Naughty EXO-M

My Bodyguard Princess

"What is she doing here, Jeonha?" Dahae blurted in distaste the next day.

The group of royal princes and princess had met again the next day for their daily activities looking for fun things to do in the Palace. The EXO-K princes learnt a few new games and interesting things they could do from EXO-M princes, and vice versa.

The princes were also trying hard to learn Chinese from their chinese counterparts.

Dahae was disgusted and utterly disappointed when she saw Baekhyun and Byul coming towards them again. The princes bounded towards Byul like mice to cheese, absolutely delighted to see her.

"Byul jie jie! Let's have a rematch!" Tao exclaimed immediately when he saw her. D.O. knocked the martial arts pro on the head. "Not every day, Tao. Even I'm getting bored of watching you lose all the time." he muttered.

Dahae went over to Baekhyun immediately when she saw Byul. She looked around for any sign of Eunhyuk or any other bodyguards, but there were none to be seen. "What is she doing here Jeonha?" Dahae asked Baekhyun, frowning.

"Who? Han Eunbyul?" Baekhyun turned to look where Dahae was looking at.

"Of course it's her!" Dahae shrilled. She looked at Baekhyun, offended. "I don't like her, Jeonha. Can't you change your bodyguard? Just get another guy or something!" she gestured wildly to the princes who were flogging Byul. "Don't you see how they're ignoring me right now?"

Baekhyun looked at her, stone faced. Other times he might have felt sympathetic for her because she was Dahae, but for this time he just couldn't muster any feelings besides a slight tinge of feeling annoyed, which he was ferverently trying to push down in the depths of his tummy.

"They didn't exactly pay you attention yesterday when Han Eunbyul wasn't there, either." Baekhyun pointed out.

Dahae flushed pink. "Yeah, but interacting and forming bonds need time." she reasoned. "I want to bond with the EXO-M princes before they go back!"

"You could have tried to talk to them when they came over when we were young. You were too busy playing princess to care about us." Baekhyun muttered. He sighed and looked at Dahae tiredly. "I'm not sending Han Eunbyul off, Dahae. She's my bodyguard."

"Can't you get a new one?" Dahae frowned.

"No." Baekhyun was secretly pleased of his parents' approval of Byul. "The King and Queen themselves have said that I'm not to change bodyguards unless Han Eunbyul wants to quit."

Dahae's face fell. WHAT.

She began rubbing her palms and thinking of ways to get Byul to quit her job when Baekhyun cut her thoughts. "And even if they didn't say that, I wouldn't change my bodyguard either." he told her seriously. "Han Eunbyul is my bodyguard, Dahae. You've got to live with it."

Dahae stared at him dumbfounded as he walked off, joining the other princes as they laughed and chatted, playing around. She grinded her teeth as Chanyeol smiled brightly at Byul, while Baekhyun teased Byul easily like they were really familiar with each other.

Why didn't they do that with her? WHY WHY WHY!

"Ugh! Han Eunbyul! I hate you." Dahae muttered under her breath.




"Hey. Do you see what I'm seeing?" Lay nudged Kris.

Kris looked up. He nodded. "Yes."

"What? What are you two looking at?" Luhan asked, turning his head around.

Lay nudged Luhan's head in the direction they were looking at. "That. Can you see what I'm seeing?" he asked.

Luhan nodded solemnly. "Yeah. Pretty serious business there. Getting complicated by the minute."

Kris scratched his head confusedly and looked at the other two. "Huh? Complicated? Wait, weren't you two talking about the lotus bud over there?" he pointed at the lotus bud that was floating in the pond behind Byul, Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

Lay and Luhan looked at each other and rolled their eyes. "OH PLEASE."

Xiumin bobbed his head over them as they sat down and he stood. He nodded at the scene and clicked his tongue. "Woah. Never thought I'd see Baekhyun smiling so widely with a girl other than Dahae." he noted.

Byul, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were sitting by the pond, playing some type of new finger game which the EXO-M princes just thought them. The other five EXO-K princes were still being coached by Tao and Chen on how to play the game, and they just couldn't get it. The faster players like Byul, Baekhyun and Chanyeol then went to try out the game for themselves. Dahae just sat at the side and sulked.

The three were having fun, trying to win each other. When it was Byul's turn, the rest of the EXO-M princes saw how Chanyeol looked at Byul with affectionate dreamy eyes and a gentle smile on his face.

"Owww Chanyeol-gun looks like he got it bad." Kris winced.

They continued looking at the three in interest.

Byul tried her move and failed to win, and the turn was passed on to Baekhyun. Byul made a face and Baekhyun nudged her forehead playfully, flicking her ponytail. Byul giggled and nudged him back on the shoulder.

"And from what I see, Baekhyun's got it too." Xiumin muttered. "One complicated triangle right there."

"But I thought Baekhyun-gun liked Dahae?" Luhan asked, blinking in confusion. Lay rolled his eyes and sat down beside his hyung. "Feelings can change right? Besides everyone would prefer Byul better than Dahae. Dahae's so whiny and pampered." he snorted.

"But do you think Baekhyun knows it yet?" Kris asked. "Of his growing feelings for Byul? I mean look at him, it's hard to believe the feelings he has for Byul is purely platonic." he shook his head.

Xiumin narrowed his eyes at Baekhyun. "From my understanding of the Korean Crown Prince....that blockheaded person doesn't know of it yet." he muttered.

A sly grin lit his face. "Don't you think it's unfair that Chanyeol-gun's aware of his feelings and Baekhyun-gun isn't?" he asked with a smile. "Don't you think for fair competition, both parties should be aware of their inner feelings first? I mean, for Byul to choose the best guy for herself."

"So what do you think we should do?" Luhan looked at him.

"Not that I'm favoring Baekhyun-gun or anything, but for a fairer competition..." he smirked. He looked back at the trio. "I think Baekhyun-gun needs a little push."




"Aish, why did the EXO-M princes want to eat kimchi all of a sudden anyway." Baekhyun muttered under his breath. "And fresh from the kimchi storeroom too. How picky."

Byul smiled. "They're cute." she shrugged. "Like little boys."

Baekhyun turned to her, narrowing his eyes. "Oh. So now you think they're cute." he muttered in a deadpanned voice.

Byul raised her brows at him. "Yeah. They are cute aren't they?" she shrugged. "I thought it was a fact universally acknowledged."

"Meh." Baekhyun made a face. They entered the kimchi storeroom which was dark and cold for better kimchi fermentation. There was a slightly sharp and stinging smell of fermentaion which non-Koreans would not have been able to stand, but being koreans through and through, both of them were okay with it.

"I have the bowl." Byul gestured. "Help me lift the lid and we'll get some out."

Baekhyun lifted the heavy stone lid and tried to hold it up as Byul scooped some of the kimchi into the bowl. He slammed it shut immediately after Byul was done, shrugging his arms. "Oh man, that was heavy."

Byul grinned and poked his arm. "Weak." she teased.

"Excuse me?" Baekhyun raised his brows. He lifted his arm and slid his sleeve up, flexing his muscles. Or if they were there.

"And what am I supposed to be looking out for again?" Byul asked, grinning teasingly. "Bones or skin?"

"Hey!" Baekhyun pushed her forehead again, a habit that had came to him. They walked towards the door and Baekhyun pushed.

It didn't budge.

"Oh man Ddong-ha you really are weak." Byul groaned, holding the kimchi bowl.

"I'm not!" Baekhyun protested. He pushed at it again, this time using more strength. It still didn't budge.

"Aish, let me." Byul handed him the kimchi bowl and folded her sleeves. She narrowed her eyes at the door and gave it a hard hard push!

And it still didn't budge.

Byul's eyes widened. "Hah!" Baekhyun snorted. "You're pretty weak yourself!"

Byul frowned, ignoring Baekhyun's words. She nudged the door a little and tried to look out of the hole. She saw something dangling on the other side of the door where the keyhole was supposed to be.

She paled and turned to look at Baekhyun. "Ddong-ha I think....we're being locked in."



Double updated guys :)

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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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967 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
967 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.