
My Bodyguard Princess

"Where were you guys? How can you guys just disappear without telling us?" the EXO-K princes whined. "Man you guys visited the capital city and even got to live the commoner life and you didn't bring us along!"

"I want to go to Byul noona's house too!" Sehun pouted. "Why didn't you bring me?"

The two princes and Byul went back to the Palace and had a good nights' sleep, dreaming of the times back at Byul's home. Jaeho and Baekhyun's never ending bickers, the princes learning how to clean, the times taking care of Mrs Han and Jaeho.

But the very next day when they woke up, the rest of the EXO-K princes rushed over to Baekhyun's quarters early in the morning and hauled them up, demanding answers. They even went to wake Chanyeol up so that they could question the three suspects like a real jury.

"Why did you three go?" D.O. asked. "Is it really as they said? Byul's mother was sick so you went back?"

Byul nodded. "Yeah. My mother fell ill so I went home to take care of her till she's well." she shot a look at the two princes. "I don't know why these two followed along though."

All eyes narrowed on Chanyeol and Baekhyun. "Why did you follow Byul to her home, Baekhyun hyung? Chanyeol hyung?" Kai raised his brows, smirking.

Chanyeol pinked. "Well I thought she might need help." he shrugged as nonchalantly as possible so as not to give away his feelings. "I wanted to make sure it was okay back home. I'm a nice prince okay!"

All heads nodded. Chanyeol was a nice prince, no doubt.

All of them then shifted their attention to the Crown Prince. Baekhyun grew conscious of the gazes they threw him. "What? I'm nice too!" he defended.

Suho choked on his own saliva. "Seriously?"

"You're not someone who does these things normally, hyung." Kai probed, wanting to embarrass his hyung even more. "Nice doesn't explain your actions. There must be something else...."

Baekhyun his lips. How was he going to explain that he was missing Byul a little even though she only left for a few hours, and how was he going to clarify the implications of his words there after?

"Aish! I'm just looking for a chance to get out of the Palace see?" Baekhyun blurted. "Pure curiosity."

Byul's face fell. So he didn't come after her because he was worried or concerned or anything like that. Pure curiosity. Her heart sank and she sighed softly to herself, feeling stupid for thinking otherwise.

"I'm not sure that's really the case but we'll do with that answer for now." D.O. mumbled. He looked at Baekhyun. "By the way hyung, Dahae gongju has been asking for you for the past few days."

Baekhyun blinked in surprise. "Not Yeol?"

Sehun shook his head. "That's what made it strange. She wasn't looking for Chanyeol hyung. She kept looking for you, and she didn't even know Chanyeol hyung went off with you guys until we told her." he notified.

He wrinkled his nose in disgust. "How can you two go off like that huh? There's only the four of us lift to tolerate her and we just couldn't stand her talking about clothes and the latest fashion and gossip! Hyungs owe us one!"

Baekhyun scratched his head. "What did Dahae want to see me for?" he muttered under his breath, confused. Didn't Dahae like Chanyeol?

Byul's heart sank even further than possible. It was bad enough that Baekhyun was in love with Dahae, but now if Dahae began returning the same feelings to Baekhyun, was she expected to watch the two act lovey dovey together just because she was the bodyguard? She may be physically strong but she doubted she would be able to withstand the sight.

Byul sighed. *Han Eunbyul, why must you be so stupid to fall for Ddong-ha?*



Sure enough, when Dahae heard that the two princes were back in the Palace, she rushed all the way to Baekhyun's quarters to see them. "Jeonha!" she smiled brightly, rushing over to Baekhyun and expecting a hug. "You're back."

Baekhyun stood there awkwardly and gestured for her to sit, ignoring her open and welcoming arms. "Uhm yeah."

A flicker of suspicion lit Dahae's expression but it was gone as quickly as it came. She sat down on the chair beside him and shifted closer to him. "You're back, Jeonha. I missed you." she declared, not a little afraid of her honesty.

The other princes looked at each other in surprise. Chanyeol, especially, since that was what she usually said to him. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of hope when he thought that Dahae was finally over him.

Byul on the other hand felt like suffocating herself. She quietly slipped off to the corner of the room where she couldn't hear what they said and looked out of the window, willing for time to pass quickly.

"Oh...err thanks." Baekhyun nodded once, not knowing what to say. The girl he liked was saying things like "I miss you" to him and he wasn't getting a bit affected by it. Is something wrong with him?

He shook his head, puzzled. He looked at Dahae, opening his mouth to say the same words back but they just wouldn't come out. His lips refused to move and stayed at that position, stiff.

No, he just couldn't say he missed her. Because it would be such a blatant lie.

From the moment he knew Byul had left the Palace to look for her mother, he hadn't thought of Dahae even for a single nanosecond. He only remembered her existence when they were talking about her just before. He was the Crown Prince for heaven's sake, he couldn't lie could he?

Baekhyun closed his mouth again, drinking in the air.

"Where did you go, Jeonha?" Dahae asked, fluttering her eyelashes. She never even threw Chanyeol a look, which was all the more puzzling. The other princes looked on and put on their thinking caps, wanting to figure out this strange phenomenon.

"Oh, Yeol and I visited Han Eunbyul's house." At the mention of Byul, Baekhyun's lips curled upwards. "Her mother was sick so she went back, and I decided to go check it out too." he looked at Chanyeol. "Didn't expect Yeol to follow as well."

Chanyeol grinned. "More like I didn't expect you to be concerned for Byul, hyung."

Baekhyun frowned. "I told you, it was curiosity." he hissed, making a face.

Dahae looked at Baekhyun in surprise. "So you really went to Byul's house?" she asked in absolute shock. Her face was pale and the alarm was obvious in her eyes.

"Uhm yeah." Baekhyun nodded, frowning. "I went. Errr Yeol went too. I think you're missing the point here, Yeol went to Han Eunbyul's house together with me too." he emphasized.

But Dahae ignored the part about Chanyeol. "But why Jeonha? Why suffer at a commoner's home? It must be dirty and filthy there, with not even a nice enough bed to sleep in." she complained. "And I heard the commoners rear their own lambs and cows. Wouldn't that be smellier than the stables? Eww!"

Baekhyun grew defensive. "For your information Dahae the visit was wonderful." he told her. "Han Eunbyul's mother was really nice to us and we both enjoyed the visit. Can't say the same for her annoying little brother but oh well, he's exactly like his sister." he grinned slightly.

"But you're royalty, Jeonha." Dahae frowned. "How can you go off to a commoner's house so easily? It's so degrading?"

Baekhyun grew more and more irritated with Dahae's words. "Yes I am royalty, Dahae. But we are all humans and I don't see why I'm supposed to be more important and superior just because I'm born into the royal family. I know I use my Crown Prince status here and there, but we should all know that everyone is equal."

He threw an exasperated look at Dahae. "And Han Eunbyul isn't exactly commoner either." he defended. "She's my bodyguard and she saved my so many times. I figure she's as much royalty as me."

Dahae gaped at Baekhyun, utterly astonished by the revelations. Was Baekhyun defending Byul?

*This isn't good, Dahae.* she thought to herself. *You haven't gotten Chanyeol's affections for so many years but you've always had Jeonha's as backup. Now even he is changing. You can't let that happen! You can be the future Queen if it is so!*

The other EXO-K princes were shocked as well.

"Am I dreaming?" Sehun whispered. "Did Baekhyun hyung nearly get into a fight with Dahae gongju? Like Baekhyun hyung?"

Kai nodded, his eyes exceptionally wide. "This is really surprising. I thought hyung always stood on Dahae's side no matter what happens." he quirked a smile. "Seems like things are changing here."

Chanyeol wathced in utter amazement as Baekhyun finally got tired of talking to Dahae and looked around for Byul. He saw her staring blankly out of the window and went to get her back, making her sit beside him and joking around when he felt that Byul didn't look all too happy.

*Is Kai right?* Chanyeol thought. *Hyung, are you really changing?*




Hey babies! I'm back in action! :D Missed me? HEHEHE

Anyway I forgot about it but yeah, I made a new story (again) trust me I'll update, I have nothing to do now. So yeah, see you there---->>

The Man who never Dies [CLICK]


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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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967 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
967 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.