
The Broken Girl


I didn't want to but I followed her. I still remembered the last time I did she literally screamed at me. I should give up, I just got slapped. But some part of me is incessant and I just can't leave her the hell alone. 

So here I am, following her to her apartment. She stopped in the middle of the road at one point, she paused a bit before continuing on. If she knew I was following her, she didn't care. Fine by me. 

She was only a block from her complex when she abruptly turned to glare daggers at me. "Leave me alone!" She shouted in frustrations. Luckily no one was around to see her crazy. Like I didn't want to. 

"The hyungs and I are having a get together. You should come." I said, not really asking her. Jimin wants her to hangout with us, that's what I'm gonna-

"No." She deadpanned and walked through the entrance. I managed to squeeze in before it was shut and followed her through the lift. "What are you doing?" She looked at me in panicked. I didn't realised how close I have gotten. 

I smirked at her, "You don't mind it when it was hyung touching you." I sneered, suppressing an unpleasant feeling bubbling in me. 

"I'm not going." She said ignoring my previous statement. "I'm not going anywhere until he comes back." She folded her arms. She's stubborn I'll give her that. 

I ran my tongue in my mouth in thought, "Fine. Then I'll call the hyungs and we'll come and visit you."

"I'll have you banned." She threatened, I almost smirked at her bravado. I resisted the urge to tell her, 'I like to see your try.'

"We'll drop by after practice." I walked her to her door and announced. She didn't invite me in, she did however slammed the door in my face. . 


"How's she holding up?" Namjoon asked when we were finishing up. He was sweating a lot, and not for the first time I appreciated his effort. Seokjin and him may not be the best dancers but at least they give it their all. 

"You mean when she's not shouting at my face?" I snorted, wiping sweat off my cheek. 

Namjoon slapped me lightly behind my head, "Jungkook..." He warned and I shut up. 

By then Yoongi had already finished zipping up his bag and slinging it on his shoulders. "So let's go. It's Namjoon's turn to buy pizza anyways." He left with the others trailing him behind. 

I heard Namjoon murmured behind me, "Ah, my money.." I couldn't helped but grin. 


"Iri-ah!" Yoongi held up his hands in mildly enthused. He has the spirit of an eight year old, so mildly enthused is as enthused as he's going to get. 

She said nothing she answered her door, at least she didn't slammed on it the minute she saw our faces but I could tell she was less then happy. But we figured Yoongi is the only one after Jimin that could carry a decent conversation with, due to their similar demeanor, so here we are now. 

"We bought pizza." Hoseok piped in hopefully. He, more than anyone missed Jimin, there was a pretty big hole when he left. Even if it's temporary. 

I could see her fighting herself internally, before finally sighing and pushed the door wider for us to enter. I was the last one in so no one saw me getting stomped at the foot by the ice princess. 

I gave a cold grin and glared daggers as I removed my shoes. This was the first time we've been in her apartment. Of course we've been to Jimin's which was right across. It was similarly designed, but the feel was different. 

Her place was more solemn, her aunt and her were definitely minimalist. I see no pictures of her parents, maybe she didn't want to be reminded of the pain day in and day out. 

We ate at her coffee table, three large pizzas, six guys and a girl, it was a piece of cake. She didn't talk a lot but she did answer questions on how she was doing. She was at least verbal on Jimin's condition in Australia. 

Maybe it's just because she particularly abhors me but she interacts with the hyungs alright. I tried not to think about what it meant. Stop being bitter, Jeon Jungkook. 

I was cleaning the glasses we drank coke off, I didn't realised she was standing right behind me. I literally got a heart attack. 

She was fidgeting, like she was nervous. Why is she nervous, I tilted my head in confusion. 

And then she said the one thing I never thought she'd say. Thank you. And a ing smile. Pardon?

She left me confused and a little flustered, where's the stone cold I love to hate?

She is doing things to my mind that I am none too happy about, and this is going to end. 

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wonderdream #1
Chapter 7: This story is soon fantastic and cute>.<
The characters suit well and the storylines kind of unique. Its my second time reading this and I'm not boring. Thanks:)
k_monahan_9 #2
Chapter 11: Make a sequel pwwweeeeaaassseeee
Waa~ that was so beautiful, so amazing, so intense. I loved the story! Really, thanks for write such perfect fanfic^^
Chapter 11: Yaaaas.. I finished reading another fics...and of yours Authornim. Even if its short I like how I can feel the emotions cookie was in. uwaah looking forward to the sequel :')
Chapter 11: oh my god! please make a sequelll XD
pigFlash #6
I do want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart who took the time to read my story. Mediocre as it was, thank you once again and have a Happy New Year!
Chapter 11: I swear, this story is so freaking cute! And it's short and simple- what's there not to love about this story?
Chapter 10: Omg..... Is she in love with kookie or jimin....? I gotta know..... Both of them need to confess!! Jk, good luck jungkook!!! Hope she forgives you!