Back to the Palace

My Bodyguard Princess

Baekhyun eyed the next door house with ultimate disdain. "That Yunho's living there." he muttered. He growled, thinking of how this guy might have been Byul's boyfriend or anything of the like. The mere thought aggravated him thoroughly.

He knew Chanyeol was kind of bothered by the new information that Jaeho provided, but he was too much of a nice person to do anything about it. However, even though Baekhyun was the Crown Prince...

Baekhyun grinned. He pinched his nose and used the dirty and unwanted rugs around in the house to hold the horse poop he collected. Yes, the Crown Prince of Korea collected horse poop just for this cause. Noble huh?

Baekhyun tip-toed over to the neighbor's house and peeked inside. There didn't seem to be anyone around. According to Byul, Yunho was working as a farmer and wasn't home for most of the time.

He grinned to himself and poured the horse poop all in front of Yunho's front door. He winced at the smile but took a step back to admire his handiwork.

"Hah! Serves you right for falling for Han Eunbyul you toot!" he hissed, glancing around and darting back to Byul's.



The next few days passed in a flash.

The two princes helped out in the house, experiencing commoner's life that they had never once experienced. It was rather difficult at first especially when they were used to servants helping them to do everything, and wearing soft silken robes instead of the scratching commoner ones, but they grew used to it.

Chanyeol hit it off with Jaeho marvellously and the little one just idolized this hyung, marvelling at Chanyeol's martial arts skills. It was a wonder how Jaeho disliked Baekhyun from the first moment, just like how his sister disliked the crown prince from the beginning.

Mrs Han managed to finish the bridal dress just on time and sent it to the mayor, who was full of praise. Mrs Han also began to recover from her weak state because of the nourishments and tonics that Baekhyun had brought in the first place and forced her to drink.

Soon, Byul had no more reason to stay with everything settled back at home. Mrs Han prepared a scrumptious dinner the evening the three were set to go.

"Umma, do you need help?" Byul asked, popping her head into the kitchen. "Sure you don't need me to help with anything?"

"Don't help noona, you'll burn the house down." Jaeho told his sister innocently.

Byul pouted and pinched her brother's cheek while Mrs Han laughed from the kitchen. "Your brother's right, Byul. You're not meant for the kitchen. Just wait for dinner to be served huh?"

"But you just recovered umma, you shouldn't be cooking and-" Byul started again when a pair of hands wrapped around her shoulders and steered her away from the kitchen.

"She said not to bother Byul. Just relax." Chanyeol told her, nudging her towards the benches were Baekhyun and Jaeho were. Baekhyun and Jaeho were throwing fits and harrumphing at each other, making faces and stucking out their tongues.

"Noona! Ddong hyung said I was short!" Jaeho complained once Byul arrived. Byul frowned and looked at Baekhyun who pouted. "He said I'm clumsy Han Eunbyul! He's insulting me!"

Byul rolled her eyes and shook her head. "How old are you? Eleven?" she retorted. "Can't you give in to a kid?" she asked, ruffling Jaeho's hair. Jaeho beamed brightly at Byul and made a face at Baekhyun. Baekhyun pouted. "But but-"

"You're so childish hyung." Chanyeol chuckled, amused. He looked at Jaeho and smiled. "My hyung is right though. You're short, but that's because you're only eleven. When you're twenty like us, you'll be tall and strong too." he promised.

"Really?" Jaeho smiled. "Great! You're so much better at talking, Chanyeol hyung!" he said enthusiastically. He shot a look at Baekhyun. "Not like Ddong hyung."

"Yah!" Baekhyun frowned.

"Don't bicker anymore kids! Dinner is served!" Mrs Han called. Jaeho let out a squeal and ran towards the table where his mother was putting out the dishes. The two princes went into the kitchen to help take out the dishes and bowls, something that they wouldn't have done before but they had gotten used to the way things worked around the house.

"Wow theses look delicious Mrs Han." Chanyeol smiled at Mrs Han. Mrs Han beamed and nodded. "Well tuck in everyone!"

They did. And it was certainly as Chanyeol described, delicious.

There were dishes that the princes had never seen before. Like plain fried bittergourd, or just eggs with tiny minced meat, the typical commoner dishes that the Royal Kitchen would NEVER dare to serve to any member of the royalty.

However, things that were cheap doesn't mean it doesn't taste good. From what the princes found out, the dishes Mrs Han cooked were better than any the Royal Kitchen had. Because there was a taste of home.

"I'm sad you boys need to go too. Eat more before you set off okay?" Mrs Han smiled. She looked at the boys with a smile that reached her eyes. "You boys are so helpful. And so different from the other friends Byul had."

"Has she had a lot of guys coming over to stay, Mrs Han?" Baekhyun asked slyly, shooting a look at Byul.

Mrs Han raised her brows amusedly, noticing how Chanyeol leaned forward to listen to her answer as well. "Well, for starters, Yunho and Eunhyuk used to come over almost everyday." she mused. "Those boys are practically living here even though their houses are just beside ours. And then there are the other guards in the academy that popped over frequently to see Byul."

She looked at her daughter. "To be honest, I think most of them had a crush on Byul but my dear daughter just didn't respond to their advances." she shook her head. "I really wonder if I'll see her settled some day."

"Umma!" Byul pinked, chewing on her rice.

Baekhyun dug hard into his bowl of rice and grumbled under his breath. "Stupid guards." he muttered.

Chanyeol set down his chopsticks and looked at Mrs Han. "Well I think your daughter is an amazing and attractive woman. She'll have no trouble finding someone who appreciates her." he glanced at Byul meaningfully.

Byul missed the look he gave her, feeding Jaeho his vegetables. Byul sighed and shook her head. "I don't think I'll get married though." she mumbled.

"WHY?" Chanyeol and Baekhyun blurted in unison.

Byul blinked. "Well...I just don't think so alright?" she muttered defensively. She her lips and stole a peek at Baekhyun, sighing to herself. *For one, the first person I fell in love with is in love with another girl. That's not really encouraging isn't it?*

Mrs Han chuckled at the scene. *You'll find someone, Byul. You'll find him. Or he's already here.*



The two princes went to pack up their things to return to the Palace and prepare the horses while Byul talked to her mother for the last time. "Take care on the way Byul. Don't work too hard alright?" Mrs Han took her daughter's hands and squeezed.

"Same to you, umma." Byul looked a little tearful. She hugged her mother. "I'll miss you umma. I don't want to leave." she sniffled.

Mrs Han patted her daughter's head. "I know. But you have to. It's what you do best isn't it, martial arts?" she smiled. "Even if you stay here you won't be happy. And I can't bear looking at you jumping from tree to tree either. Do what you like, Byul."

She parted from her daugher with a smile. "And I can see that if you're to stay here you'll miss Jeonha quite a lot." she mused.

Byul blinked and her cheeks rapidly pinked. "Huh? Why would I miss that Ddong...Jeonha?" she retorted. "He's not someone worthy of my thoughts, umma. So stubborn and mean."

Mrs Han chuckled. "Oh? But I thought you quite liked that Baekhyun kid."

Byul's eyes widened and she gasped. "Umma!"

Mrs Han laughed. "You think your mother didn't know that those two weren't just your normal guy friends? They're princes, I know." she smiled. "They behave so differently from your other friends who sometimes spit and curse. Their speech is so fluent and they actually have table manners. Which boy has that nowadays huh?"

"I can't believe you knew!" Byul whined.

"Well and partly because when you dragged both princes to the corner to question why they followed you here, it was directly outside my window." Mrs Han mused. "I heard everything."

She looked at Byul, now serious. "It's going to hurt, Byul ah. Falling in love with royalty is going to hurt you someway or another, and what's more from what I see, you've fallen for the Crown Prince. We are commoners. He's going to be the ruler of the country." she sighed. "Pardon me but I don't see how it's going to work out."

"I know." Byul whispered sadly. She looked at her mother, torn. "But I can't stop myself umma. I didn't even think I'd let myself feel anything so dumb but for that guy..." she trailed off.

"Just don't get anymore hurt, Byul." Mrs Han squeezed her shoulders. "And if it cheers you up, I think there might just be a chance where you become cinderella."



"Yah hyung where are you going? Byul's coming out any time and we have to go before it gets too dark." Chanyeol hollered.

"Just a minute! Something important to do!" Baekhyun called back. He clutched another rag full of horse poop which he had collected dutifully for the past few days. He slipped over to Yunho's house and dumped the poop in front of the front door again, like what he did every single day.

Baekhyun grinned at his handi work once more. Even though he only met Jung Yunho once, he had immense hatred for this guy that was supposedly Byul's "childhood lover."

"Yah! What are you doing?"

Baekhyun spun around in shock only so see Yunho and another girl by his side, frowning at Baekhyun. "You! Aren't you the guy staying over at Byul's?" Yunho marched up, demanding. "You're the one who's been dumping poop in front of my house!"

Baekhyun paled. Oops.

"Wow it's getting late huh, I have to go!" Baekhyun slipped off quickly, jumping over the fence and darting for the carriage. He heard Yunho yelling at him while the girl beside him tugged him back.

"Forget it Yeobo. He's gone." the girl told Yunho.

Baekhyun blinked as he closed the curtains of the carriage. "....Yeobo?"



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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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961 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
961 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.