" Byul brightened. "I'll be fine, don't worry. What can happen? Me collapsing in an eternal sleep and not waking up?" she joked.

Baekhyun looked so absolutely horrified that Byul was sorry she said it. "Mianhae, just kidding. I'll be fine." she assured again.

Baekhyun puffed his cheeks. "Fine fine." he looked at the other princes who looked so absolutely bored and yearning for something interesting. "They need entertainment anyway."



Byul eyed Chanyeol, frowning slightly as she managed to pin him down again and point the sword at his neck. She sighed and kept her sword, holding a hand out to haul Chanyeol up.

"You're letting me win." she noted with distaste. She raised her brows accusing. "What's with that?"

Chanyeol pinked. He didn't think she noticed. He thought his miss was pretty convincing when he hadn't hit her on the shoulder just now.

"You're still weak." he protested.

"Oh don't give me that." Byul rolled her eyes. "Please don't be another Ddong-ha."

She looked at him challengingly. "If you want to fight me, fight me seriously." she told him. She narrowed her eyes. "So are you up to it?"

Chanyeol bit back a smile as the dongsaengs cheered for another one. "Fine. Let's do it."


"Woah." D.O. gaped as they watched Byul and Chanyeol fight each other. They were really going against each other now and Chanyeol wasn't holding back.

Even so, Byul was doing a good job defending and hitting him. She had a few times when she nearly got Chanyeol before he used pure strength to dodge the attack or push her sword away.

And it seemed they were having fun. This was what they did best and meeting someone who was on par with in terms of skill and agility was obviously something they they treasured.

"Look at them! They're flirting with swordplay!" Dahae muttered under her breath.

Baekhyun didn't say anything to encourage her or tell her otherwise. He certainly didn't think they were "flirting with swordplay", but they were certainly enjoying swordplay together. And enjoying each other's presence.

And Baekhyun didn't like it. Intensely. And he had no idea why.

"Hah! Almost got you there!" Byul panted as she and Chanyeol circled each other, both looking tired but smiling.

"Pretty sneaky move there." Chanyeol grinned. "But I won't let you pull another one on me."

"Oh yeah?" Byul challenged, moving so suddenly that they were all surprised. Chanyeol fell back easily since he wasn't prepared for the attack and Byul easily side stepped his sword, pointing hers at his neck.

They panted, looking at each other. "What were you saying again?" Byul teased.

Chanyeol raised his hands up. "I admit defeat." he chuckled amusedly.

A series of loud claps made them look to the side. "WOOHOO!!! That's your bodyguard Baekhyun gege? Woah totally amazing!"

Byul blinked. Who....?

"Woahh did you see that sneaky move she pulled off?" another one asked. "Totally more badass than the shaolin monks!"

She looked over at Chanyeol for answers but the prince was already joining the EXO-K princes in giving the new visitors a massive twelve person group hug.

"HYUNGNIMSSSS!!" Sehun beamed brightly and smiled at the six new visitors. "You're here!"

Luhan smiled at his favorite dongsaeng. "Neh. Emperor baba let us come over to Korea for a visit."

"Aish look you crumpled my new robe." Kris adjusted his odd looking robe that Byul had never seen before.

"Yah what was it about naming your rabbit after me?" Suho demanded, frowning at Chen. Chen grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "You've got to admit. You look quite like a rabbit."

The EXO-K princes looked really familiar with the newcomers and they looked like they knew each other for a long time.

"Hey guys! How long are you staying in Korea?" Dahae piped up. "I missed you guys. Did you miss me too?" she beamed.

"Uh we're staying for a few weeks I guess." Tao answered, ignoring the last part of her question. It seems both maknaes have the natural ability of ignoring what and whom they don't want to hear and meet.

"Hey introduce us to the legendary bodyguard!" Xiumin grinned. "I heard she called you Ddong-ha!!"

Baekhyun flinched at the name. He made and face and tugged Byul forward. She looked at the guys curiously, wondering who they were.

"Guys, this is Han Eunbyul, my darned irritating and annoying-"

"AHEM!" Byul shot him a look.

"My bodyguard." Baekhyun finished. He gestured to the guys. "And these are our distant relatives from China. They are six princes called EXO-M, our counterparts in China." he grinned.

"Hellooooo!!" a reeeeally pretty looking guy stepped forward first. "I'm Luhan."

"MY BEST FRIEND!" Sehun piped up with a large smile.

He gestured to the rest of the princes. "This fierce looking one is Kris, the white faced one who looks like a bun is Xiumin, the skinny handsome one is Lay, this suave one who named his rabbit Suho is called Chen, and lastly this is Tao. Our maknae." he finished.

"HELLOOOOO!!" the six boys beamed at her, looking at her curiously.

"Oh and by the way," Luhan piped up. "Tao is really well versed in mar-"

A hand suddenly landed on Byul's shoulder and whipped her around. Byul sensed the next move coming before she even saw it, and blocked Tao's fist, twisting his arm and pinning him to the ground.

Tao pouted and blew a raspberry. "Aww! You're good!"

"-tial arts..." Luhan whispered, finishing.

"Woah that's really... What's that word again?" Lay scratched his head. "Daebak?"

Byul smiled. "Thanks." she bowed, helping Tao up. The maknae of EXO-M pouted at her and huffed. "I'll beat you some day!"

"That's pretty badass." Kris looked at her. "Tao's never been beaten before."

"Thanks." Byul smiled back. She supposed it was time for the bodyguard her to fade away into the background seeing how Dahae was glaring at her like that, but the EXO-M princes didn't seem to take their attention of her.

"Woah did you see that? She didn't even blush when Kris gege praised her!" Chen nudged Xiumin and whispered loudly.

"It's because she's sooooo used to my hotness that yours doesn't even come near." Baekhyun bragged teasingly.

Byul rolled her eyes and punched his arm lightly. "You wish."

She turned back to the EXO-M princes and found them all staring at her.

"I like you, Byul." Kris smirked. "I think all of us like you now. You're a girl to stay."

Chanyeol smiled proudly, glad his distant relatives liked Byul too. Baekhyun beamed happily while Sehun clapped.

All twelve princes seemed to like Byul quite a lot for a girl, seeing how different it was. Byul bit her lip, smiling. *These princes are nice too.*

She watched as Sehun bugged Luhan to tell him tales in China, Kai stop his dongsaeng from making a full of himself, Kris and Lay competing in who would look cooler, Suho and Chen still quarreling about the name of Chen's rabbit, Xiumin and D.O. talking about horses, Tao staring into space...

"I've got a feeling things just got crazier." Byul muttered.


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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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967 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
967 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.