
The Broken Girl


Jimin was cautious of me from that day forth. Iri stopped coming by, Namjoon must have informed the others so they wouldn't ask questions. 

I did everything to distract myself. Helping Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon with the music. Learning the piano is always a good distraction. 

But then, "It's Iri's birthday tomorrow." Jimin announced suddenly, by then I hadn't talked nor seen her in two weeks. I knew it was her birthday, I had my calendar marked, I was going to get her a stuffed puppy if I couldn't get her the real thing. Whatever, right. 

"I'm hosting the party at my place. You guys should come, she'll appreciate it." Jimin smiled at us, carefully avoiding my gaze. 

I snorted in amusement, "I bet she will."

I got a smack in the head by Taehyung who silently glared, causing me to shut up and drink my water. 


I hung back as everyone brought their gifts. Mine was still tucked inside my closet, never to see the light of day. She doesn't need mine. Whether she would like it or not, it was one less thing to worry about. 

Jimin invited us in with a smile, it faltered when I entered last. I gave him a mocking grin and shoved my way through. 

She wasn't here yet, which was a relief. I hadn't have enough time to collect myself, I walked to the single's couch and plopped on it with my ear-pods stuffed in both my ears. 

At some point, she came. I didn't know when, I wanted to ignore and block everything out. I definitely did not want to see the hurt that spread her face when her gaze landed on me. 

I merely smirked and turned back to my phone. Just get through one hour and after that you can leave the two lovebirds alone. 

I unplugged one side of my ear-pods to listen in, I didn't want to be ruder than I already was. Hoseok told her that she missed him, and while there was no light giggle I knew that she smiled. 

When he tried to hug her, she backed away. That was strange. "I have a cold, sorry." Hoseok hid his disappointment and told her to take care of her body. 

When she started to be more interactive, I told her that it wouldn't hurt if she touched someone. It doesn't have to be a hug, but just try not to flinch whenever someone does. It seemed like she was back to square one. And she was making such progress, I thought in melancholy. 

We sang happy birthday and gave her our gifts. The teams pooled in to get her headphones. I knew she has a collection, Yoongi was almost ed when he chanced upon it. 

It was electric blue, her favourite colour. She smiled a genuine smile for the first time, it tugged at my heart. "Thanks." But then it dropped when she looked at me. 

Her eyes looked tired, like she hadn't slept in a long time. Don't concern yourself, Jeon Jungkook. That's what Jimin's for. 

Something was weird, I noticed even when I tried not to. Iri was sitting next to Jimin but she was distant, whenever Jimin draped his hands on her shoulder she froze. Hyung must have noticed because he retracted it away. What the hell?


It was the weekend so Jimin said that we could sleepover. I said I was going to head home instead but before that, "Hyung, can I talk to you for a sec?"

Jimin folded his arm in defense when I shut the door behind me. "What do you want?"

I widened my eyes in face of his hostility, "I noticed you two seemed... distant? I thought you two would be like lovebirds by now." I voiced my thoughts and looked away. 

I heard his harsh chuckle, "Yeah whatever you thought would happen? It didn't." He glared at me with indignation. "Do you know how it took for her open up? 129 days," he informed, "I counted. Do you know how torn she was when her parents got killed? I did my best to keep her sane, to keep her aunt from dragging her to the psych ward. And then because of you, she shuts down again. She may seemed fine, but you don't hear what I hear. You don't see the scars-"

"She's cutting again?" My voice broke, reverting my eyes back to his. His widened in realisation. 

"You knew and you did that to her?" His voice was rising but kept his calm on account of all his guests still inside. He gulped his saliva and pulled me to the corridor balcony. "Do you know why she's afraid of skin contact?"

I always thought that it was because her parents died. "She was by her parent's murderer. The son of a was caught but she never got over it. When I found her, she was bleeding."

I was so shock that I didn't know what to say. What could I say, I didn't know. "I didn't kn-"

"She needed an anchor and I was it for her." Jimin's voice broke and he stifled a sob. "She tried to kill herself, Kook. It broke my heart, that's why I can't leave her alone. Her nightmares are always recurring but at least with me here she didn't have to face it alone."

"But then you left." I said slowly. "You made me promised."

"For her not to feel abandoned." Jimin was bawling his eyes, tears had unknowingly streaked from mine as well. "For her not to fall in too deep."

"Hyung... Why didn't you just tell me?" I sniffed, wiping my tears with my sleeve. 

"Do you really think she wanted everyone to know that she was violated? Do you really think it wouldn't change your opinion of her?" Jimin asked and I had to think for myself. 

It didn't take long, because I knew it wouldn't. I love her too much. "I love her, yes." Jimin confessed. "I tried not to, but who was kidding?" He chuckled in self deprecation. "When I came back you were to do something in four months I hadn't been able to do in a twenty."

I looked at him in confusion. Jimin sighed, "You made her truly happy again. And yes I was jealous, but it broke my heart to see her the way she is now." And then he leaned forward, "Kook-ah, please, talk to her."

I didn't wiped my tears completely before I barged back in. My eyes immediately fixed on her tired ones as I pulled on her for her to stand up. She yelped in pain and then I realised the still raw scars she had and loosened my grip. 

"We're leaving." I announced not turning back and then took her back into her place. 

When she unlocked and let me in, I towered over her. "We need to talk."


A/N: Just a heads up, the next chapter will be the last. I am thinking of maybe writing sequel but don't quote me on that. As always, thanks again for the wonderful comments and happy reading!

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wonderdream #1
Chapter 7: This story is soon fantastic and cute>.<
The characters suit well and the storylines kind of unique. Its my second time reading this and I'm not boring. Thanks:)
k_monahan_9 #2
Chapter 11: Make a sequel pwwweeeeaaassseeee
Waa~ that was so beautiful, so amazing, so intense. I loved the story! Really, thanks for write such perfect fanfic^^
Chapter 11: Yaaaas.. I finished reading another fics...and of yours Authornim. Even if its short I like how I can feel the emotions cookie was in. uwaah looking forward to the sequel :')
Chapter 11: oh my god! please make a sequelll XD
pigFlash #6
I do want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart who took the time to read my story. Mediocre as it was, thank you once again and have a Happy New Year!
Chapter 11: I swear, this story is so freaking cute! And it's short and simple- what's there not to love about this story?
Chapter 10: Omg..... Is she in love with kookie or jimin....? I gotta know..... Both of them need to confess!! Jk, good luck jungkook!!! Hope she forgives you!