Chapter 2: Meeting Her

Always You


! I am running late already and since it is our first day back at school, Coach wanted to call a meeting first thing in the morning.


As I was rushing to enter the University gate and looking at my phone at the same time, I was unaware of a girl standing infront of me causing me to collide with her.


Instead of apologizing, I acted like a jerk because I am so agitated now that I will be later than I have to with the meeting. I did not even help her pick up her things. I know, I know I am an and I really regretted that especially when I saw the beautiful face that looked up angrily at me.


I have not seen her face before, that I am sure of being popular at girls in this school I practically know almost every girl here so this girl standing in front of me must be the new student from America then.


Well, how did I know that? Easy, since I am the Headmistress only son. Yep that’s right my family owns this University & my Mom happens to be the headmistress. I heard from her last night during dinner that a new student from a prominent family transferred to our University this school year & she came from America.


So anyway, I was not prepared with what I felt when I saw her face. Though it is flushed (due to her irritation at me I suppose) still I cannot deny the fact that she is the most beautiful girl I have seen in my whole life & I was startled with the fast beating of my heart. But I decided to continue being an @ss anyways to annoy her as she became prettier when she is mad.


When she walked away from me, madly if I may say so I felt a twinge of regret for not creating a first good impression on her.



I made my way to the gym suddenly remembering the meeting I was supposed to be in & forgetting momentarily the fateful encounter I had with the new girl.



I was walking through the school corridor after my encounter with the jerk. Checking my class schedule to make sure that I am in the right room, 214.. well yep this is it, my own room.


I was standing by the door not really looking inside the room when I heard my name being yelled.


DARA!!!!! Omo.. it that really her?


I looked up & saw my counsin Bom & my best friends CL & minzy standing up from their chairs & looking at my way.


BOM: Dara!!! Yah!!


CL: Omo, is it true? Is that really Dara?


Minzy: Unnie? But it’s not possible? Unnie is in US..


The girls rushed at me. Then hugged me tightly.. We are laughing & crying at the same time..


Bom: Pabo! What are you doing here? When did you came


Dara: Hey! I miss you too my crazy cousin..kekeke!


CL: I miss you Dara! But what are you doing here


Minzy: Yes Unnie I miss you too, but really why are you suddenly here?


Dara: Mianhe girls. I just arrived the other day. I am so sorry for keeping this secret but I wanted to surprise you. Well you see (I hold out to them my class schedule), I am studying here now & we will be class mates.kekeke!


BOM, CL, MINZY: Mwa! Really, you are transferring here? Waaaaahhh! I am so happy!


DARA: Me too.. Finally after a long time girls!


CL: Let’s go to our chairs. It’s good that the chair beside Bom is still vacant, you can sit there Dara.


Upon seating in their respective chairs. (window-dara-bom-cl-minzy-aisle)The girls continued their chatter not minding the stares that they are receiving form the other students who have witnessed their little reunion.


BOM: (pouting prettily) I missed you couz.. But I have not yet forgiven you for keeping something this big from me. Imagine you arrived here at Seoul the other day but you never informed any of us?


DARA: Bom, I told you I wanted to surprise you. How can it be a surprise if I told you about my plans?


CL: Right Bom. How can it be a surprise? Dara has a point so stop whining!


Bom glared at CL.


BOM: But I felt kind of bad that you arrived here & not even one of us fetch you at the airport.


MINZY: Yeah Dara-unnie, I kinda feel bad also.


DARA: Girls don’t feel bad. I just really wanted to surprise you that’s why I did that. Please don”t feel bad about it. What’s important is I am here now.


CL: But Dara, how did you manage to have Uncle & Auntie’s approval? They are so protective of you right?


DARA: Nathan-oppa helped me plead with them. Kekeke! Mind you, it took me a long time of pleading and bargaining with them before they approved. I was not sure at first that they will that’s why I did not say anything about my transferring to you girls when we talked last week.


MINZY: Ah. I see. Good thing Nathan-oppa was able to help you convince them.


Suddenly there is a commotion at hallway. A lot of girls are screaming.


DARA: Oh. What is happening?


CL: (smirking) That means the Big Bang has arrived.


DARA: Big Bang? What it is?


BOM: Well they are composed of 5 boys. I must say the most popular & handsome looking boys at this University.


MINZY: Yeah Unnie. You should see them, they are so popular & they are the members of the basketball team.


DARA: Uh. Ok.


Then suddenly the door opens. The first that came inside was a tall guy with blue hair. He is handsome if not for his blue colored hair, weird.


Next came a guy who is a bit shorter than the first guy but has a very chinky eyes. He is very good looking as well & has a well-defined body.


Came next is a guy that has a long bangs, as in it literally covers half of his face so I don’t know if he is that good looking as the second guy.


Then a cute guy with panda eyes entered next. He is walking casually & winking at every girls he passes by. Flirt!


Last to enter was the guy I collided with earlier. I was surprised! Does this mean I will be classmates with this jerk? Omo! But even if I am so irritated with him, I can’t still deny the fact that among the 5 of them he is the most good looking (my opinion only, neh?). He is so graceful & stylish that almost all girls that he passes by are drooling at him. Then he suddenly looked at my direction, probably he felt my stares & was also shocked upon seeing me! Then after sometime smirked at me & continue walking inside the classroom to take his seat with his friends.




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